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  • 民航機務專業英語(第3版普通高等院校航空專業十三五規劃教材)
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302509271
    • 作者:編者:李永平
    • 頁數:238
    • 出版日期:2018-08-01
    • 印刷日期:2018-08-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:3
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:372千字
    • 《民航機務專業英語(第3版)》是在總結已有相關教材的基礎上,結合飛機維修的實際工作,精心編寫而成。與第2版相比,第3版主要增加了復合材料、載重與平衡、適航性等3章。
    • \"本書結合飛機維修的工作實際,涵蓋了與飛機及其維修工程相關的技術內容,如民航飛機的一般知識、飛機的若干繫統、飛機健康管理、飛機航材管理、飛機客戶支持、飛機復合材料、飛機適航管理等,旨在使讀者通過精讀的方式掌握一定的飛機專業技術英文詞彙,同時掌握初步的、較為全面的飛機維修工程及其管理方面的專業知識。 本書可作為普通高等院校、高職高專、中專等學校的飛機維修各相關專業“民航機務專業英語”或“專業英語”課程的教材或教學輔助材料使用,也可用於航空公司、飛機制造公司、飛機設計研究所等民航企事業單位飛機機務工程技術人員的培訓和學習。\"
    • Contents

      Lesson 1Airplanes and Main Manufacturers Introduction

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Major Manufacturers of General Aviation Aircraft

      Lesson 2About the 737 Family

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Boeing 737 Next Generation

      Lesson 3B787 Dreamliner

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—B787 and Its Competitor

      Lesson 4Autopilot System

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Modern Autopilots

      Lesson 5Aircraft Electrical Power

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Aircraft Electrical System

      Lesson 6Hydraulic Power

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Aircraft Hydraulic System

      Lesson 7Auxiliary Power Unit

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—APU

      Lesson 8How Can I Be an Aircraft Mechanic?

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Becoming a Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer in New Zealand

      Lesson 9Airplane Health Management

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Boeing to Provide Airplane Health Management System to Qantas

      Lesson 10Aviation Material Management

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Composites and Advanced Materials in Aircraft

      Lesson 11Customer Support

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Customer Service Representative

      Lesson 12Next Generation Air Transportation System

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Next Generation Data Communications

      Lesson 13Composite Material Usage in Aircraft Structure

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) of Composites

      Lesson 14Weight and Balance

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences


      Extensive Reading—Aircraft Weight Definitions

      Lesson 15Airworthiness of Aircraft

      New Words & Phrases

      Choose the Best Answer

      Translations of Long and Difficult Sentences





      Appendix ⅠB737NG After Flight Routine Jobcard

      Appendix ⅡAviation Abbreviations and Acronyms

      Appendix ⅢAnswers for “Choose the Best Answer”of 15 Lessons

      Appendix ⅣReference Answers for Questions of 15 Lessons

    • Airplanes in a manufacturing factory Airplanes come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the mission of the aircraft, but all modern airplanes have certain components in common. These are the fuselage, wing, tail assembly and control surfaces, landing gear, and power plants. Aircraft components For any airplane to fly, it must be able to lift the weight of the airplane, its fuel, the passengers, and the cargo. The wings generate most of the lift to hold the plane in the air. To generate lift, the airplane must be pushed through the air. The engines, which are usually located beneath the wings, provide the thrust to push the airplane forward through the air. The fuselage is the body of the airplane that holds all the pieces of the aircraft together and many of the other large components are attached to it. The fuselage is generally streamlined as much as possible to reduce drag. Designs for fuselages vary widely. The fuselage houses the cockpit where the pilot and flight crew sit and it provides areas for passengers and cargo. It may also carry armaments of various sorts. Some aircraft carry fuel in the fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings. In addition, an engine may be housed in the fuselage. The wing provides the principal lifting force of an airplane. Lift is obtained from the dynamic action of the wing with respect to the air. The crosssectional shape of the wing as viewed from the side is known as the airfoil section. The planform shape of the wing (the shape of the wing as viewed from above) and placement of the wing on the fuselage (including the angle of incidence), as well as the airfoil section shape, depend upon the airplane mission and the best compromise necessary in the overall airplane design. The generation of lift The control surfaces include all those surfaces of an airplane used for attitude, lift, and drag control. They include the tail assembly, the structures at the rear of the airplane that serve to control and maneuver the aircraft and structures forming part of and attached to the wing. The tail usually has a fixed horizontal piece (called the horizontal stabilizer) and a fixed vertical piece (called the vertical stabilizer). The stabilizers provide stability for the aircraft—they keep it flying straight. The vertical stabilizer keeps the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side (called yaw), while the horizontal stabilizer prevents an upanddown motion of the nose (called pitch). (On the Wright brothers’ first successful aircraft, the horizontal stabilizer was placed in front of the wings. Such a configuration is called a canard after the French word for “duck”).
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