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  • 別躲別躲英語會話(附光盤)
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 英語專項訓練
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    • 出版社:南京大學
    • ISBN:9787305085505
    • 作者:祝莉麗
    • 頁數:262
    • 出版日期:2011-07-01
    • 印刷日期:2011-07-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:215千字
    • 由祝莉麗主編的《別躲別躲英語會話》通過講述主人公在美國留學的經歷,幾乎將海外生活的所有情景涵蓋在內,從見面問候、校園生活到日常交際,再到畢業求職,共27個情景。每個情景又可延伸、模擬出7—10個話題,通過多幅圖片展示連續對話,繫統地運用情景會話時的常用句式表達,能快速地鞏固和提高讀者的英語交際能力。
    • Chapter 01 Introduction and Greeting介紹與問候
      Section 01 Meeting at the Airport機場會面
      Section 02 Greeting at the School Gate校園問候
      Section 03 Meeting in a Class課上見面
      Section 04 Giving a Self-introduction自我介紹
      Section 05 Introducing Friends介紹朋友
      Section 06 Parting After Visiting拜訪告別
      Section 07 Meeting a Neighbor鄰居相遇
      Section 08 Seeing a Friend 0ff機場送別
      Chapter 02 Campus Life校園生活
      Section 01 ln a Class在課堂上
      Section 02 Talking About Teachers談論老師
      Section 03 Examinations考試
      Section 04 On the Playground在操場上
      Section 05 Accepting a Party Invitation接受聚會邀請
      Section 06 Ioining a Club加入俱樂部
      Section 07 Running for a Position競選職位
      Section 08 Part-time Iobs兼職工作
      Chapter 03 Shopping購物
      Section 01 In the Supermarket在超市
      Section 02 Buying a Pair ofJeans買牛仔褲
      Section 03 At the Cashier’S Desk收銀臺前
      Section 04 A Big Sale大減價
      Section 05 Bargaining in a Flea Market在跳蚤市場砍價
      Section 06 Buying a Gift for a Friend給朋友買禮物
      Section 07 Buying Books買書
      Section 08 Changing a Hat換帽子
      Section 09 Getting a Refund退貨
      Section 10 Buying Groceries買菜
      Chapter 04 Money Matters錢財問題
      Section 01 Opening a Bank Account開立賬戶
      Section 02 Renting a Safe Deposit Box租保險箱
      Section 03 Money Exchange貨幣兌換
      Section 04 Depositing Money存款
      Section 05 Withdrawing Money取款
      Section 06 Traveller’S Cheques旅行支票
      Section 07 Reporting a Lost Passbook存折報失
      Section 08 Closing an Account注銷賬戶
      Chapter 05 Parties and Celebrations聚會與慶祝
      Section 01 An Invitation邀請
      Section 02 Party Preparations聚會準備
      Section 03 A Partv Animal聚會迷
      Section 04 Bars酒吧
      Section 05 Party Music派對音樂
      Section 06 At a Party在聚會上
      Section 07 TaIking About Patries談論派對
      Section 08 A Wedding Anniversary結婚紀念
      Chapter 06 At the Library在圖書館
      Section 01 Where Is the Library?圖書館在哪兒?
