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  • 英語口語自己學--英語口語常用短語和表達方式/英語口語自學繫列
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    • 出版社:化學工業
    • ISBN:9787122270511
    • 作者:編者:顧南華
    • 頁數:350
    • 出版日期:2016-08-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-08-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:315千字
    • 通過對顧南華編著的《英語口語自己學--英語口
    • Lesson One a cup of tea,not one's cup of tea,a(big,good) deal,It's a deal !,
      It(this) is not a big deal, a piece of cake,a small world
      Lesson Two account for,adapt to,addict to,after all
      Lesson Three apart from (=except for),appeal to,apply for,as a matter of fact
      Lesson Four as a result,as far as I know(I'm concerned),as usual,attach importance to
      Lesson Five aware of,back up,based on,be certain(for certain)
      Lesson Six be my guest,be sure (to do),bear(keep) in mind,beat around(about)bush
      Lesson Seven believe it or not,blame for (blame no one but),break down,break up with
      Lesson Eight buy one's story,by all(no)means,by the way,calm down
      Lesson Nine care about,care for,would you care for...?,carry out,cautious about
      Lesson Ten check out,cheer up,clean out(up),clear up
      Lesson Eleven come across,come down to,come true,come up with
      Lesson Twelve comment on,communicate with,compare with(to),concentrate on
      Lesson Thirteen concerned about,contribute to,make contribution to,couldn't help,count on
      Lesson Fourteen curious about,cut back on,cut down(on),deal with(cope with)
      Lesson Fifteen depend on,devote to,do one a favour,drop off
      Lesson Sixteen due to,end up(with),enquire(inquire美國拼法)about,equip with
      Lessen Seventeen fall down,familiar with,far from,feed(常用be fed)up with
      Lesson Eighteen feel free,feel like,figure out,fill out(in)
      Lesson Nineteen focus on,for...sake,for sure(that's for sure),frankly(generally)speaking
      Lesson Twenty from the point of view,from my point of view,get along(with),
      get down to,get down to business,get(run)into(in)trouble
      Lesson Twenty-One get in(keep)contact with,make a contact with,get(be,keep)in touch with,
      lose touch with,get(be,become)involved with,get(let,set)one down
      Lesson Twenty-Two get on nerves,get on sb's nerves,get rid of,give(lend,need)a hand,
      give one a lift (ride)
      Lesson Twenty-Three give up,go Dutch,grow up,hang on,hang something on 110
      Lesson Twenty-Four hang out,have a sweet tooth,have(make)an appointment with,
      have(feel)confidence in,lack(lose)confidence in
      Lesson Twenty-Five have(produce)an effect on,have(bring,cause)an impact on,
      have something (nothing,anything)to do,hold up
      Lesson Twenty-Six hook up(to),hurry up,I can't agree more,in a good(bad) mood,in the(no) mood for
      Lesson Twenty-Seven in a hurry (in a rush),in addition,in addition to,in advance,in charge of
      Lesson Twenty-Eight in detail,in good(bad,poor,terrible) shape(condition,order),
      in (out of)fashion,in one's opinion
      Lesson Twenty-Nine in particular,something( nothing,anything)in particular,
      in stock (out of stock), in terms of,interfere with (in)
      Lesson Thirty in that case,it(that)doesn't matter,it's(that's) a pity,
      it's a (my) pleasure
      Lesson Thirty-One it's(that's) a shame,it's hard to (do),it's hard to say,
      it's my treat,it's one's fault
      Lesson Thirty-Two it's(that's)true,that's can't be true,it's up to one,it's usual(general)
      practice,jump (come)to (reach) a conclusion
      Lesson Thirty-Three keen on,keep an eye on,have an eye on,keep track of,keep up with
      Lesson Thirty-Four lay off,lead to,leave(make) a mess (in a mess),
      leave(give,take) a message(note)
      Lesson Thirty-Five let alone,let one know,log in/on ( get on, go to, have access to) internet,
      log out of,look for
      Lesson Thirty-Six look forward to,lose heart(lose courage),lose(take off, keep down ,reduce) weight,
      gain(put on) weight,major in
      Lesson Thirty-Seven make a complaint,make(take) an effort to,put effort into,
      make an impression,make a reservation(booking)
      Lesson Thirty-Eight make sense,make sure,make up(for),mess up
      Lesson Thirty-Nine no problem,no wonder,now that,object to
      Lesson Forty on a diet,on business,on a trip,travel on business,
      on earth,what on earth,on one's own
      Lesson Forty-One on one's own account,on any(no)account,on purpose,
      on the contrary(quite the contrary),out of date,out of style
      Lesson Forty-Two pay attention to,pay for,pay off,pick up
      Lesson Forty-Three pile up,play a role for(in),Play less a rolein,pop up(in),popular with
      Lesson Forty-Four prevent from,provide with,put(place)emphasis on,put down
      Lesson Forty-Five put off,put up,put up with,qualify for(be qualified for),queue up
      Lesson Forty-Six regard as,refer to,related to,rely on
      Lesson Forty-Seven rest assured (rest easy),right away,run(to be)out of,
      run out of gas,satisfy with (be satisfied with)
      Lesson Forty-Eight search for,set off,set up,settle down
      Lesson Forty-Nine show off,show up,sign up,slip one's mind
      Lesson Fifty so far,something wrong with,sort out,speaking of,speaking well(highly,ill) of
      Lesson Fifty-One split up (with),stand for,stay up late,start with,to start with
      Lesson Fifty-Two stick to,suffer from,switch to,take it easy
      Lesson Fifty-Three take care of,take care,take for granted,take it for granted,
      take into account,take into consideration
      Lesson Fifty-Four take measures(to),take off,take part in,take place
      Lesson Fifty-Five Something about “Time”,big time,find time,have a good(bad) time,
      have spare time,kill time,lose time,make
      time,pass time,save time,spend time,take time,take your time,
      waste time(a waste of time)
      Lesson Fifty-Six that's amazing,that's awesome,that's a good (fabulous)idea,
      that's a relief,that's cool,
      that's crazy,that's excellent,that's fantastic,that's incredible,
      that's magnificent, that's nonsense,
      that's really tough,that's reasonable,that's ridiculous!,That's so sweet,
      that's the catch,That's too bad,
      that's true,that's unusual,that's usual
      Lesson Fifty-Seven that's(it's) the last thing,tell the truth,tie up,to be frank
      Lesson Fifty-Eight to be honest,try (do) one's best,try on,turn down
      Lesson Fifty-Nine to one's amazement,to one's disappointment,to one's dismay,
      to one's knowledge,to one's mind,to one's purpose,
      to to one's satisfaction,to one's surprise,to some extent
      Lesson Sixty under the weather,what's more,what's worse (worse than all),worry about,not to worry
      Lesson Sixty-One what's the matter?,what's the trouble?,
      what's up?,what's the rush?,what's wrong with...?
      Lesson Sixty-Two what a great idea!,what a pity!,what a shame!,what a surprise!,
      what a waste!,you're welcome!,wrap up
      Answers to Oral Translations 口頭漢譯英參考答案
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