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  • Creating Wealth: Retire in Ten Years Using Allen's Seven Pri
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    【作者】 Robert 
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    ROBERT G.ALLEN is one of America`s most famous and most influential financial advisers of all time.after graduating with an MBA from brigham young university in 1947,allen began making small real-estate investments,transforming his tiny nest egg intl a large ,multimillion-dollar net worth in a few short years ,he shared his powerful system with the public in the#1national bestseller notbing down,with forty-six weeks on the new york times national bestseller list. 
    Popular speaker, multimillionaire, and author of the all-time bestselling real-estate book Nothing Down, Robert G. Allen knows how to bring you financial success. With his seminars sweeping the nation, Allen is at the cutting edge of strategic wealth creation now more than ever. And in this completely revised edition of his classic bestseller Creating Wealth Allen gives you the basic principles that you need to stop thinking poor and start growing rich.
    Moving beyond just real estate, Allen goes straight to the core of people's inner motivations and beliefs about money to give you all the fundamentals of wealth creation. By developing a wealthy mind-set, anyone can take off into financial self-reliance -- and Allen shows you how. He explains the ways in which most of us have been programmed to think that only saving is good and debt and risk are bad, so that in our efforts to gain security, we cheat ourselves out of getting rich. The key to changing that mind-set is Allen's unique integration of real estate with other wealth-generating investments.
    In his trademark, easy-to-understand style Allen spells out all his practical applications and shows you how to:
    Take advantage of recent tax lawsPopular speaker, multimillionaire, and author of the all-time bestselling real-estate book Nothing Down, Robert G. Allen knows how to bring you financial success. With his seminars sweeping the nation, Allen is at the cutting edge of strategic wealth creation now more than ever. And in this completely revised edition of his classic bestseller Creating Wealth Allen gives you the basic principles that you need to stop thinking poor and start growing rich.
    Moving beyond just real estate, Allen goes straight to the core of people's inner motivations and beliefs about money to give you all the fundamentals of wealth creation. By developing a wealthy mind-set, anyone can take off into financial self-reliance -- and Allen shows you how. He explains the ways in which most of us have been programmed to think that only saving is good and debt and risk are bad, so that in our efforts to gain security, we cheat ourselves out of getting rich. The key to changing that mind-set is Allen's unique integration of real estate with other wealth-generating investments.
    In his trademark, easy-to-understand style Allen spells out all his practical applications and shows you how to:
    Take advantage of recent tax laws
    Use leverage to multiply holdings while minimizing risks
    Benefit from high-yield discount mortgages
    Acquire long-term profits in gold and silver coins
    Set up corporations and trusts to protect assets
    Find the highest rate of return with the greatest liquidity
    As Robert Allen has proved in his own life -- becoming a multimillionaire well before he was thirty-five -- it doesn't matter how much or how little money you have when you start as long as you understand the right principles -- timeless principles that can make you a fortune.
    Part one \he foundation
    1\\ We were programmed to fail form the moment we were born
    2\\ Developing a wealthy mind-set
    3\\A Fool and his money are soon parted:master the seven principles of wealth
    Part two\\ The Creating-wealth strategy
    4\\Launching yourself financial self-reliance
    5\\The Automatic-pilot principle
    Part Three\\ Concentrating:Being in the right place at the right time
    6\\Cookie cutters:Geese that lay golden eggs
    7\\The lazy man`s method :making the opportunities come to you
    8\he win-win philosphy :how to achieve win-win wealth in a win-lose world
    9\\leverage:I love debt!
    10\\Overcoming the three major problems that leverage creates
    11\\I Hate real estate!Part one \he foundation
    1\\ We were programmed to fail form the moment we were born
    2\\ Developing a wealthy mind-set
    3\\A Fool and his money are soon parted:master the seven principles of wealth
    Part two\\ The Creating-wealth strategy
    4\\Launching yourself financial self-reliance
    5\\The Automatic-pilot principle
    Part Three\\ Concentrating:Being in the right place at the right time
    6\\Cookie cutters:Geese that lay golden eggs
    7\\The lazy man`s method :making the opportunities come to you
    8\he win-win philosphy :how to achieve win-win wealth in a win-lose world
    9\\leverage:I love debt!
    10\\Overcoming the three major problems that leverage creates
    11\\I Hate real estate!
    Part four\\perpetuating wealth:spreading the risk
    12\he coming enormous profits in discounted mortgages
    umismatics :the secret of the midas touch
    14\\liquid money and where to pour it
    15\\limited partnerships:getting a piece of the action
    16\\how the rich pay lower taxes
    17\\insulating your assets from lust ,liability,and lawyers
    18\\Do-it-yourself financial counseling
    Part five\\ real wealth
    19\\ EDUCATION:THE SHORTEST DISTANCE between wealth and poverty
    20\\wealth is thoughts,not things
    Postscript:you can take it with you

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