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  • 財富的最優規劃Moving up to millions
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    【作者】 Kathleen 
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    作者簡介:Kathleen Connell is currently President of the Connell Group, an investment advisory firm located in Washington, DC. She also teaches international finance and corporate goverance at the UC Berkeley Haas Graduate School of Business. Dr. Connell has twenty-five years of experience in the field of finance and served as a trustee for CalPERS and CalSTRS for eight years, which together comprise the largest pool of retirement assets in the world. She was recently honored by SmartMoney magazine as one of the thirty smartest people in investing. 
    In Moving Up to Millions: The Life Calculator Guide to Wealth financial guru and former California State Controller Kathleen Connell outlines a dynamic and digitally accessible interactive approach to securing anyone’s financial future. It contains practical advice on overcoming life’s adverse financial events as well as a winning game plan that can be instantly updated for these uncertain times. It also includes a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use financial calculator that enables readers to create an unlimited number of personalized, real-time “what if” scenarios and calculate their optimal financial plan.
    Aimed at readers in their peak earning years to those a few years away from retirement, this book offers both profiles of individuals and families who address financial challenges and reposition their careers and personal lifestyles to redeem their finances, as well as the actionable tips they follow on the road to financial freedom. A digital platform encourages readers to access weekly on-line expert panels and blog sites where they can interact with the author and access extensive web references for further education.
    The Life CalculatorTM Online Program
    Chapter 1 Meet Your Neighbors
    Moving Up to Millions
    You, Too, Can Be a Millionaire!
    Not All Millionaires Are Equal
    Do You Really Need a Million Dollars?
    The Four Rules of Making Millions
    Chapter 2 Threatsto Millionaire Status
    Why Your Life Cycle Is Not Like
    Your Parents'
    It's More Than Just a Number, It's a
    Life PlanIntroduction
    The Life CalculatorTM Online Program
    Chapter 1 Meet Your Neighbors
    Moving Up to Millions
    You, Too, Can Be a Millionaire!
    Not All Millionaires Are Equal
    Do You Really Need a Million Dollars?
    The Four Rules of Making Millions
    Chapter 2 Threatsto Millionaire Status
    Why Your Life Cycle Is Not Like
    Your Parents'
    It's More Than Just a Number, It's a
    Life Plan
    The "Number"
    Let's Get Started--Becoming Your
    Own Financial Advisor
    Chapter 3 Click Your Way to Personal Wealth
    The Three Es of Financial Planning
    Power Your Future: The Life Calculator
    Is Your Personal Financial Advisor
    How to Start
    What the Life Calculator Will Show You
    Identify Your Optimum Future
    Ten Guiding Principles
    Chapter 4 Calculating Your Odds of Disaster and Preparing for Life Changes
    The Dirty Dozen Adverse Events
    Adverse Events Planning
    Potential Windfalls
    Your Best-Case Scenario---Is It Enough?
    Optimum Strategies for Getting from
    Here to There
    Chapter 5 It's a Blur between Work and Play
    Say Hello to Phased Careers and
    Delayed Retirement
    Working to 70 and Beyond
    Targeting Growth Industries
    What Industry Sectors Show Promising
    Job Growth?
    Benefit-Rich Industries
    Flexible Careers
    Enhancing Your Skills
    Chapter 6 Home Is More than the Place You Live
    Too Much Housing--A Risky Bet?
    Timing the Market: Cashing Out at the Peak
    Sometimes It Pays to Be a Renter in a
    Mobile Society
    New Kind of Commune: This Time You
    Want to Belong
    Assisted Living: What's Likely to Happen?
    Bringing Your Parents Home
    Your Home Can Stay in the Family
    Berlitz Crash Course: Retiring Abroad
    Tax-Friendly States Beckon
    Chapter 7 Insurance: Protecting Against Downside Exposure.
    Chapter 8 Meet the Forties and the Fifties: Fearless and Fantastic Years
    Chapter 9 Join the Sixties and Seventies: A Successful and Safe Life.

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