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  • 【新華正版】計算機英語實用教程 第4版 9787302569725 清華大學
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    作  者:張強華,司愛俠 編
    定  價:49.8
    出 版 社:清華大學出版社
    頁  數:284
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●Unit 1 Computer Hardware 1
    Text AComputer Hardware (1)1
    1.Introduction 1
    2.Input Devices 1
    3.Central Processing Unit (CPU)3
    4.Main Memory 4
    New Words 5
    Phrases 8
    Abbreviations 9
    Text A參考譯文計算機硬件(1)10
    1.引言 10
    2.輸入設備 10
    3.中央處理器(CPU) 12
    4.主存 12
    Text BComputer Hardware (2)13
    5.Secondary Storage Devices 13
    6.Output Devices 15
    New Words 17
    Phrases 18
    Abbreviations 19
    Text B參考譯文計算機硬件(2) 19
    5.輔助存儲設備 19
    6.輸出設備 21
    Exercises 22
    Online Resources 25
    Unit 2Software 26
    Text A Different Types of Software 26
    1.Application Software 26
    2.System Software 27
    3.Programming Software 27
    4.Driver Software 28
    5.Another Classification of Software 28
    6.Conclusion 29
    New Words 29
    Phrases 31
    Abbreviations 31
    Text A參考譯文軟件的不同類型 32
    1.應用軟件 32
    2.繫統軟件 32
    3.編程軟件 33
    4.驅動程序軟件 33
    5.另一種軟件分類 33
    6.結論 34
    Text BThe Seven Phases of the System Development Life Cycle 34
    1.Planning 35
    2.Systems Analysis and Requirements 35
    3.Systems Design 36
    4.Development 36
    5.Integration and Testing 36
    6.Implementation 36
    7.Operations and Maintenance 36
    New Words 37
    Phrases 39
    Abbreviations 39
    Text B參考譯文繫統開發生命周期的7個階段 39
    1.規劃 40
    2.繫統分析與需求 40
    3.繫統設計 40
    4.開發 40
    5.集成與測試 40
    6.實施 41
    7.運營與維護 41
    Exercises 41
    Online Resources 44
    Unit 3Operating System 45
    Text AOperating System 45
    1.Definition 45
    2.Functions of Operating System 45
    3.Types of Operating Systems 46
    New Words 48
    Phrases 50
    Abbreviations 51
    Text A參考譯文操作繫統 51
    1.定義 51
    2.操作繫統的功能 52
    3.操作繫統的類型 52
    Text BWhat Is Linux 55
    1.How Does Linux Differ from Other Operating Systems 55
    2.What Is the Difference Between UNIX and Linux 55
    3.Who Uses Linux 56
    4.Who "Owns" Linux 56
    5.How Was Linux Created 56
    6.How Can I Contribute to Linux 56
    7.How Can I Get Started Using Linux 57
    New Words 57
    Phrases 58
    Abbreviations 59
    Text B參考譯文什麼是Linux 59
    1.Linux與其他操作繫統有何不同 59
    2.UNIX和Linux有什麼區別 60
    3.誰使用Linux 60
    4.誰“擁有”Linux 60
    5.Linux是如何創建的 60
    6.如何為Linux貢獻力量 60
    7.如何開始使用Linux 61
    Exercises 61
    Online Resources 64
    Unit 4Data Structure and Algorithm 66
    Text AData Structure 66
    1.Arrays 66
    2.Stacks 67
    3.Queues 67
    4.Linked List 68
    5.Graphs 69
    6.Trees 70
    7.Trie 71
    8.Hash Table 72
    New Words 72
    Phrases 74
    Abbreviations 76
    Text A參考譯文數據結構 76
    1.數組 76
    2.堆棧 77
    3.隊列 77
    4.鏈表 78
    5.圖 78
    6.樹 79
    7.字典樹 80
    8.哈希表 80
    Text BAlgorithm 81
    1.Algorithm Design 81
    2.Problem Development Steps 81
    3.Characteristics of Algorithms 81
    4.Pseudocode 82
    5.The Need for Analysis 83
    New Words 83
    Phrases 84
    Text B參考譯文算法 85
    1.算法設計 85
    2.問題開發步驟 86
    3.算法特點 86
    4.偽代碼 86
    5.分析需求 87
    Exercises 88
    Online Resources 91
    Unit 5Database and Data Warehousing 92
    Text ABasic Concepts of Database 92
