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  • 【新華正版】計算機專業英語 9787302511298 清華大學出版社 計算
    該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 大中專教材
    【作者】 戚文靜等 
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    作  者:戚文靜 等 著
    定  價:59
    出 版 社:清華大學出版社
    頁  數:337
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●Chapter1 Introduction of Computer Science1
    1.1 History of Computer Science1
    1.2 Areas of Computer Science4
    1.2.1 Theoretical Computer Science4
    1.2.2 Applied Computer Science6
    1.3 Is Computer Science Science?7
    1.3.1 Common Understandings of Science7
    1.3.2 Internal Disagreement10
    1.3.3 Computer Science Thrives on Relationships10
    1.3.4 Validating Computer Science Claims11
    1.4 The Future of Computer Science12
    1.4.1 Introduction12
    1.4.2 Innovative Research Projects14
    1.4.3 Theoretical Foundation17
    1.4.4 An Interview18
    1.5 Key Terms and Review Questions22
    Chapter2 Computer Architecture and Networks27
    2.1 Introduction27
    2.1.1 Computer Architecture27
    2.1.2 Design Goals28
    2.2 Computer System29
    2.2.1 Hardware29
    2.2.2 Software31
    2.3 Computer Networking33
    2.3.1 Network Hardware34
    2.3.2 Network Protocols35
    2.3.3 Internet and TCP/IP37
    2.4 Wireless Network40
    2.4.1 Wireless LAN Networking Basics40
    2.4.2 Mobile Network41
    2.4.3 Wireless Sensor Network42
    2.5 Key Terms and Review Questions46
    Chapter3 Operating System52
    3.1 Definition and Function52
    3.1.1 What is Operating System?52
    3.1.2 Functions of Operating System53
    3.1.3 Types of Operating Systems55
    3.2 Tasks of an Operating System57
    3.2.1 Processor Management57
    3.2.2 Process Management59
    3.2.3 Memory and Storage Management60
    3.2.4 Device Management61
    3.2.5 Application Interface62
    3.2.6 User Interface63
    3.3 Examples of Popular Modern Operating Systems65
    3.3.1 UNIX and UNIX-like Operating Systems65
    3.3.2 Microsoft Windows67
    3.4 Comparison of Windows and UNIX Environments69
    3.5 Key Terms and Review Questions82
    Chapter4 Algorithms, Data Structures and Software Engineering86
    4.1 Algorithm86
    4.1.1 Introduction86
    4.1.2 Definition of Algorithms87
    4.1.3 Specifying Algorithms89
    4.1.4 Examples — Sorting Algorithms90
    4.1.5 Algorithm Analysis98
    4.2 Data Structures100
    4.2.1 Definition100
    4.2.2 Types of Data Structure102
    4.3 Programming106
    4.3.1 Evolution of Programming Language106
    4.3.2 Basic Components and Structure of a Program107
    4.3.3 Object-oriented Programming112
    4.4 Software Engineering116
    4.4.1 Life Cycle of Software116
    4.4.2 Software Development Models118
    4.4.3 Software Quality Characteristics121
    4.5 Key Terms and Review Questions123
    Chapter 5 Databases and Information Retrieval129
    5.1 Database System129
    5.1.1 Database129
    5.1.2 Relational Database130
    5.1.3 Database Management System133
    5.1.4 SQL135
    5.2 Information Retrieval136
    5.2.1 Introduction136
    5.2.2 An Example of Information Retrieval138
    5.2.3 Open Source IR System143
    5.2.4 Performance Measure144
    5.3 Web Search Basics145
    5.3.1 Background and History145
    5.3.2 Web Search Features147
    5.3.3 Web Crawling and Indexes150
    5.4 Key Terms and Review Questions152
    Chapter 6 Artifi Intelligence156
    6.1 Introduction156
    6.1.1 History of AI156
    6.1.2 Research Branches of AI157
    6.2 Turing Test161
    6.2.1 Introduction161
    6.2.2 Alan Turing161
    6.2.3 Inception of the Turing Test162
    6.2.4 Problems/Difficulties with the Turing Test163
    6.2.5 The Current State of the Turing Test165
    6.2.6 Artifi Intelligence Computer System Passes Visual Turing Test166
    6.3 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning168
    6.3.1 How to Represent Knowledge168
    6.3.2 Representation169
    6.3.3 Reasoning about Knowledge170
