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  • 世界能源安全的中國方案(英)/全球治理的中國方案叢書
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    【作者】 劉強 
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    作  者:劉強 著 劉強 譯
    定  價:118
    出 版 社:五州傳播出版社
    頁  數:352
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●List of Exhibits
    Chapter One Energy Security:Concepts and Practices
    1.1 Definition and Key Concerns
    1.1.1 Definitions
    1.1.2 Key Concerns of Energy Security
    1.1.3 Principles of Global Energy Security Governance
    1.2 Energy Security Policy
    1.2.1 Energy Security Policies of Some Major Countries
    1.2.2 Review of Energy Security Policy
    1.3 World Energy Security Mechanisms and the China Solution
    1.3.1 Review of the World's Energy Governance Mechanisms
    1.3.2 Main Problems of Current Global Energy Governance
    1.3.3 Chinese Program of Global Energy Governance
    1.4 China's Contributions and Program on Global Energy Security
    1.4.1 Chinas Major Contributions to Global Energy Security
    1.4.2 Significance of Chinas Program to Global Energy Security Governance
    Chapter Two Building a Robust,Steady,and Economical Energy Supply System
    2.1 China's Energy Status and Challenges
    2.1.1 Basic Conditions of Energy Resources
    2.1.2 Main Challenges
    2.2 Relying on Domestic and Overseas Resources to Establish Resource Security
    2.2.1 Fully Utilizing Domestic Energy Resources
    2.2.2 Optimizing Overseas Resources to Obtain Resource Guarantees
    2.3 Establishing a Strong and Stable Production System
    2.3.1 Energy Production Development Strengthens Supply Guarantee
    2.3.2 Continuously Improving Energy Independence
    2.3.3 Promoting Energy Production Revolution and Building a New Clean and Low-Carbon System
    2.4 Establishing Comprehensive Basic Infrastructure Service System
    2.4.1 Oil and Gas Pipeline Network System
    2.4.2 Power Grid Construction
    2.5 Effectively Regulating the Market and Ensuring Smooth Economic Operation
    2.5.1 Basic Policy
    2.5.2 Promoting Institutional Revolution and Modernization of Governance System
    2.5.3 Oil and Gas System Reform
    2.5.4 Power Grid System Reform
    2.6 Promoting the Energy Science and Technology Revolution
    2.6.1 Main Policy of Technological Innovation of Energy Science 117
    2.6.2 Key Tasks
    Chapter Three Achieving a High-Efficiency and Low-Carbon Energy System
    3.1 Energy Consumption Revolution Policy
    3.1.1 Resolutely Controlling the Total Amount of Energy Consumption
    3.1.2 Adjusting Energy Consumption Structure to Achieve Clean and Efficient Goals
    3.1.3 Deepening Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Efforts
    3.1.4 Promoting Urban and Rural Electrification
    3.1.5 Establishing the Concept of Energy Thriftiness
    3.1.6 Structural Adjustments
    3.2 Main Practices of the Energy Consumption Revolution
    3.2.1 Accelerating Industrial Energy Conservation and Green Development
    3.2.2 Re-electrification Facilitates Energy Revolution
    3.2.3 Opening Up to Promote the Energy Consumption Revolution
    3.2.4 Energy Conservation in Transportation
    3.2.5 Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Buildings
    3.2.6 Energy Eficiency of Energy-Using Equipment
    3.2.7 Energy Saving in the Service and Agriculture Industries of Rural Areas
    Chapter Four Achieving Green Energy Transition toward an Ecological Civilization
    4.1 Basic Policy
    4.1.1 Building an Ecological Civilization Is an Important Part of Realizing the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation
    4.1.2 Basic Policy
    4.1.3 Building a New Clean and Low-Carbon System
    4.2 Main Contents of China's Energy Transition
    4.2.1 Transition in the Power System
    4.2.2 Transition in the Heating Sector
    4.2.3 Transition in the Transportation Sector
    4.3 Increasing Clean Energy Consumption
    4.3.1 Optimizing Power Supply Layout and Rationally Controlling the Pace of Power Development
    4.3.2 Accelerating the Reform of Power Marketization and Giving Full Play to the Regulatory Function of the Market 195
    4.3.3 Strengthening Macroeconomic Policy Guidance and Forming an Institutional Mechanism Conducive to Clean Energy Consumption
    4.3.4 Tapping the Power Supply-Side Peak Regulation Potential and Improving Power System Adjustment Capability
    4.3.5 Improving Grid Infrastructure and Giving Full Play to the Role of Grid Resource Allocation Platform
    4.3.6 Promoting Source-Network-Load-Storage Interaction and the Transformation of Power Consumption Mode
    Chapter Five Building an Energy Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
    5.1 Guidelines and Policies
    5.1.1 Basic Policy
    5.1.2 Opening Up to the World
    5.1.3 Promoting the Development of the International Energy Market
    5.1.4 ltilateral Cooperation and Global Energy Governance Cooperation
    5.1.5 Coping with Climate Change Together
    5.2 The Belt and Road Initiative
    5.2.1 Vision and Actions
    5.2.2 Vision and Actions on Energy Cooperation in Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
    5.2.3 The Cooperation Principles and Concrete Actions of the Belt and Road Energy Partnership
    5.3 Progress,Contributions,and Prospects of the BRI
    5.3.1 Progress and Prospects
    5.3.2 Fruitful Energy Cooperation under the BRI
    5.4 Global Energy Interconnection(GEI) Initiative
    5.4.1 Development Concept
    5.4.2 Overall Planning and Implementation Path
    5.4.3 Implementing the 2030 Agenda with GEI

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