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  • 牛津英語詞彙修訂版中級 (英)魯思·蓋爾恩斯(Gairns,R.),(美)斯
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 外語學習
    【作者】 魯思·蓋爾恩斯 
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    產品名稱:牛津英語詞彙 中級 牛津英語詞彙
    書名:牛津英語詞彙 中級 牛津英語詞彙 牛津英語詞彙 中級 牛津英語詞彙





    作  者:(英)魯思·蓋爾恩斯(Gairns,R.),(美)斯圖爾特·雷德曼(Redman,S.) 著;徐玲 譯 著作
    定  價:42
    出 版 社:上海譯文出版社
    頁  數:264
    裝  幀:平裝
    Introduction 導語
    Starter 開篇
    How to use a unit 如何使用
    How to learn new words 如何學習生詞
    Abbreviations and symbols 縮寫與符號
    Learning 學習
    1 I can talk about vocabulary learning 詞彙學習
    2 I can describe my progress and aims 進步與目標
    3 I can understand a learner's dictionary 學習型詞典
    4 I can talk about English punctuation 英語標點符號
    Review 復習
    People 人
    5 I can talk about appearance 外貌
    6 I can talk about character 性格
    7 I can describe my feelings 感受
    8 I can talk about relationships 關繫
    9 I can talk about families 家庭
    10 I can talk about weddings and funerals 婚禮與葬禮
    Review 復習
    The world around us 周圍的世界
    11 I can describe the universe 宇宙
    12 I can talk about rivers and the sea 河流與海洋
    13 I can describe the climate 氣候
    14 I can describe natural disasters 自然災害
    15 I can describe animals and Insects 動物與昆蟲
    Review 復習
    Daily life 日常生活
    16 I can describe a range of food 食物
    17 I can talk about diets and cooking 飲食與烹飪
    18 I can talk about money 金錢
    19 I can talk about sleep 睡眠
    20 I can talk about Injuries 傷害
    21 I can talk about cars and driving 汽車與駕駛
    22 I can describe travel problems and accidents 旅行中的麻煩與事故
    23 I can talk about clothes and fashion 服裝與時尚
    Review 復習
    Getting things done 完成每一件事
    24 I can describe a visit to the dentist 看牙醫
    25 I can describe hospital procedures 就醫流程
    26 I can explain household tasks 家事
    27 I can describe housework 家務活
    28 I can talk to a hairdresser 與美發師交談
    Review 復習
    Describing things 描述
    29 I can describe urban life 城市生活
    30 I can describe parts of a building 建築物一隅
    31 I can describe objects 物品
    32 I can describe the senses 感知
    33 I can describe a painting 畫作
    34 I can describe actions 行為
    Review 復習
    So and political Issues 社會與政治話題
    35 I can talk about crime 犯罪行為
    36 I can describe the justice system 司法繫統
    37 I can discuss health Issues 健康話題
    38 I can talk about politics 政治
    39 I can talk about war and peace 戰爭與和平
    40 I can talk about events In history 歷史事件
    Review 復習
    Media and entertainment 媒體與娛樂
    41 I can understand newspapers 報紙
    42 I can talk about films 電影
    43 I can talk about art and photography 美術與攝影
    44 I can talk about music 音樂
    45 I can talk about people and places In sport 體育人物與體育場所
    46 I can describe sporting events 體育賽事
    47 I can talk about books 書籍
    48 I can describe festivals 節日
    Review 復習
    Work and study 工作與學習
    49 I can get through exams 通過考試
    50 I can describe university life 大學生活
    51 I can apply for a job 申請工作
    52 I can describe jobs 工作
    53 I can describe a career 職業
    54 I can describe working conditions 工作環境
    Review 復習
    Business 商務
    55 I can talk about finance 金融
    56 I can talk about companies 公司
    57 I can describe a successful business 成功的企業
    58 I can discuss marketing 營銷
    Review 復習
    So English 社交英語
    59 I can express probability 可能性
    60 I can explain similarities and differences 相似與差異
    61 I can make arrangements to meet 安排會面
    62 I can discuss my likes and dislikes 喜歡與厭惡
    63 I can give my opinion 發表意見
    64 I can talk about rules 規則
    65 I can discuss hopes and plans 希望與計劃
    66 I can express dissatisfaction 表達不滿
    67 I can understand warnings 警告
    Review 復習
    Language 語言
    68 I can use link words 連接詞
    69 I can use a range of adjectives 形容詞
    70 I can express place and time 地點和時間
    71 I can use prepositions In phrases 短語中的介詞
    72 I can use prefixes 前綴
    73 I can use suffixes 後綴
    74 I can use verb patterns 動詞模式
    75 I can use phrasal verbs 短語動詞
    76 I can use a range of adverbs 副詞
    Review 復習
    Styles of English 英語文體
    77 I can recognize Informal English 非正式英語
    78 I can write a formal letter 正式信件
    79 I can understand abbreviations and short forms 縮寫詞與簡化形式
    80 I can understand American English 美式英語
    Review 復習
    Vocabulary building 構詞表
    Answer key 答案
    Review answer key 答案
    Spotlight boxes 詞彙要點
    Word list 單詞表
    Acknowledgements 致謝



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