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    Not according to Jean Chatzky, one of the most popular personal-finance experts in the country, who has advised millions through her regular Today Show appearances and her columns in Money magazine. Now she shares the good news about a groundbreaking study she did with the Roper Organization; the Happiness Assessment.
    Her research shows that amount of money you make has surprisingly little to do with how financially happy you are. But the happiest people in America at all incorme levels tend to use the money strategies that Chatzky calls the "Ten Commandments of Financial Happiness." For instance, they pay their bills as they come in rather than all at one and minimize credit and debt.
    The bottom line: you have to pay attention to your money-and Chatzky shows you how to make the most of what you've got. But you certainly don't have to be rich achieve financial happiness.Not according to Jean Chatzky, one of the most popular personal-finance experts in the country, who has advised millions through her regular Today Show appearances and her columns in Money magazine. Now she shares the good news about a groundbreaking study she did with the Roper Organization; the Happiness Assessment.
    Her research shows that amount of money you make has surprisingly little to do with how financially happy you are. But the happiest people in America at all incorme levels tend to use the money strategies that Chatzky calls the "Ten Commandments of Financial Happiness." For instance, they pay their bills as they come in rather than all at one and minimize credit and debt.
    The bottom line: you have to pay attention to your money-and Chatzky shows you how to make the most of what you've got. But you certainly don't have to be rich achieve financial happiness.
    作者簡介:Jean Chatsky is the financial editor for NBC's Today show, has a monthly colomn in Money magazine, and is a featured columnist for USA Weekend and Time magazine. She is the author of Pay It Down!, Talking Money, and The Rich and Famous Money Book, She Lives in Westchester County, New York, With her husband and children.
    1. Sophie Tucker Was Wrong.
    Why bing rich is not necessarily better.
    2. Enough Is Enough.
    Wanting breeds...more wanting. And it can be toxic.
    How to learn to be happy with what you have.
    3. Feng Shui Finance.
    If you're in control of your money. you're in control of your life.
    Here are the keys to control.
    4. What Do You Really Want?
    Setting financial goals that are meaningful for your life.
    5. Making It Happen.
    How to turn those goals into your reality.
    6. Living Within Your Means.Introduction
    1. Sophie Tucker Was Wrong.
    Why bing rich is not necessarily better.
    2. Enough Is Enough.
    Wanting breeds...more wanting. And it can be toxic.
    How to learn to be happy with what you have.
    3. Feng Shui Finance.
    If you're in control of your money. you're in control of your life.
    Here are the keys to control.
    4. What Do You Really Want?
    Setting financial goals that are meaningful for your life.
    5. Making It Happen.
    How to turn those goals into your reality.
    6. Living Within Your Means.
    It's impossible to save much_if anything-until you stop spending more than you make. Here's how.
    7. Go with the "Flow."
    On-the-job happiness is an important piece of lifetime happiness. You can find it if you know where to look.
    8. It's Not Just About the Money.
    Taking the proper precautions for your family and loved ones makees you feel happier and more content. So does volunteering.
    9. Don't Dictate, Communicate.
    When does money breed the most unhappiness?
    When you're fighting about. If you can learn to Communicate-with your spouse, your kids, your parents-you can stop squabbling.
    10. The Ten Commandments of Financial Happiness.
    Living by four-just four-of these commandments can be like earning and extra 50 percent a year.

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