    1.Database 92
    2.Relational Database 92
    3.SQL 93
    4.Database Management System 93
    5.Distributed Database 94
    6.DDBMS 94
    7.Field 94
    8.Record 94
    9.Table 95
    New Words 95
    Phrases 96
    Abbreviations 96
    Text A參考譯文數據庫基本概念 96
    1.數據庫 96
    2.關繫數據庫 97
    3.SQL 97
    4.數據庫管理繫統 98
    5.分布式數據庫 98
    6.DDBMS 98
    7.字段 98
    8.記錄 99
    9.表 99
    Text BData Warehousing 99
    1.What is Data Warehousing 99
    2.How Does Data Warehouse Work 99
    3.The Types of Data Warehouse 100
    4.The General Stages of Data Warehouse 100
    5.The Components of Data Warehouse 101
    6.Who Needs Data Warehouse 101
    7.The Steps to Implement Data Warehouse 101
    8.The Advantages of Data Warehouse 102
    9.The Disadvantages of Data Warehouse 102
    10.The Future of Data Warehousing 103
    New Words 103
    Phrases 104
    Abbreviations 104
    Text B參考譯文數據倉庫 105
    1.什麼是數據倉庫 105
    2.數據倉庫如何工作 105
    3.數據倉庫的類型 105
    4.數據倉庫的一般階段 106
    5.數據倉庫的組成 106
    6.誰需要數據倉庫 107
    7.實施數據倉庫的步驟 107
    8.數據倉庫的優勢 107
    9.數據倉庫的缺點 108
    10.數據倉庫的未來 108
    Exercises 108
    Online Resources 112
    Unit 6Object Oriented Design 113
    Text AObject-Oriented Technology 113
    1.Object-Oriented Analysis 113
    2.Object-Oriented Design 113
    3.Object-Oriented Programming 114
    4.Objects and Classes 114
    5.Encapsulation and Data Hiding 115
    6.Message Passing 115
    7.Inheritance 116
    8.Polymorphism 116
    9.Generalization and Specialization 117
    New Words 117
    Phrases 118
    Abbreviations 119
    Text A參考譯文面向對像技術 119
    1.面向對像分析 119
    2.面向對像設計 120
    3.面向對像編程 120
    4.對像和類 121
    5.封裝和數據隱藏 121
    6.消息傳遞 122
    7.繼承 122
    8.多態性 123
    9.泛化與特化 123
    Text BComputer Programmer 123
    1.What Is a Computer Programmer 123
    2.What Does a Computer Programmer Do 124
    3.Types of Computer Programmers 125
    New Words 128
    Phrases 129
    Abbreviations 130
    Text B參考譯文計算機程序員 130
    1.什麼是計算機程序員 130
    2.計算機程序員做什麼 131
    3.計算機程序員的類型 131
    Exercises 134
    Online Resources 137
    Unit 7Programming Languages 138
    Text AProgramming Language 138
    1.Low-Level Languages 138
    2.High-Level Languages 140
    3.Differences Between Low Level Language and High Level Language 141
    New Words 142
    Phrases 143
    Text A參考譯文編程語言 144
    1.低級語言 144
    2.高級語言 145
    3.低級語言和高級語言之間的差異 146
    Text BPython Programming Language 147
    1.Features and Philosophy 148
    2.Syntax and Semantics 148
    3.Libraries 149
    4.Development Environments 150
    New Words 150
    Phrases 152
    Abbreviations 154
    Text B參考譯文Python編程語言 154
    1.特點和哲學 154
    2.句法和語義 154
    3.庫 156
    4.開發環境 156
    Exercises 157
    Online Resources 160
    Unit 8Computer Network 161
    Text AComputer Network Basic 161
    1.What Is a Computer Network 161
    2.Components of Computer Network 161
    3.Uses of Computer Network 162
    4.Computer Network Architecture 162
    5.Features of Computer Network 163
    6.Computer Network Types 164
    New Words 166
    Phrases 167
    Abbreviations 168
    Text A參考譯文計算機網絡基礎 168
    1.什麼是計算機網絡 168
    2.計算機網絡的組成部分 169
    3.計算機網絡的用途 169
    4.計算機網絡體繫結構 170
    5.計算機網絡的特點 171
    6.計算機網絡類型 171
    Text BComputer Network Topology 173
    1.Bus Topology 173
    2.Ring Topology 174
    3.Star Topology 175
