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  • 公司理財精要(第7版,雙語教學版)
    該商品所屬分類:管理 -> 管理
    【作者】 (美)斯蒂芬·羅斯,倫道夫·韋斯特菲爾德,祭賂5隆で塹 
    【所屬類別】 圖書  管理  一般管理學  財務管理 
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    《公司理財精要》是美國金融協會前主席、著名金融/ 財務學者斯蒂芬·羅斯及其團隊的一部財務管理名著,內容清晰簡潔、通俗易懂,深受廣大讀者的好評。全書共分為九編18 章,精選了財務管理入門、財務報表和現金流、未來現金流量的價值確定、股票與*定價、資本預算、風險與收益、長期融資、短期理財等方面的核心內容;圍繞公司理財的整體框架,運用現代財務管理的核心概念,繫統且有效地傳達了公司理財的基本理論、基本方法和實務技能。《公司理財精要》雙語教學版作為雙語教材,對英文版的重點內容、生詞術語等進行了翻譯和注釋。

    斯蒂芬·羅斯,當今世界上非常具有影響力的金融學家,因其創立了套利定價理論而舉世聞名。斯蒂芬·羅斯先生是麻省理工學院斯隆管理學院財務經濟學教授,在財務和經濟領域著述頗為豐富。羅斯教授以他在發展套利價格理論上所做的工作,以及通過研究信息折射理論,斯權定價,利率期限結構理論和其他諸多領域所做出的大理貢獻,成為備受稱道的著名學者。羅斯曾任美國金融協會主席,現在擔任數學術期利和實務雜志的副主編。他還是CalTech的受托人,大學退休股權基金和GenRe公司的董事。此外,還在兼任Roll and Ross資產管理公司的聯席主席。
    When we first wrote Essentials ofCorporate Finance, we thought there might be a small niche for a brieferbook that really focused on what students with widely varying backgrounds andinterests needed to carry away from an introductory finance course. We werewrong. There was a huge niche! What we learned is that our text closely matchesthe needs of instructors and faculty at hundreds of schools across the country.As a result, the growth we have experienced through the first six editions of Essentialshas far exceeded anything we thought possible.
    With the seventh edition of Essentials of Corporate Finance, wehave continued to refine our focus on our target audience, which is theundergraduate student taking a core course in business or corporate finance.This can be a tough course to teach. One reason is that the class is usuallyrequired of all business students, so it is not uncommon for a majority of thestudents to be nonfi -nance majors. In fact, this may be the only financecourse many of them will ever have. With this in mind, our goal in Essentialsis to convey the most important concepts and principles at a level that isapproachable for the widest possible audience.

    When we first wrote Essentials of
    Corporate Finance, we thought there might be a small niche for a briefer
    book that really focused on what students with widely varying backgrounds and
    interests needed to carry away from an introductory finance course. We were
    wrong. There was a huge niche! What we learned is that our text closely matches
    the needs of instructors and faculty at hundreds of schools across the country.
    As a result, the growth we have experienced through the first six editions of Essentials
    has far exceeded anything we thought possible.

    With the seventh edition of Essentials of Corporate Finance, we
    have continued to refine our focus on our target audience, which is the
    undergraduate student taking a core course in business or corporate finance.
    This can be a tough course to teach. One reason is that the class is usually
    required of all business students, so it is not uncommon for a majority of the
    students to be nonfi -nance majors. In fact, this may be the only finance
    course many of them will ever have. With this in mind, our goal in Essentials
    is to convey the most important concepts and principles at a level that is
    approachable for the widest possible audience.

    To achieve our goal, we have worked to distill the subject down to
    its bare essentials(hence, the name of this book), while retaining a decidedly
    modern approach to finance. We have always maintained that the subject of
    corporate finance can be viewed as the working of a few very powerful
    intuitions. We also think that understanding the “why” is just as important, if
    not more so, than understanding the “how,” especially in an introductory course.
    Based on the gratifying market feedback we have received from our previous editions,
    as well as from our other text, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (now
    in its ninth edition), many of you agree.

    By design, this book is not encyclopedic. As the table of contents
    indicates, we have a total of 18 chapters. Chapter length is about 30 pages, so
    the text is aimed squarely at a single-term course, and most of the book can be
    realistically covered in a typical semester or quarter. Writing a book for a
    one-term course necessarily means some picking and choosing, with regard to
    both topics and depth of coverage. Throughout, we strike a balance by
    introducing and covering the essentials (there’s that word again!) while
    leaving some more specialized topics to follow-up courses.

    The other things we have always stressed, and have continued to
    improve with this edition, are readability and pedagogy. Essentials is
    written in a relaxed, conversational style that invites the students to join in
    the learning process rather than being a passive information absorber. We have
    found that this approach dramatically increases students’ willingness to read
    and learn on their own. Between larger and larger class sizes and the ever-growing
    demands on faculty time, we think this is an essential (!) feature for a text
    in an introductory course.

    Throughout the development of this book, we have continued to take a
    hard look at what is truly relevant and useful. In doing so, we have worked to
    downplay purely theoretical issues and minimize the use of extensive and elaborate
    calculations to illustrate points that are either intuitively obvious or of
    limited practical use.

    As a result of this process, three basic themes emerge as our
    central focus in writing Essentials of Corporate Finance:

    An Emphasis on Intuition We always try to separate and explain the
    principles at work on a commonsense, intuitive level before launching into any
    specifics. The underlying ideas are discussed first in very general terms and
    then by way of examples that illustrate in more concrete terms how a financial
    manager might proceed in a given situation.

    A Unified Valuation Approach We treat net present value (NPV) as the
    basic concept underlying corporate finance. Many texts stop well short of
    consistently integrating this important principle. The most basic and important
    notion, that NPV represents the excess of market value over cost, often is lost
    in an overly mechanical approach that emphasizes computation at the expense of
    comprehension. In contrast, every subject we cover is firmly rooted in valuation,
    and care is taken throughout to explain how particular decisions have valuation

    A Managerial Focus Students shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that financial
    management concerns management. We emphasize the role of the financial manager
    as decision maker, and we stress the need for managerial input and judgment. We
    consciously avoid “black box” approaches to finance, and, where appropriate,
    the approximate, pragmatic nature of financial analysis is made explicit,
    possible pitfalls are described, and limitations are discussed.

    Today, as we prepare to once again enter the market, our goal is to
    stick with and build on the principles that have brought us this far. However,
    based on an enormous amount of feedback we have received from you and your
    colleagues, we have made this edition and its package even more flexible than
    previous editions. We offer flexibility in coverage and pedagogy by providing a
    wide variety of features in the book to help students to learn about corporate
    finance. We also provide flexibility in package options by offering the most extensive
    collection of teaching, learning, and technology aids of any corporate finance text.
    Whether you use just the textbook, or the book in conjunction with other
    products, we believe you will find a combination with this edition that will
    meet your current as well as your changing needs.

    Stephen A. Ross

    Randolph W. Westerfield

    Bradford D. Jordan



      —— 張建平,對外經濟貿易大學教授、資本市場研究中心主任

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