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  • 考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅲ時代周刊科學美國新聞與世界報道分冊考研英語一英語二通用)/考研英語閱讀理解題源深閱讀繫列叢書
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302326366
    • 作者:韓滿玲//王瑞|主編:韓滿玲//王瑞
    • 頁數:250
    • 出版日期:2013-11-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-11-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:294千字
    • 我們按照真題選取頻度由低到高,分類分冊編寫了5本叢書:《考研英語題源深閱讀I:紐約時報與麥肯錫季刊分冊》、韓滿玲、王瑞編著的《考研英語題源深閱讀Ⅱ:新聞周刊、探索頻道與哈佛商業評論分冊》、《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅲ時代周刊科學美國新聞與世界報道分冊考研英語一英語二通用)》、《考研英語題源深閱讀Ⅳ:科學美國人、商業周刊與衛報分冊》、《考研英語題源深閱讀V:經濟學人與評論分冊》。本繫列叢書的編寫正是基於這樣的目的:在題源中精心選取在難度、篇幅、風格、題材方面與真題盡可能貼近的文章,附之以主旨、詞彙、難句、文化背景等***多角度的點撥,從而*大限度地幫助考生節約復習時間、提高學習效率、實現英語閱讀能力與應試技巧的雙重跨越式提升。本書就是其中一本。
    • 《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅲ時代周刊科學美國新 聞與世界報道分冊考研英語一英語二通用)》從題源 報刊雜志中共精選出四十篇最新文章,分社會人生、 經濟管理、文化藝術、教育科技及自然健康五大部分 。所選文章特點突出、時效性強且與考研英語難度相 當、體裁相近,每篇文章的講解分為提綱挈領、障礙 詞彙、難句翻譯和文化背景小鏈接四大版塊,力求做 到全面細致並精確地為讀者剖析文章。 韓滿玲、王瑞編著的《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅲ 時代周刊科學美國新聞與世界報道分冊考研英語一英 語二通用)》還在第一部分演示了從題源文章到考研 英語真題的改編過程,在最後附錄中附上了近十年來 選自本書題源的所有真題及答案。
    • 第一篇 從題源文章到考研真題的改編演示
      Passage One Is‘Made in America’Back in Style?
      Passage Tw0 6 Investing Mistakes Young People Make
      Passage Three How Holiday Inn Changed the Way We Travel?
      Passage Four The Japan Syndrome
      Passage Five Tax Breaks for Jobs
      Passage Six Why“Shareholder Value”Shouldn’t Be Our OnlyValue
      Passage Seven Brazil,the Un—China
      Passage Eight Staying Aloft as the Cupcake Bubble Deflates
      Passage One IQ Is Not Fixed in the Teenage Brain
      Passage Two A Battery That Charges in Seconds
      Passage Three New Way to Guide a Car:With Your Eyes,Not Hands
      Passage Four Language May Have Helped Early Humans Spread Out of Africa
      Passage Five How Much Would It Cost to Identify Every Animal on Earth?
      Passage Six Machines That Run on Human Thoughts
      Passage Seven A Different Kind of Secret Code
      Passage Eight Learning to Hate Big Tech
      Passage One A Good President
      Passage Two Humble People Are More Helpful
      Passage Three Do We Need $ 75, 000 a Year to Be Happy?
      Passage Four The Complex Psychology of a Yelp Review
      Passage Five Bringing Up Baby in the Digital Age
      Passage Six Amortality
      Passage Seven Feeling Alone Together: How Loneliness Spreads
      Passage Eight Trayvon Martin
      Passage One Why Do We Care More About Diversity on TV Than in Our Schools?
      Passage Two Slow Down! Why Some Languages Sound So Fast
      Passage Three Chinese Flock to Free Lectures on Happiness, Justice
      Passage Four When Is a Music Festival Not About Music?
      Passage Five When Fans Attack: The Perils of an Internet-Enabled Audience
      Passage Six David Beckham Left Off Britain's Olympic Soccer Team
      Passage Seven Why Do Critics Hate Kristen Stewart's Snow White?
      Passage Eight Why You Keep Seeing the Same Movie Over and Over Again
      Passage One Why Penguins Are Mraid of the Dark
      Passage Two Good News About a Very Bad Cancer
      Passage Three Hot Off the Presses, New Skin for Burn Victims
      Passage Four Farewell to Sharks (And Yes, That's a Bad Thing)
      Passage Five The Brain's Fountain of Youth
      Passage Six Cancer Diagnosis by Smart Phone
      Passage Seven Sadness Response Strengthens With Age
      Passage Eight Glowing Kittens Fight Feline AIDS
      附錄 同源真題回溯
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