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  • 勘查工程專業英語(中國地質大學北京勘查技術與工程國家特色專業繫列教材)
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    • 出版社:地質
    • ISBN:9787116068513
    • 作者:編者:馬孝春//賈蒼琴//鄭秀華//張煥香
    • 頁數:216
    • 出版日期:2010-09-01
    • 印刷日期:2010-09-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:350千字
    • 馬孝春、賈蒼琴、鄭秀華、張煥香編著的《勘查
    • Unit 1 Chemical and Physical Properties of Rocks
      1.1 Composition of Rocks
      1.2 Geological Classification of Rocks
      Unit 2 Soll Composition and Classification
      2.1 Soil Composition
      2.1.1 Weight-volume Relationships
      2.1.2 Relative Density
      2.1.3 Particle Size
      2.1.4 Clays
      2.1.5 Plasticity and the Atterberg Limits
      2.2 Soil Classification
      Unit 3 Influence of Groundwater to Engineering
      3.1 Pavements
      3.2 Slopes
      Unit 4 Site Investigation
      4.1 Background Literature Search
      4.2 Field Reconnaissance
      4.3 Subsurface Exploration and Sampling
      4.4 Exploratory Borings
      4.5 Soil Sampling
      4.6 Groundwater Monitoring
      4.7 Exploratory Trenches
      Unit 5 Laboratory Testing of Soils
      5.1 Introduction
      5.2 Common Laboratory Tests
      5.2.1 Index Tests
      5.2.2 Oedometer
      5.2.3 Shear Strength Tests
      5.2.4 Permeability
      Unit 6 In-situ Testing
      6.1 Standard Penetration Test (SFI')
      6.2 Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
      6.3 Vane Shear Test (VST)
      6.4 Pressuremeter Test (PMT)
      6.5 Diiatometer Test (DMT)
      6.6 Becker Penetration Test
      6.7 Comparison of In-situ Test Methods
      Unit 7 Drilling Technology
      7.1 Classification of Types of Drilling
      7.2 The Connection to the Bit
      7.2.1 Transmission of Power
      7.2.2 Control of the Bit
      7.2.3 Conduct of Fluid
      7.2.4 Conduct of Cuttings
      7.2.5 Drill String Flexibility
      7.2.6 Tasks Performed Down the Hole
      7.2.7 The Drill String Gives the Clues
      7.3 Pipes and Pipe Threads
      7.3.1 Tubing for Drill Pipe
      7.3.2 Tubing for Casing
      7.3.3 Threads
      7.3.4 Rotary Tool Joints
      7.3.5 Drill Pipe Failure
      7.3.6 Correct Make-up Torque
      7.3.7 Caring for Pipes and Threads
      7.4 Cable Tool and Hydraulic Drilling
      7.4.1 Features of Cable Tool Percussion
      7.4.2 Cable Tool Techniques
      7.4.3 Other Cable Types
      7.4.4 Hydraulic Types of Drilling
      7.4.5 Suitability of Hydraulic Drilling
      7.4.6 Essential Cable Tool Drill String Components
      7.5 Auger Drilling
      7.5.1 Types of Auger Drilling
      7.5.2 Applications of Auger Drills
      7.6 Rotary and Down-hole Hammer Drilling
      7.6.1 What is Rotary Drilling?
      7.6.2 Forms of Rotary Drive
      7.6.3 Methods of Feeding the Bit
      7.6.4 Rotary Down-hole Hammer Drilling
      7.6.5 Rotary Fluid Circulation
      7.6.6 Reverse Circulation
      7.6.7 Types and Features of Rotary Rigs
      7.7 Slim-hole Rotary and Diamond Drilling
      7.7.1 What is Meant by Slim-hole Rotary Drilling?
      7.7.2 Varieties of Slim-hole Core Drilling
      7.7.3 Diamond Drill Rigs
      7.7.4 Other Slim-hole Types of Drilling
      7.8 Drill Rig Parameters
      Unit 8 Shallow Foundations
      8.1 Function of Foundations
      8.1.1 Foundation Engineering
      8.1.2 Foundation Classification and Selection
      8.1.3 General Requirements
      8.1.4 Additional Considerations
      8.2 Types of Shallow Foundations
      8.2.1 Introduction
      8.2.2 Strip Foundations
      8.2.3 Rafts
      Unit 9 Deep Foundations
      9.1 Pile Foundations
      9.1.1 Steel Piles
      9.1.2 Concrete Piles
      9.1.3 Negative Skin Friction
      9.1.4 Determination of Negative Skin Friction
      9.1.5 Pile Groups
      9.1.6 Pile Spacing
      9.1.7 Efficiency
      9.2 Drilled Shaft and Caisson Foundations
      9.2.1 Types of Drilled Shafts
      9.2.2 Construction Procedures
      9.2.3 Types of Caissons
      Unit 10 Soil Improvements
      10.1 Methods of Soil Improvements
      10.1.1 General Principles of Compaction
      10.1.2 Vibroflotation
      10.1.3 Sand Drains
      10.1.4 Lime Stabilization
      10.1.5 Cement Stabilization
      10.1.6 Fly Ash Stabilization
      10.1.7 Stone Columns
      10.1.8 Sand Compaction Piles
      10.1.9 Dynamic Compaction
      10.2 Soil Stabilization
      Unit 11 Grouting Engineering
      11.1 Definition
      11.2 Conceptual Design
      11.3 Uses of Grouting
      ll.4 Types of Grouting
      11.5 Assessment of Groutability
      11.5 Impediments to Effective Grouting
      11.6.1 Environmental Impact Assessment
      ll.6.2 Spoil and Waste Disposal
      11.6.3 Site Health and Safety
      Unit 12 Analyses of Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Structures
      12.1 Bearing Capacity Failures
      12.2 Settlement of Structures
      12.2.1 Introduction
      12.2.2 Allowable Settlement
      12.2.3 Collapsible Soil
      Unit 13 Retaining Structures
      13.1 Soil Nailing
      13.2 Landslides
      Unit 14 Petroleum Drilling
      14.1 Rotary Drilling
      14.2 Circulation Systems
      14.2.1 Direct Circulation
      14.2.2 Reverse Circulation
      14.3 Comparison of Mud and Air Drilling
      14.3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages
      14.3.2 Flow Characteristics
      Unit 15 Trenchless Engineering
      15.1 Horizontal Directional Drilling
      15.1.1 Overview
      15.1.2 Methods
      15.1.3 HDD Drilling Machines
      15.1.4 Fluid-assisted Boring
      15.1.5 Fluid Jet Boring
      15.1.6 Dry Boring
      15.1.7 Drill Pipes
      15.1.8 Drilling Fluids
      15.1.9 Tracking & Guidance Systems
      15.1.10 Ancillary Equipment
      15.1.11 Latest Developments
      15.1.12 Summary
      15.2 Pipe Jacking and Microtunnelling
      15.2.1 Overview
      15.2.2 Applications
      15.2.3 Excavation and Spoil Removal in Pipe Jacking
      15.2.4 Excavation and Spoil Removal in Microtunnelling
      15.2.5 Excavation and Spoil Removal in Pilot Auger Microtunnelling
      15.2.6 Jacking Frames
      15.2.7 Interjacks
      15.2.8 Ground Conditions
      15.2.9 Planning
      15.2.10 Pipes
      15.2.11 Shafts
      15.2.12 Summary
      附錄A Introduction to CUGB
      附錄B 希臘字母
      附錄C 符號的讀法
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