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    書名:婦產科學(第2版)英文改編版 婦產科學(第2版)英文改編版





    作  者:(美)芭芭拉 L.霍夫曼等主編;喬傑,黃荷鳳改編 著
    定  價:298
    出 版 社:科學出版社
    頁  數:408
    裝  幀:平裝
    Chapter 1 Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System 1
    Section 1 Vulva and Perineum 1
    Section 2 Pelvic Viscera 10
    Section 3 Pelvic Anatomy 20
    Chapter 2 Physiology of Reproduction in Women 25
    Section 1 Physiology Characteristics of Women’s Growth and Development Across the Life Span 26
    Section 2 Hormones and Receptors 26
    Section 3 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis 35
    Section 4 Reproductive Neuroendocrinology 43
    Section 5 Menstrual Cycle 45
    Chapter 3 Maternal and Fetal Anatomy and Physiology 49
    Section 1 Implantation 49
    Section 2 Embryogenesis 50
    Section 3 Fetal Development 50
    Section 4 Placental Development and Function 55
    Section 5 Fetal Membrane Development and Function 59
    Section 6 Maternal Physiology 60
    Chapter 4 Antepartum Assessment 66
    Section 1 Preconceptional Counseling 66
    Section 2 Prenatal Care 67
    Section 3 Genetics 67
    Section 4 Teratology and Medications That Affect the Fetus 71
    Section 5 Antepartum Assessment 74
    Chapter 5 Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy 78
    Section 1 Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy 78
    Section 2 Fetal Imaging 81
    Chapter 6 Obstetrical Complications 84
    Section 1 Pregnancy Hypertension 84
    Section 2 Obstetrical Hemorrhage 90
    Section 3 Abortion 102
    Section 4 Preterm Birth 103
    Section 5 Postterm Pregnancy 107
    Section 6 Fetal Growth Disorders 109
    Section 7 Multifetal Gestation 111
    Section 8 Disorders of Amnionic Fluid Volume 115
    Chapter 7 Medical and Surgical Complications 118
    Section 1 Cardiovascular Disease 118
    Section 2 Chronic Hypertension 125
    Section 3 Thromboembolic Disorders 127
    Section 4 Hepatic, Pancreatic and Appendic Disorders 133
    Section 5 Hematological Disorders 138
    Section 6 Diabetes 141
    Section 7 Thyroid Disorders 146
    Section 8 Infectious Diseases 150
    Section 9 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 154
    Chapter 8 Normal Labor and Delivery 161
    Section 1 Mechanisms of Labor 161
    Section 2 Characteristics of Normal Labor 163
    Section 3 Management of Normal Labor and Delivery 165
    Chapter 9 Abnormal Labor 169
    Section 1 Overview of Dystocia 169
    Section 2 Abnormalities of the Expulsive Forces 169
    Section 3 Fetopelvic Disproportion 171
    Section 4 Precipitous Labor and Delivery 176
    Section 5 Shoulder Dystocia 176
    Section 6 Maternal and Fetal Complications with Dystocia 178
    Section 7 Breech Presentation 178
    Section 8 Forceps Delivery and Cesarean Delivery 180
    Section 9 Prior Cesarean Delivery 181
    Chapter 10 Obstetrical Anesthesia 185
    Section 1 General Principles 185
    Section 2 Analgesia and Sedation During Labor 185
    Section 3 Regional Analgesia 186
    Section 4 Combined Spinal-Epidural Techniques 189
    Section 5 Local Infiltration for Cesarean Delivery 189
    Section 6 General Anesthesia 189
    Chapter 11 Fetus and Newborn 190
    Section 1 The Newborn Infant 190
    Section 2 Diseases and Injuries of the Fetus and Newborn 192
    Chapter 12 Puerperium and Complications of Puerperium 196
    Section 1 Puerperium 196
    Section 2 Puerperal Infection 198
    Chapter 13 Benign General Gynecology 203
    Section 1 Gynaecological Examination 203
    Section 2 Gynecologic Infection 206
    Section 3 Benign Disorders of the Lower Reproductive Tract 214
    Section 4 First-Trimester Abortion 217
    Section 5 Ectopic Pregnancy 223
    Section 6 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 230
    Section 7 Endometriosis 239
    Section 8 Pelvic Mass 245
    Section 9 Pelvic Pain 254
    Chapter 14 Reproductive Endocrine Disease 260
    Section 1 Amenorrhea 260
    Section 2 Menopausal Transition 266
    Section 3 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 272
    Section 4 Hyperprolactinemia 277
    Chapter 15 Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Techniques 278
    Section 1 Evaluation of the Infertile Couple 278
    Section 2 Treatment of the Infertile Couple 285
    Chapter 16 Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Injuries of Reproductive Organs 290
    Section 1 Urinary Incontinence 290
    Section 2 Pelvic Organ Prolapse 299
    Section 3 Anal Incontinence and Functional Anorectal Disorders 307
    Section 4 Genitourinary Fistula and Urethral Diverticulum 311
    Chapter 17 Gynecology Oncology 316
    Section 1 Principles of Chemotherapy 316
    Section 2 Principles of Radiotherapy 319
    Section 3 Preinvasive Lesions of the Lower Genital Tract 323
    Section 4 Cervical Cancer 327
    Section 5 Invasive Cancer of the Vulva 332
    Section 6 Vaginal Cancer 334
    Section 7 Endometrial Cancer 339
    Section 8 Uterine Sarcoma 343
    Section 9 Epithelial Ovarian Cancer 347
    Section 10 Ovarian Germ Cell and Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors 356
    Section 11 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease 360
    Chapter 18 Minimal Invasive Surgery 364
    Section 1 Hysteroscopy 364
    Section 2 Laparoscopy 367
    Chapter 19 Family Planning 371
    Section 1 Contraception 371
    Section 2 Induced Abortions 378
    Chapter 20 Techniques Used for Imaging in Gynecology 381
    Section 1 Sonography 381
    Section 2 Radiography 384
    Section 3 Computed Tomography (CT) 384
    Section 4 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging 385
    Section 5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 385
    Appendix Chinese-English Glossary 388



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