      Section 02 Meeting an Acquaintance巧遇熟人
      Section 03 Library Introduction借閱簡介
      Section 04 Borrowing a Book借書
      Section 05 The Library Catalogue圖書館目錄
      Section 06 Returns and Fines圖書歸還與罰款
      Section 07 Holds/Re-calls預約/催還
      Section 08 Renewing續借
      Chapter 07 Leisure and Exercise休閑與健身
      Section 01 Playing Chess下像棋
      Section 02 Planning an Outing計劃郊遊
      Section 03 At a Concert聽音樂會
      Section 04 Chatting in a Bar酒吧聊天
      Section 05 At KTV在KTV
      Section 06 Watching a Basketball Game看籃球賽
      Section 07 Going Out for a Picnic外出野餐
      Section 08 Bungee Jumping蹦極
      Chapter 08 Interests and Hobbies興趣與愛好
      Section 01 Growing Flowers養花
      Section 02 Stamp”Collecting集郵
      Section 03 Painting and Calligraphy繪畫與書法
      Section 04 Roller Skating滑旱冰
      Section 05 Basketball籃球
      Section 06 Good Hobbies and Bad Hobbies好習慣與壞習慣
      Section 07 Career Interests職業興趣
      Section 08 Talking About Hobbies in an Interview面試中談論興趣愛好
      Chapter 09 Clothing and Appearance梳妝打扮
      Section 01 Cosmetics化妝品
      Section 02 Lip Gloss唇彩
      Section 03 Dressing-UD打扮
      Section 04 Make-UD化妝
      Section 05 Hair Dressing美發
      Section 06 At a Beauty Salon在美容院
      Section 07 Getting a Perm燙發
      Section 08 Fashion時尚
      Chapter 10 Dining Out外出就餐
      Section 01 Dinner Etiquette用餐禮儀
      Section 02 Selecting a Restaurant選擇餐館
      Section 03 Reserving a Table預訂餐桌
      Section 04 Reserving a Table in a Non—smoking Area定非吸煙區的餐桌
      Section 05 Arriving at a Restaurant到達餐廳
      Section 06 Without a Reservation沒有預訂
      Section 07 Meeting in a Restaurant餐廳相遇
      Section 08 Ordering the Dishes點餐
      Section 09 Serving the Dishes上菜
      Section 10 Dinner Talk晚餐談話
      Section 11 Waiting on the Table用餐服務
      Section 12 Making Complaints投訴抱怨
      Section 13 Having Dessert喫甜點
      Section 14 Paying the Bill付賬
      Section 15 Having Fast Food喫快餐
      Section 16 Having a Bufret喫自助餐
      Chapter 27 Graduation畢業
      Section 01 The Supervisor’S Guidance導師指導
      Section 02 Writing a Paper寫論文
      Section 03 Walking on the Campus校園散步
      Section 04 The Last Lesson*後一課
      Section 05 Appreciating the Supervisor感謝導師
      Section 06 The Graduation Ceremony畢業典禮
      Section 07 At the Farewell Party在歡送會上
      Section 08 Departure分別
      Chapter 11 Holidays and Festivals節假日
      Section 01 Christmas Day聖誕節
      Section 02 Halloween萬聖節
      Section 03 Thanksgiving Day感恩節
      Section 04 ApriI Fool’S Day愚人節
      Section 05 Father’S Day父親節
      Section 06 The Spring Festival春節
      Section 07 The Mid.Autumn Festival中秋節
      Section 08 National Day國慶節
      Chapter 12 Travelling旅遊
      Section 01 Travel Plans旅遊計劃
      Section 02 Making a Reservation預訂
      Section 03 At the Airport在機場
      Section 04 Checking in at the HoteI酒店登記
      Section 05 Asking for Directions問路
      Section 06 Sightseeing觀光
      Section 07 Shopping購物
      Section 08 At Customs在海關
      Chapter 13 At the Hospital求醫問診
      Section 01 Catching a Cold感冒
      Section 02 At the Drug Store在藥店
      Section 03 How to Take Medicine如何服藥
      Section 04 Registering at the Hospital醫院掛號
      Section 05 Seeing a Doctor看醫生
      Section 06 Giving a Prescription開處方
      Section 07 At the Pharmacy在藥房
      Section 08 Hospitalization住院
      Section 09 IntheWard在病房
      Section 10 Leaving the Hospital出院
      Chapter 14 Asking for and Directing the Way問路與指路
      Section 01 The Nearest Supermarket*近的超市.
