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  • 考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅴ經濟學人與評論分冊考研英語一英語二通用)/考研英語閱讀理解題源深閱讀繫列叢書
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302326373
    • 作者:韓滿玲//王瑞|主編:韓滿玲//王瑞
    • 頁數:278
    • 出版日期:2013-11-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-11-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:324千字
    • 無限風光在險峰。編者真誠地期望《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅴ經濟學人與評論分冊考研英語一英語二通用)》(作者韓滿玲、王瑞)能夠助廣大考生一臂之力,成功翻越“考研閱讀”這一高峰,讓*多的考生有機會感受勝利之巔的美好風光!同時,本書同樣適用於希望品味地道英語文章、提升英語能力的讀者朋友們,也希望它能給您帶去語言之美和閱讀之樂。
    • 《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅴ經濟學人與評論分冊 考研英語一英語二通用)》(作者韓滿玲、王瑞)從題 源報刊雜志中共精選出四十篇最新文章,分社會人生 、經濟管理、文化藝術、教育科技及自然健康五大部 分。所選文章特點突出、時效性強且與考研英語難度 相當、體裁相近,每篇文章的講解分為“提綱挈領” 、“障礙詞彙”、“難句翻譯”和“文化背景小鏈接 ”四大版塊,力求做到全面細致並精確地為讀者剖析 文章。《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅴ經濟學人與評論分 冊考研英語一英語二通用)》還在第一部分演示了從 題源文章到考研英語真題的改編過程,在最後附錄中 附上了近十年來選自本書題源的所有真題及答案。
    • 第一篇 從題源文章到考研真題的改編演示
      第二篇 題源文章閱讀
      **部分 社會人生類
      Passage One Steve Jobs
      Passage Two Is a Government Entitled to Say Who is Fit to Run a Media Company?
      Passage Three The Key to the NRA's Success
      Passage Four Have Money, Will Travel--A Billion Pairs of Itchy Feet
      Passage Five Women and Jobs--What Women Do Economic Growth Has Surprisingly Little Effect on the Wage Gap
      Passage Six Thanks, Mum--Governments Find Reason to Regulate the Names of Children
      Passage Seven Make or Break? --Social Networking Tames Cheats
      Passage Eight God's New Waiting Rooms--Why the Old are Moving Inland
      第二部分 經濟管理類
      Passage One Starbucks v. Kraft : A Double Shot of Discord
      Passage Two Chinese Jewelers Beijing Bling--The World's Largest Jeweler Goes Public
      Passage Three The Bhtz Spirit--Britain's Banks Face a Battalion of Threats, Not All of Them Foreign
      Passage Four Chinese Acquisitions: China Buys Up the World
      Passage Five Crazy Aunt on the Loose--For Central Bankers in the Rich World, Unconventional Is the New Conventional
      Passage Six Women in Business--Still Lonely at the Top
      Passage Seven Land of the Wasted Talent--Japanese Firms Face a Demographic Catastrophe
      Passage Eight The Hollow Men--The Deindustrialisation of Japan may be Neither as Complete Nor as Damaging as Feared
      第三部分 教育科技類
      Passage One The Laws of the City
      Passage Two Italy's Brain Drain : No Italian Jobs
      Passage Three Transporter of Delight--Happiness is in Your DNA
      Passage Four Silence is Golden--People have a Strange and Worrying Tendency to Admit to Things They Have Not, in Fact, Done
      Passage Five Please be Seated--A Faster Way of Boarding Planes Could Save Time and Money
      Passage Six Forever Young--A Way to Counteract Part of the Process of Growing Old
      Passage Seven All Power Tends to Corrupt
      Passage Eight Nanotechnology--A Fab Result a Novel Way of Making Computer Memories
      第四部分 文化藝術類
      Passage One Injury Timeouts in Tennis: Just Give Me a Minute
      Passage Two Beachcombing:Sea Fever
      Passage Three Everything Otd is New Again
      Passage Four Once in a Lifetime-What Three Royal Jubilees Reveal about Britain
      Passage Five No Rush-In Praise of Procrastination
      Passage Six J.K.Rowling and Pottermore-The Hogwarts Express
      Passage Seven Tribal Japan-Japan’s Cherished Loyalty System is Part of the Problem
      Passage Eight The Dangers of Demonology-Hatred of Bankers is One of the World’s Oldest and Most Dangerous Preiudices
      第五部分 自然健原類
      Passage One A Wodd of PIentv-0f All the Countries Now Looking for Shale Gas.China Has the Most Potential
      Passage Two Medical Implants:A Sweet Idea
      Passage Three Spinal Injury:Running Repairs
      Passage Four Worth All the Sweat-Just Why Exercise is so Good for People is,at Last,being Understood
      Passage Five Go Gentle into that Good Night-A Prayer for the Dying
      Passage Six Subtle Poison-Evidence is Growing that Commonly Used Pesticides,even When Employed Carefully,are Badfor Bees
      Passage Seven Ahernatiue Medicine-Think Yourself Better
      Passage Eight No Hiding Place-The Long-sought Goal of a Cure for AIDS is Inching Closer
      附錄 同源真題回溯
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