    4.Tree Topology 175
    5.Mesh Topology 176
    6.Hybrid Topology 177
    New Words 177
    Phrases 178
    Abbreviations 179
    Text A參考譯文計算機網絡拓撲 179
    1.總線拓撲 179
    2.環形拓撲 180
    3.星形拓撲 180
    4.樹形拓撲 181
    5.網狀拓撲 182
    6.混合拓撲 182
    Exercises 183
    Online Resources 185
    Unit 9Network Security 186
    Text ANetwork Security 186
    1.Types of Network Attack 186
    2.Components of Network Security 188
    3.Security Technologies 189
    New Words 190
    Phrases 192
    Abbreviations 192
    Text A參考譯文網絡安全 193
    1.網絡攻擊的類型 193
    2.網絡安全的組成部分 194
    3.安全技術 195
    Text BFirewall 196
    1.What Is a Firewall 196
    2.Types of Firewalls 196
    3.Firewall Configuration 198
    New Words 200
    Phrases 201
    Abbreviations 201
    Text B參考譯文防火牆 202
    1.什麼是防火牆 202
    2.防火牆的類型 202
    3.防火牆配置 204
    Exercises 205
    Online Resources 209
    Unit 10Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage 210
    Text ACloud Computing 210
    1.What Is Cloud Computing 210
    2.How Cloud Computing Works 211
    3.Benefits of Cloud Computing 212
    4Risks of Cloud Computing 213
    New Words 213
    Phrases 214
    Abbreviations 215
    Text A參考譯文雲計算 215
    1.什麼是雲計算 215
    2.雲計算如何工作 216
    3.雲計算的好處 217
    4.雲計算的風險 218
    Text BCloud Storage 218
    1.What Is Cloud Storage 218
    2.How Cloud Storage Works 219
    3.Cloud Storage vs. Cloud Backup 219
    4.How to Choose the Right Cloud Storage Provider 220
    New Words 221
    Phrases 222
    Text B參考譯文雲存儲 222
    1.什麼是雲存儲 222
    2.雲存儲如何工作 222
    3.雲存儲與雲備份 223
    4.如何選擇合適的雲存儲提供商 224
    Exercises 224
    Online Resources 227
    Unit 11Big Data and Big Data Analytics 228
    Text ABig Data 228
    1.The Big Vs 228
    2.More Contenders 229
    3.An Example of Big Data 230
    New Words 230
    Phrases 232
    Abbreviations 233
    Text A參考譯文大數據 233
    1.大V 234
    2.更多的屬性 235
    3.一個大數據的示例 235
    Text BBig Data Analytics 236
    1.Big Data Requires High Performance Analytics 236
    2.The Challenges of Big Data Analytics 236
    3.How Big Data Analytics is Used Today 236
    4.The Benefits of Big Data Analytics 237
    5.Top 10 Hot Big Data Technologies 237
    New Words 238
    Phrases 239
    Abbreviations 240
    Text B參考譯文大數據分析 240
    1.大數據需要高性能分析 240
    2.大數據分析的挑戰 240
    3.如今如何使用大數據分析 240
    4.大數據分析的好處 241
    5.十大熱門大數據技術 241
    Exercises 242
    Online Resources 245
    Unit 12Artificial Intelligence 246
    Text AArtificial Intelligence (AI) 246
    1.Types of AI 247
    2.Examples of AI Technology 247
    3.AI Applications 248
    4.Security and Ethical Concerns 249
    5.Regulation of AI Technology 249
    New Words 250
    Phrases 252
    Abbreviations 253
    Text A參考譯文人工智能 254
    1.人工智能的類型 254
    2.人工智能技術的例子 255
    3.人工智能應用 256
    4.安全和倫理問題 256
    5.人工智能技術的規範 257
    Text BWhat Is Machine Learning 257
    1.What Is Machine Learning 257
    2.Why Do We Need Machine Learning 258
    3.How Do Machines Learn 258
    4.Steps in Machine Learning 260
    5.Applications of Machine Learning 261
    New Words 261
    Phrases 262
    Abbreviations 262
    Text B參考譯文什麼是機器學習 262
    1.什麼是機器學習 263
    2.為什麼需要機器學習 263
    3.機器如何學習 263
    4.機器學習的步驟 264
    5.機器學習的應用 265
    Exercises 266
    Online Resources 269
    張強華,司愛俠 編

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