      Section 02 Asking for Directions to the Bus Stop問公交車站的走法
      Section 03 The Way to the Bank去銀行的路
      Section 04 I'm a Stranger,too我也不是本地人
      Section 05 Getting Lost迷路了
      Section 06 Drawing a Map畫地圖
      Section 07 Asking the Way by Car開車問路
      Section 08 The Way to a Caf6去咖啡館的路
      Chapter 15 Letting and Renting出租與尋租
      Section 01 Apartment Hunting尋找住處
      Section 02 Housing Conditions住房條件
      Section 03 Renting a House租房
      Section 04 Looking for a House找房子
      Section 05 Seeing the Apartment看房子
      Section 06 Talking About the Rent談論租金
      Section 07 The Lease租房合同
      Section 08 To Buy or to Rent買還是租
      Chapter 16 At the Post 0ffice在郵局
      Section 01 Buying Post Cards買明信片
      Section 02 Sending Post Cards寄明信片
      Section 03 Examining a Parcel檢查包裹
      Section 04 Sending a Parcel by Registered Mail寄掛號包裹
      Section 05 Claiming a ParceI取包裹
      Section 06 Posting a Letter Ⅰ寄信(1)
      Section 07 Posting a Letter Ⅱ寄信(2)
      Section 08 Overweight Items超重
      Chapter 17 Transportation交通
      Section 01 Buying an Air Ticket買機票
      Section 02 On a Plane在飛機上
      Section 03 At a Bus Stop在公共汽車站
      Section 04 Changing Buses換乘公共汽車
      Section 05 Taking aTaxi乘出租車
      Section 06 Taking the Subway乘地鐵
      Section 07 Taking aTrain坐火車
      Section 08 Renting a Car租汽車
      Chapter 18 Reservations預訂
      Section 01 Making Reservations at Festivals節日訂餐
      Section 02 Reserving a Room at a Hotel預訂房間
      Section 03 Confirming a Flight Reservation確認航班預訂
      Section 04 Reserving a Birthday Cake預訂生日蛋糕
      Section 05 Making all Appointment with a Dentist預約看牙
      Section 06 Making a Hair Appointment預約做頭發
      Section 07 Cancelling a Hair Appointment取消做頭發的預約
      Section 08 Going to a Barber’S without an Appointment沒有預約就去理發
      Chapter 19 Accidents事故
      Section 01 Being Lost迷路
      Section 02 A Parking Ticket停車罰單
      Section 03 A Speeding Ticket超速罰單
      Section 04 Avoiding a Car Accident避免車禍
      Section 05 Having a Car Accident遭遇車禍
      Section 06 The Language Barrier語言障礙
      Section 07 A Lost Passport丟失的護照
      Section 08 A Stolen Wallet失竊的錢包
      Chapter 20 Movies and Music電影與音樂
      Section 01 Movie Ratings電影分級
      Section 02 11vpes of Films電影的種類
      Section 03 Actors.Actresses and Awards演員與獎項
      Section 04 Going to a Cinema看電影
      Section 05 Romantic Songs浪漫歌曲
      Section 06 Pop Music流行音樂
      Section 07 Music Bands樂隊
      Section 08 ClassicaI Music古典音樂
      Chapter 21 Keeping Fit保持健康
      Section 01 Walking up the Stairs走樓梯
      Section 02 Mountain Climbing爬山
      Section 03 Going to a Gym去健身房
      Section 04 Yoga瑜伽
      Section 05 Losing Weight減肥
      Section 06 Camping野營
      Section 07 Going on a Diet節食
      Section 08 H ealth健康
      Chapter 22 Pets寵物
      Section 01 Keeping a Dog養狗
      Section 02 Cats and Dogs貓與狗
      Section 03 Unusual Pets不同尋常的寵物
      Section 04 Pet Licenses寵物飼養證
      Section 05 Feeding Fish養魚
      Section 06 House Training室內訓練
      Section 07 Pet Foods寵物美食
      Section 08 A Sick Pet寵物生病
      Chapter 23 Socialising人際交往
      Section 01 Family Members家庭成員
      Section 02 About the Family關於家庭
      Section 03 Marriage新婚
      Section 04 Visiting Friends拜訪朋友
      Section 05 Friendship友誼
      Section 06 loining a Club加入社團
      Section 07 Inviting Someone Out邀請外出