    6.3.4 KBS170
    6.3.5 MYCIN—A Case Study172
    6.4 Case-based Reasoning173
    6.4.1 Introduction173
    6.4.2 Fundamental of Case-based Reasoning174
    6.4.3 The CBR Process175
    6.4.4 Example-based Machine Translation177
    6.5 Robotics180
    6.5.1 Components of Robot180
    6.5.2 Control System184
    6.5.3 Environmental Interaction and Navigation185
    6.5.4 Top 10 Humanoid Robots187
    6.6 Computer Vision192
    6.6.1 Brief Introduction192
    6.6.2 Tasks of Computer Vision194
    6.6.3 An Example — Fa Recognition System196
    6.7 Existential Risk from Artifi General Intelligence198
    6.7.1 Overview198
    6.7.2 Risk Scenarios199
    6.7.3 Different Reactions on the Thesis203
    6.8 Key Terms and Review Questions204
    Chapter 7 Computer Graphics and Visualization210
    7.1 Computer Graphics210
    7.1.1 What Is Computer Graphics210
    7.1.2 Types of Graphics211
    7.1.3 Techniques Used in CG214
    7.1.4 Computer-aided Design217
    7.1.5 3D Modeling219
    7.2 Virtual Reality221
    7.2.1 What Is Virtual Reality?222
    7.2.2 Types of Virtual Reality223
    7.2.3 Equipment Used in Virtual Reality225
    7.2.4 Applications of Virtual Reality227
    7.2.5 Pros and Cons of Virtual Reality228
    7.3 Data Visualization229
    7.3.1 Characteristics of Effective Graphical Displays230
    7.3.2 Quantitative Messages230
    7.3.3 Visual Perception and Data Visualization231
    7.3.4 Examples of Diagrams Used for Data Visualization232
    7.4 Key Terms and Review Questions237
    Chapter 8 Human-Computer Interaction241
    8.1 Human-Computer Interaction241
    8.1.1 History of HCI241
    8.1.2 From Cabal to Community242
    8.1.3 Beyond the Desktop243
    8.1.4 The Task-artifact Cycle245
    8.1.5 A Caldron of Theory246
    8.1.6 Implications of HCI for Science, Practice, and Epistemology247
    8.2 User Interface Design Adaptation248
    8.2.1 Introduction248
    8.2.2 User Interface/Task/Platform Relations251
    8.2.3 Authoring lti-Device Interactive Applications251
    8.2.4 Adaptation Rules252
    8.2.5 Model-based UI Design in lti-Device Contexts254
    8.2.6 Vocal Interfaces256
    8.2.7 ltimodal User Interfaces256
    8.3 HRI258
    8.3.1 Introduction of HRI258
    8.3.2 HRI — About (not) Romanticizing Robots260
    8.3.3 HRI — There Is No Such Thing as “Natural Interaction”261
    8.3.4 HRI — There Is a Place For Non-humanoid Robots263
    8.4 Key Terms and Review Questions265
    Chapter 9 Computer Security269
    9.1 Computer Security Issues269
    9.1.1 Basic Security Concepts269
    9.1.2 Threats and Attacks271
    9.1.3 A Model for Network Security275
    9.2 Security Countermeasure277
    9.3 Cryptography282
    9.3.1 Basic Concepts283
    9.3.2 History of Cryptography283
    9.3.3 Modern Cryptography287
    9.4 Top 10 Cyber-security Issues in 2016290
    9.5 Cyberwar292
    9.5.1 A Cybersecurity Wargame Scenario292
    9.5.2 The First Casualty of Cyberwar Is The Web293
    9.5.3 Building Digital Armies294
    9.5.4 How Cyber Weapons Work296
    9.5.5 When Is a Cyberwar Not a Cyberwar?297
    9.5.6 The Targets in Cyberwar298
    9.5.7 Cyberwar: Coming to a Living Room Near You?298
    9.6 Key Terms and Review Questions299
    Chapter 10 Latest Progresses in Computer Science304
    10.1 Quantum Information Science304
    10.1.1 Quantum Computing304
    10.1.2 Quantum Cryptography308
    10.2 Deep Learning311
    10.2.1 Introduction311
    10.2.2 Historical Trends in Deep Learning315
    10.3 Cloud Computing319
    10.3.1 The Vision of Cloud Computing320
    10.3.2 Defining a Cloud322
    10.3.3 A Closer Look323
    10.3.4 The Cloud Computing Reference Model325
    10.4 Big Data326
    10.4.1 Let the Data Speak326
    10.4.2 Definition and Characteristic of Big Data329
    10.4.3 Value of Big Data330
    10.4.4 Risk of Big Data332
    10.5 Key Terms and Review Questions333

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