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  • 新类目

  • 中國園林(英文版)/中華文明探微書繫
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 口語/生活實用英語
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    • 出版社:中國畫報
    • ISBN:9787514610000
    • 作者:(英)廷德爾//羅賓遜//朱天曙
    • 頁數:152
    • 出版日期:2014-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-06-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 廷德爾、羅賓遜、朱天曙主編的《中國園林(英文版)》從中國文化的角度出發,闡述了園林的本身特色及所承載的文化意蘊;又從中國園林與其他**及地區園林的比較中顯示出了中國園林所承載的文化含義及其像征。其中本書*有特色的是第五章《引人入勝——中國園林審美》,從意境的角度解析了園林的審美方法及審美感受。並選取日本、西方(主要是歐洲)以及伊斯蘭的園林與中國園林作了一番比較,在比較中再次彰顯了中國園林的獨特之處。
    • Chapter Ⅰ The Formation and Development of Chinese Gardens
      Section Ⅰ The Origins of Classical Chinese Gardens
      Section Ⅱ A Symbol of Imperial Power
      Section Ⅲ A Place to Indulge in a Passion for Landscape
      Section Ⅳ Gardens in the Golden Age of Imperial China
      Section Ⅴ Moving with the Times
      Section Ⅵ Moving Heaven and Earth
      Chapter Ⅱ Categories of Chinese Gardens
      Section Ⅰ Imperial Gardens
      Section Ⅱ Private Gardens
      Section Ⅲ Comparison between Imperial Gardens and Private Gardens
      Chapter Ⅲ The Four Major Elements of Chinese Garden Design
      Section Ⅰ Rockeries
      Section Ⅱ Water Features
      Section Ⅲ Architecture
      Section Ⅳ Flowers and Trees
      Chapter Ⅳ The Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Gardens
      Section Ⅰ Building a Model of Heaven and Earth
      Section Ⅱ The World in Microcosm
      Section Ⅲ A Part of the Whole
      Chapter Ⅴ The Aesthetic Characteristics of Chinese Gardens
      Section Ⅰ The Implications of Chinese Garden Naming Conventions..
      Section Ⅱ Symbolism and Analogy
      Section Ⅲ The Artistic Conception behind Classical Chinese Gardens ..
      Section Ⅳ The Beauty of Dynamism
      Chapter Ⅵ Appreciating Northern China's Imperial Gardens
      Section Ⅰ The Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City
      Section Ⅱ Qianlong Garden, or the Garden of the Palace of Tranquil Longevity
      Section Ⅲ The Old Summer Palace
      Section Ⅳ The Summer Palace
      Section Ⅴ Chengde Imperial Mountain Resort
      Chapter Ⅶ Appreciating Southern China's Private Gardens
      Section Ⅰ Jichang Garden
      Section Ⅱ The Humble Administrator's Garden
      Section Ⅲ The Master of Nets Garden
      Section Ⅳ Ge Garden
      Author's Note
      A Brief Chronology of Chinese History
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