      Section 08 The Community Activities社區活動
      Chapter 24 The Internet互聯網
      Section 01 The Use ofthe Internet網絡的用處
      Section 02 Cvbet Stores網絡商店
      Section 03 Web Surfing網上衝浪
      Section 04 Online Games網絡遊戲
      Section 05 Computer Repairs電腦維修
      Section 06 Changes Brought by the Internet網絡帶來的變化
      Section 07 Netizens網民
      Section 08 E.commerce電子商務
      Chapter 25 Career Life職場生涯
      Section 01 Career Planning工作計劃
      Section 02 At a fob Agency中介公司
      Section 03 Applying for a Job應聘工作
      Section 04 An Interview面試
      Section 05 Work Procedures T作程序
      Section 06 Chatting with a Co.worker與同事聊天
      Section 07 Knocking Off Work下班
      Section 08 Working Overtime加班
      Chapter 26 COngratuIations祝福
      Section 01 An Engagement訂婚
      Section 02 Showing Appreciation表達贊賞
      Section 03 A Baby’S Birth孩子出生
      Section 04 At aWedding在婚禮上
      Section 05 A Birthday Dinner生日晚宴
      Section 06 A Promotion晉升
      Section 07 A Football Game足球比賽
      Section 08 Recovery From Illness病後康復
      Chapter 27 Graduation畢業
      Section 01 The Supervisor’S Guidance導師指導
      Section 02 Writing a Paper寫論文
      Section 03 Walking on the Campus校園散步
      Section 04 The Last Lesson*後一課
      Section 05 Appreciating the Supervisor感謝導師
      Section 06 The Graduation Ceremony畢業典禮
      Section 07 At the Farewell Party在歡送會上
      Section 08 Departure分別Chapter 01 Introduction and Greeting介紹與問候
      Section 01 Meeting at the Airport機場會面
      Section 02 Greeting at the School Gate校園問候
      Section 03 Meeting in a Class課上見面
      Section 04 Giving a Self-introduction自我介紹
      Section 05 Introducing Friends介紹朋友
      Section 06 Parting After Visiting拜訪告別
      Section 07 Meeting a Neighbor鄰居相遇
      Section 08 Seeing a Friend 0ff機場送別
      Chapter 02 Campus Life校園生活
      Section 01 ln a Class在課堂上
      Section 02 Talking About Teachers談論老師
      Section 03 Examinations考試
      Section 04 On the Playground在操場上
      Section 05 Accepting a Party Invitation接受聚會邀請
      Section 06 Ioining a Club加入俱樂部
      Section 07 Running for a Position競選職位
      Section 08 Part-time Iobs兼職工作
      Chapter 03 Shopping購物
      Section 01 In the Supermarket在超市
      Section 02 Buying a Pair ofJeans買牛仔褲
      Section 03 At the Cashier’S Desk收銀臺前
      Section 04 A Big Sale大減價
      Section 05 Bargaining in a Flea Market在跳蚤市場砍價
      Section 06 Buying a Gift for a Friend給朋友買禮物
      Section 07 Buying Books買書
      Section 08 Changing a Hat換帽子
      Section 09 Getting a Refund退貨
      Section 10 Buying Groceries買菜
      Chapter 04 Money Matters錢財問題
      Section 01 Opening a Bank Account開立賬戶
      Section 02 Renting a Safe Deposit Box租保險箱
      Section 03 Money Exchange貨幣兌換
      Section 04 Depositing Money存款
      Section 05 Withdrawing Money取款
      Section 06 Traveller’S Cheques旅行支票
      Section 07 Reporting a Lost Passbook存折報失
      Section 08 Closing an Account注銷賬戶
      Chapter 05 Parties and Celebrations聚會與慶祝
      Section 01 An Invitation邀請
      Section 02 Party Preparations聚會準備
      Section 03 A Partv Animal聚會迷
      Section 04 Bars酒吧
      Section 05 Party Music派對音樂
      Section 06 At a Party在聚會上
      Section 07 TaIking About Patries談論派對
      Section 08 A Wedding Anniversary結婚紀念
      Chapter 06 At the Library在圖書館
      Section 01 Where Is the Library?圖書館在哪兒?
