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進入權:公司治理中的關鍵資源配置(英文) [Research into Corp
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【作者】 過聚榮 
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Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Propounding a question
1.2 Definition and analysis of four major relevant concepts
1.2.1 Corporate governance, governance structure by legal representative and corporate governance structure
1.2.2 Essential resources
1.2.3 Stakeholders
1.2.4 The access
1.2.5 The access, rights of application and proprietary rights
1.3 Major research methods, major train of thought and major contents
1.3.1 Major research methods
1.3.2 Major train of thought
1.3.3 Major contents
1.4 Major conclusions and new points of view
1.4.1 Major conclusions
1.4.2 New points of views

Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 The entrepreneurial theories
2.1.1 Transaction cost theory
2.1.2 Contractual theory
2.1.3 Proprietary right theory
2.1.4 Principalagent theory
2.1.5 Commentary on enterprise theories
2.2 The corporate governance theory
2.2.1 Enterprise administrator theory
2.2.2 The simple finance model
2.2.3 The stewardship model
2.2.4 Stakeholder theory
2.2.5 Financial contractual theory
2.2.6 Commentary on the corporate governance theories
2.3 The access theory
2.3.1 The access basis
2.3.2 Brief introduction of the access model
2.3.3 Comparison between the access and the proprietary right
2.3.4 Significance of the access theory

Chapter Three Access Model of Corporate Governance Analysis
3.1 Ordinary model for the distribution of the access
3.1.1 Hypothesis
3.1.2 Establishing the model
3.1.3 Theoretic analysis of the specific investment and the distribution of the access
3.2 Framework of the access model for corporate governance analysis
3.2.1 Relation model for corporate governance variable based on the access theory
3.2.2 Corporate governance model based on the access theory
3.3 Endogenous variable analysis of the access model
3.3.1 Characteristics of essential resources
3.3.2 Personal caliber
3.4 Exogenous variable analysis of the access model
3.4.1 Characteristics of the industries
3.4.2 Size of the enterprises

Chapter Four Action Mechanism and Its Application of the Access of Essential Resources
4.1 Action mechanism of the access with customers' capital as essential resource
4.1.1 Customers relation as the essential resource
4.1.2 Characteristic analysis with customers' capital as essential resource
4.1.3 Investment characteristic analysis of the customer resource
4.1.4 Access action mechanism with customers' capital as essential resource
4.2 Action mechanism of the access with technology as essential resource
4.2.1 Propounding a question
4.2.2 Examination of the major technological pathways
4.2.3 Characteristics analysis of key technologies
4.2.4 Case comparison between American Airlines and Zhongxun Group
4.2.5 The access mechanism analysis of the key technologies and its strategy
4.3 Action mechanism of the access with decisionmaking resource as essential resource
4.3.1 Propounding a question
4.3.2 Relevant discussion on the latest literature
4.3.3 Investment characteristics analysis of the decisionmaking resource
4.3.4 Decisionmaking resource, the distribution of the access and the case study of risk investment governance
4.4 Action mechanism analysis of the access for human capital
4.4.1 Personal governance problem as essential resource for the enterprise
4.4.2 Distribution of the access to key personnel
4.5 Method for distributing the access of essential resources
4.5.1 Identification
4.5.2 Classification
4.5.3 Distribution
4.5.4 Integration

Chapter Five Fresh Understanding of Corporate Governance from the Access
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Evolution of the key functions of corporate governance
5.2.1 Shareholder primacyoriented governance
5.2.2 Efficiencyoriented governance
5.2.3 Safetyprimacyoriented governance
5.3 Redefinition of the function of Board of Directors
5.3.1 The composition, function and size of the Board of Directors
5.3.2 Independence of Board of Directors and special committees
5.3.3 Directors in the Board
5.3.4 Redefinition of the functions of the Board based on the access theory
5.4 Governance of human capital intensive enterprise: a case study of S Corporation
5.4.1 Propounding a question
5.4.2 The case study of S Corporation
5.4.3 Governance analysis of human capital intensive enterprise
5.4.4 Access analysis of human capital intensive enterprises
5.4.5 Inspirations

Chapter Six Further Discussions - from the Internal Governance to the External Governance
6.1 From the internal governance to the external governance - its practice and theoretic discussions
6.1.1 From the internal governance to the external governance
6.1.2 Combination of governance with strategy
6.2 The governance of technical innovation network
6.2.1 Propounding a question
6.2.2 The characteristic and causal analysis of technological innovation and technological innovation networking
6.2.3 Commentary on the theoretic viewpoints regarding technological innovation network
6.2.4 Network governance analysis based on the access theory
6.3 How newlyestablished enterprises construct their value network - the case study of Dapod
6.3.1 Brief introduction of Dapod
6.3.2 Functions of Dapod
6.3.3 Its competitors
6.3.4 Constructing value relation network
6.3.5 The access analysis
6.4 Possible prospects for applying the access theory

Chapter Seven Conclusion


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