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  • 大衛·科波菲爾(英文版共2冊)/世界文學經典讀本
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    • 出版社:中央編譯
    • ISBN:9787511718396
    • 作者:(英)狄更斯
    • 頁數:826
    • 出版日期:2014-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:932千字
    • 《大衛·科波菲爾(英文版共2冊)》是查爾斯·狄*斯的代表作,是他“*寵愛的孩子”,該書一百五十多年來在全世界盛行不衰,深受世界文壇和廣大讀者的重視和歡迎。早在一九〇八年,翻譯家林紓和魏易就以《塊肉餘生記》為題,把它介紹給我國讀者,成為*早傳入我國的西歐古典名著之一。狄*斯是十九世紀英國*偉大的作家,他在自己的作品中,以高超的藝術手法描繪了包羅萬像的社會圖景,塑造出眾多令人難忘的人物形像。他在三十多年的創作生涯中,為英國文學和世界文學做出了**的貢獻。
    • 《大衛·科波菲爾(英文版共2冊)》敘述了一個 中產知識分子尋求人生道路的故事,孤兒科波 菲爾自幼遭養父的虐待,飽經患難,在身邊的一些善 良人的幫助下刻苦自勵,最終 獲得事業的成功和家庭的美滿。作品尤其通過科波菲 爾的不幸遭遇為讀者展示了一 幅維多利亞時代五光十色的社會風俗畫,既深刻揭露 了上流社會的種種黑暗腐朽, 也生動地反映出廣大底層民眾純樸、美好的品質。 《大衛·科波菲爾(英文版共2冊)》是狄更斯半 自傳性的作品,作者欲借“大衛自身的歷史和經驗” 總結一生 的成敗得失,從而表現出作者一貫的道德理想和人生 態 度,因而是狄更斯的代表作。俄國著名作家列夫·托 爾 斯泰曾將此書與《聖經》並稱。
    • Preface to 1850 Edition
      Preface to The Charles Dickens Edition
      The Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield the Younger
      Chapter I I Am Born
      Chapter 2 I Observe
      Chapter 3 I Have a Change
      Chapter 4 I Fall into Disgrace
      Chapter 5 I Am Sent away from Home
      Chapter 6 I Enlarge My Circle of Acquaintance
      Chapter 7 My First Half at Salem House
      Chapter 8 My Holidays. Especially One Happy
      Chapter 9 I Have a Memorable Birthday
      Chapter 10 I Become Neglected, and Am Provided for
      Chapter 11 I Begin Life on My Own Account and Don't Like it
      Chapter 12 Liking Life on My Own Account no Better, I Form a Great Resolution
      Chapter 13 The Sequel of My Resolution
      Chapter 14 My Aunt Makes up Her Mind about Me
      Chapter 15 I Make Another Beginning
      Chapter 16 I Am a New Boy in More Senses Than One
      Chapter 17 Somebody Turns up
      Chapter 18 A Retrospect
      Chapter 19 I Look about Me and Make a Discovery
      Chapter 20 Steerforth's Home
      Chapter 21 Little Em'ly
      Chapter 22 Some Old Scenes, and Some New People
      Chapter 23 I Corroborate Mr. Dick, and Choose a Profession
      Chapter 24 My First Dissipation
      Chapter 25 Good and Bad Angels
      Chapter 26 I Fall into Captivity
      Chapter 27 Tommy Traddles
      Chapter 28 Mr. Micawber's Gauntlet
      Chapter 29 I Visit Steerforth at His Home, Again
      Chapter 30 A Loss
      Chapter 31 A Greater Loss
      Chapter 32 The Beginning of a Long Journey
      Chapter 33 Blissful
      Chapter 34 My Aunt Astonishes Me
      Chapter 35 Depression
      Chapter 36 Enthusiasm
      Chapter 37 A Little Cold Water
      Chapter 38 A Dissolution of Partnership
      Chapter 39 Wickfield and Heep
      Chapter 40 The Wanderer
      Chapter 41 Dora's Aunts
      Chapter 42 Mischief
      Chapter 43 Another Retrospect
      Chapter 44 Our Housekeeping
      Chapter 45 Mr. Dick Fulfils My Aunt's Predictions
      Chapter 46 Intelligence
      Chapter 47 Martha
      Chapter 48 Domestic
      Chapter 49 I Am Involved in Mystery
      Chapter 50 Mr. Peggotty's Dream Comes True
      Chapter 51 The Beginning of a Longer Journey
      Chapter 52 I Assist at an Explosion
      Chapter 53 Another Retrospect
      Chapter 54 Mr. Micawber's Transactions
      Chapter 55 Tempest
      Chapter 56 The New Wound, and the Old
      Chapter 57 The Emigrants
      Chapter 58 Absence
      Chapter 59 Return
      Chapter 60 Agnes
      Chapter 61 I Am Shown Two Interesting Penitents
      Chapter 62 A Light Shines on My Way
      Chapter 63 A Visitor
      Chapter 64 A Last Retrospect
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