      Section 02 Meeting an Acquaintance巧遇熟人
      Section 03 Library Introduction借閱簡介
      Section 04 Borrowing a Book借書
      Section 05 The Library Catalogue圖書館目錄
      Section 06 Returns and Fines圖書歸還與罰款
      Section 07 Holds/Re-calls預約/催還
      Section 08 Renewing續借
      Chapter 07 Leisure and Exercise休閑與健身
      Section 01 Playing Chess下像棋
      Section 02 Planning an Outing計劃郊遊
      Section 03 At a Concert聽音樂會
      Section 04 Chatting in a Bar酒吧聊天
      Section 05 At KTV在KTV
      Section 06 Watching a Basketball Game看籃球賽
      Section 07 Going Out for a Picnic外出野餐
      Section 08 Bungee Jumping蹦極
      Chapter 08 Interests and Hobbies興趣與愛好
      Section 01 Growing Flowers養花
      Section 02 Stamp”Collecting集郵
      Section 03 Painting and Calligraphy繪畫與書法
      Section 04 Roller Skating滑旱冰
      Section 05 Basketball籃球
      Section 06 Good Hobbies and Bad Hobbies好習慣與壞習慣
      Section 07 Career Interests職業興趣
      Section 08 Talking About Hobbies in an Interview面試中談論興趣愛好
      Chapter 09 Clothing and Appearance梳妝打扮
      Section 01 Cosmetics化妝品
      Section 02 Lip Gloss唇彩
      Section 03 Dressing-UD打扮
      Section 04 Make-UD化妝
      Section 05 Hair Dressing美發
      Section 06 At a Beauty Salon在美容院
      Section 07 Getting a Perm燙發
      Section 08 Fashion時尚
      Chapter 10 Dining Out外出就餐
      Section 01 Dinner Etiquette用餐禮儀
      Section 02 Selecting a Restaurant選擇餐館
      Section 03 Reserving a Table預訂餐桌
      Section 04 Reserving a Table in a Non—smoking Area定非吸煙區的餐桌
      Section 05 Arriving at a Restaurant到達餐廳
      Section 06 Without a Reservation沒有預訂
      Section 07 Meeting in a Restaurant餐廳相遇
      Section 08 Ordering the Dishes點餐
      Section 09 Serving the Dishes上菜
      Section 10 Dinner Talk晚餐談話
      Section 11 Waiting on the Table用餐服務
      Section 12 Making Complaints投訴抱怨
      Section 13 Having Dessert喫甜點
      Section 14 Paying the Bill付賬
      Section 15 Having Fast Food喫快餐
      Section 16 Having a Bufret喫自助餐
      Chapter 11 Holidays and Festivals節假日
      Section 01 Christmas Day聖誕節
      Section 02 Halloween萬聖節
      Section 03 Thanksgiving Day感恩節
      Section 04 ApriI Fool’S Day愚人節
      Section 05 Father’S Day父親節
      Section 06 The Spring Festival春節
      Section 07 The Mid.Autumn Festival中秋節
      Section 08 National Day國慶節
      Chapter 12 Travelling旅遊
      Section 01 Travel Plans旅遊計劃
      Section 02 Making a Reservation預訂
      Section 03 At the Airport在機場
      Section 04 Checking in at the HoteI酒店登記
      Section 05 Asking for Directions問路
      Section 06 Sightseeing觀光
      Section 07 Shopping購物
      Section 08 At Customs在海關
      Chapter 13 At the Hospital求醫問診
      Section 01 Catching a Cold感冒
      Section 02 At the Drug Store在藥店
      Section 03 How to Take Medicine如何服藥
      Section 04 Registering at the Hospital醫院掛號
      Section 05 Seeing a Doctor看醫生
      Section 06 Giving a Prescription開處方
      Section 07 At the Pharmacy在藥房
      Section 08 Hospitalization住院
      Section 09 IntheWard在病房
      Section 10 Leaving the Hospital出院
      Chapter 14 Asking for and Directing the Way問路與指路
      Section 01 The Nearest Supermarket*近的超市.
      Section 02 Asking for Directions to the Bus Stop問公交車站的走法
      Section 03 The Way to the Bank去銀行的路
      Section 04 I'm a Stranger,too我也不是本地人
      Section 05 Getting Lost迷路了
      Section 06 Drawing a Map畫地圖
      Section 07 Asking the Way by Car開車問路
      Section 08 The Way to a Caf6去咖啡館的路
      Chapter 15 Letting and Renting出租與尋租
      Section 01 Apartment Hunting尋找住處
      Section 02 Housing Conditions住房條件
      Section 03 Renting a House租房
      Section 04 Looking for a House找房子
      Section 05 Seeing the Apartment看房子
      Section 06 Talking About the Rent談論租金
      Section 07 The Lease租房合同
      Section 08 To Buy or to Rent買還是租
