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  • WARREN BUFFETT WEALTH W·比菲特財富:投資商所用原則與實用方
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    【作者】 Robert 
    【所屬類別】 圖書  英文原版書  經管類Business  ProfessionalInvesting圖書  投資理財  英文原版書-投資理財 
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    Warren Buttett Is both a unique investor and individual.He is one of the few to ever become a billionaire by investing in the stock market,yet he still does his own tax return,has never issued him-self stock options,and doesn’t want or need a building with his or his company’s name on it.
    Not too long ago,several members of the media and the investment community were writing off Buffett’s investment principles and style as not being in step with technology investments and new methods of investing.But time has proven these critics wrong.Now,more than ever,the principles,values,and methods used by Buffett to create wealth are sought after and carefully considered.
    Warren Buffett Wealth does not discuss any of the latest get-rich-quick investment fads.
    Instead,it focuses on the straightforward,ethical factors and principles of building wealth,sustaining it,and passing it on to future generations for the betterment of society.Warren Buttett Is both a unique investor and individual.He is one of the few to ever become a billionaire by investing in the stock market,yet he still does his own tax return,has never issued him-self stock options,and doesn’t want or need a building with his or his company’s name on it.
    Not too long ago,several members of the media and the investment community were writing off Buffett’s investment principles and style as not being in step with technology investments and new methods of investing.But time has proven these critics wrong.Now,more than ever,the principles,values,and methods used by Buffett to create wealth are sought after and carefully considered.
    Warren Buffett Wealth does not discuss any of the latest get-rich-quick investment fads.
    Instead,it focuses on the straightforward,ethical factors and principles of building wealth,sustaining it,and passing it on to future generations for the betterment of society.
    Written by longtime Buffett expert Robert Miles,this book outlines the principles and practical methods that have made Buffett one of the greatest investors of our time.You’ll learn how to be the best by studying the best and discover how Buffett has built his wealth over time--not overnight.Through careful observations and in-depth research,Miles examines Buffett’s philosophy and illustrates how you can apply it in your own investment endeavors.Some of the topics discussed will help you:
    Discover what kind of investor you are
    Develop an investment philosophy
    Understand what you own
    Invest in Main Street,not Wall Street
    Learn from Buffett’s investment mistakes
    作者簡介:ROBERT P.MILES(www.robertpmiles.com)is a writer,speaker,and consultant.He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Busi-ness School and has been a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway for a number of years.He is the author of The Warren Buffett CEO,a book Buffett recommended to his shareholders,and 101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest Investment: Warren Buf-fett's Berkshire Hathaway (both published by Wiley).Miles has presented Buffett Wealth workshops on three continents.He has recorded How to Build Wealth Like Warren Buffett,and hosted several Buffett CEO talk television programs.He resides in Tampa,Florida.
    Chapter 1 Study the Best to Be the Best
    Chapter 2 The Making of a Billionaire:A Timeline of Warren Buffett’s Wealth-Building Lifetime
    Chapter 3 What Kind of Investor Are You?
    Chapter 4 Developing an Investment Philosophy
    Chapter 5 Know What You Own
    Chapter 6 Invest in Main Street,Not Wall Street
    Chapter 7 Buy to Keep,and Buy a Lot of a Few
    Chapter 8 How You Can Learn from Buffett’s Investment Mistakes
    Chapter 9 Common Myths about Investing,Wealth,and Buffett
    Chapter 10 Five Investment Principles from the Next Warren Buffett
    Chapter 11 Warren Buffett’s Lessons on Having a Rich Life
    Chapter 12 The Journey of a LifetimeAcknowledgments
    Chapter 1 Study the Best to Be the Best
    Chapter 2 The Making of a Billionaire:A Timeline of Warren Buffett’s Wealth-Building Lifetime
    Chapter 3 What Kind of Investor Are You?
    Chapter 4 Developing an Investment Philosophy
    Chapter 5 Know What You Own
    Chapter 6 Invest in Main Street,Not Wall Street
    Chapter 7 Buy to Keep,and Buy a Lot of a Few
    Chapter 8 How You Can Learn from Buffett’s Investment Mistakes
    Chapter 9 Common Myths about Investing,Wealth,and Buffett
    Chapter 10 Five Investment Principles from the Next Warren Buffett
    Chapter 11 Warren Buffett’s Lessons on Having a Rich Life
    Chapter 12 The Journey of a Lifetime
    Appendix “The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville”
    Recommended Reading
    About the Author

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