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  • 新类目

  • 海明威作品選(精)
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 口語/生活實用英語
    【介質】 book
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    • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
    • ISBN:9787510040078
    • 作者:(美)歐內斯特·海明威
    • 頁數:1032
    • 出版日期:2013-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-01-01
    • 包裝:精裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:1420千字
    • 歐內斯特·海明威所著的《海明威作品選(精)》找來了專門研究西方歷史、西方文化的專家學者,請教了專業的翻譯人員,精心挑選了這些可以代表西方文學的著作,並聽取了一些國外專門研究文學的朋友的建議,不刪節、不做任何人為改動,嚴格按照原著的風格,提供原汁原味的西方名著,讓讀者能享受純正的英文名著。
    • The Old Man and the Sea
      A Farewell to Arms
      BOOK I
      Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Chapter 3
      Chapter 4
      Chapter fi
      Chapter 6
      Chapter 7
      Chapter 8
      Chapter 9
      Chapter 10
      Chapter 11
      Chapter 12
      BOOK II
      Chapter 13
      Chapter 14
      Chapter ! 5
      Chapter 16
      Chapter 17
      Chapter 18
      Chapter 19
      Chapter 20
      Chapter 21
      Chapter 22
      Chapter 23
      Chapter 24
      BOOK III
      Chapter 25
      Chapter 26
      Chapter 27
      Chapter 28
      Chapter 29
      Chapter 30
      Chapter 31
      Chapter 32
      BOOK IV
      Chapter 33
      Chapter 34
      Chapter 35
      Chapter 36
      Chapter 37
      BOOK V
      Chapter 38
      Chapter 39
      Chapter 40
      Chapter 41
      The Sun Also Rises
      BOOK I
      Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Chapter 3
      Chapter 4
      Chapter 5
      Chapter 6
      Chapter 7
      BOOK II
      Chapter 8
      Chapter 9
      Chapter 10
      Chapter 11
      Chapter 12
      Chapter 13
      Chapter 14
      Chapter 15
      Chapter 16
      Chapter 17
      Chapter 18
      BOOK III
      Chapter 19
      For Whom the Bell Tolls
      Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Chapter 3
      Chapter 4
      Chapter 5
      Chapter 6
      Chapter 7
      Chapter 8
      Chapter 9
      Chapter 10
      Chapter 11
      Chapter 12
      Chapter 13
      Chapter 14
      Chapter 15
      Chapter 16
      Chapter 17
      Chapter 18
      Chapter 19
      Chapter 20
      Chapter 21
      Chapter 22
      Chapter 23
      Chapter 24
      Chapter 25
      Chapter 26
      Chapter 27
      Chapter 28
      Chapter 29
      Chapter 30
      Chapter 31
      Chapter 32
      Chapter 33
      Chapter 34
      Chapter 35
      Chapter 36
      Chapter 37
      Chapter 38
      Chapter 39
      Chapter 40
      Chapter 41
      Chapter 42
      Chapter 43
      The Snows of Kilimanjaro
      The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
      The Capital of The World
      The Snows of Kilimanjaro
      Old Man at the Bridge
      On the Quai at Smyrna
      Indian Camp
      The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife
      The End of Something
      The Three-Day Blow
      The Battler
      Cross-Country Snow
      My Old Man
      Big Two-Hearted River: Part I
      Big Two-Hearted River: Part II
      The Undefeated
      In Another Country
      An Alpine Idyll
      A Pursuit Race
      Today is Friday
      Banal Story
      A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
      The Light of the World
      God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
      The Sea Change
      A Way You'll Never be
      The Mother of a Queen
      One Reader Writes
      Homage to Switzerlad
      A Day's Wait
      A Natural History of the Dead
      Wine of Wyoming
      The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio
      Fathers and Sons
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