      Chapter 16 At the Post 0ffice在郵局
      Section 01 Buying Post Cards買明信片
      Section 02 Sending Post Cards寄明信片
      Section 03 Examining a Parcel檢查包裹
      Section 04 Sending a Parcel by Registered Mail寄掛號包裹
      Section 05 Claiming a ParceI取包裹
      Section 06 Posting a Letter Ⅰ寄信(1)
      Section 07 Posting a Letter Ⅱ寄信(2)
      Section 08 Overweight Items超重
      Chapter 17 Transportation交通
      Section 01 Buying an Air Ticket買機票
      Section 02 On a Plane在飛機上
      Section 03 At a Bus Stop在公共汽車站
      Section 04 Changing Buses換乘公共汽車
      Section 05 Taking aTaxi乘出租車
      Section 06 Taking the Subway乘地鐵
      Section 07 Taking aTrain坐火車
      Section 08 Renting a Car租汽車
      Chapter 18 Reservations預訂
      Section 01 Making Reservations at Festivals節日訂餐
      Section 02 Reserving a Room at a Hotel預訂房間
      Section 03 Confirming a Flight Reservation確認航班預訂
      Section 04 Reserving a Birthday Cake預訂生日蛋糕
      Section 05 Making all Appointment with a Dentist預約看牙
      Section 06 Making a Hair Appointment預約做頭發
      Section 07 Cancelling a Hair Appointment取消做頭發的預約
      Section 08 Going to a Barber’S without an Appointment沒有預約就去理發
      Chapter 19 Accidents事故
      Section 01 Being Lost迷路
      Section 02 A Parking Ticket停車罰單
      Section 03 A Speeding Ticket超速罰單
      Section 04 Avoiding a Car Accident避免車禍
      Section 05 Having a Car Accident遭遇車禍
      Section 06 The Language Barrier語言障礙
      Section 07 A Lost Passport丟失的護照
      Section 08 A Stolen Wallet失竊的錢包
      Chapter 20 Movies and Music電影與音樂
      Section 01 Movie Ratings電影分級
      Section 02 11vpes of Films電影的種類
      Section 03 Actors.Actresses and Awards演員與獎項
      Section 04 Going to a Cinema看電影
      Section 05 Romantic Songs浪漫歌曲
      Section 06 Pop Music流行音樂
      Section 07 Music Bands樂隊
      Section 08 ClassicaI Music古典音樂
      Chapter 21 Keeping Fit保持健康
      Section 01 Walking up the Stairs走樓梯
      Section 02 Mountain Climbing爬山
      Section 03 Going to a Gym去健身房
      Section 04 Yoga瑜伽
      Section 05 Losing Weight減肥
      Section 06 Camping野營
      Section 07 Going on a Diet節食
      Section 08 H ealth健康
      Chapter 22 Pets寵物
      Section 01 Keeping a Dog養狗
      Section 02 Cats and Dogs貓與狗
      Section 03 Unusual Pets不同尋常的寵物
      Section 04 Pet Licenses寵物飼養證
      Section 05 Feeding Fish養魚
      Section 06 House Training室內訓練
      Section 07 Pet Foods寵物美食
      Section 08 A Sick Pet寵物生病
      Chapter 23 Socialising人際交往
      Section 01 Family Members家庭成員
      Section 02 About the Family關於家庭
      Section 03 Marriage新婚
      Section 04 Visiting Friends拜訪朋友
      Section 05 Friendship友誼
      Section 06 loining a Club加入社團
      Section 07 Inviting Someone Out邀請外出
      Section 08 The Community Activities社區活動
      Chapter 24 The Internet互聯網
      Section 01 The Use ofthe Internet網絡的用處
      Section 02 Cvbet Stores網絡商店
      Section 03 Web Surfing網上衝浪
      Section 04 Online Games網絡遊戲
      Section 05 Computer Repairs電腦維修
      Section 06 Changes Brought by the Internet網絡帶來的變化
      Section 07 Netizens網民
      Section 08 E.commerce電子商務
      Chapter 25 Career Life職場生涯
      Section 01 Career Planning工作計劃
      Section 02 At a fob Agency中介公司
      Section 03 Applying for a Job應聘工作
      Section 04 An Interview面試
      Section 05 Work Procedures T作程序
      Section 06 Chatting with a Co.worker與同事聊天
      Section 07 Knocking Off Work下班
      Section 08 Working Overtime加班
      Chapter 26 COngratuIations祝福
      Section 01 An Engagement訂婚
      Section 02 Showing Appreciation表達贊賞
      Section 03 A Baby’S Birth孩子出生
      Section 04 At aWedding在婚禮上
      Section 05 A Birthday Dinner生日晚宴
      Section 06 A Promotion晉升
      Section 07 A Football Game足球比賽
      Section 08 Recovery From Illness病後康復
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