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  • 護身符傳奇(名著雙語讀物中文導讀+英文原版)/世界兒童文學名著精選
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 大學英語
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302376224
    • 作者:(英)伊迪絲·內斯比特|譯者:張梓洋
    • 頁數:263
    • 出版日期:2014-11-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-11-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:336千字
    • 《護身符傳奇》是世界兒童文學名著。故事的主人公安希婭、羅伯特、西裡爾、簡是三個對神秘事物充滿好奇的孩子,他們和老朋友沙仙又重逢了!在倫敦的菲次羅伊街,幾個孩子從沙仙那裡獲知了一個驚人的秘密:隻要擁有護身符,就能實現他們任何願望……故事懸念重重、曲折離奇、想像力豐富,給孩子以身臨其境、真實可信的感覺。在伊迪絲·內斯比特的冒險、魔幻故事中,內斯比特以其超凡的想像力將冒險、魔法世界與現實世界結合得渾然一體。
    • 伊迪絲·內斯比特編著的《護身符傳奇》是世界 兒童文學名著。故事的主人公安西婭、羅伯特、西裡 爾、簡是幾個對神秘事物充滿好奇的孩子,他們和老 朋友沙仙又重逢了!在倫敦的菲次羅伊街,幾個孩子 從沙仙那裡獲知了一個驚人的秘密:隻要擁有護身符 ,就能實現他們任何願望!為了尋回完整的護身符, 孩子們利用僅有的半個護身符出入“過去”與“未來 ”,來到古埃及、古巴比倫、亞特蘭蒂斯甚至很多年 之後的美麗倫敦,試圖搜尋另一半的護身符的蹤跡, 經歷了種種驚心動魄的冒險。最後,護身符終於合二 為一,而孩子們也實現了自己的心願——見到了久違 的爸爸、媽媽、小羊羔! 該書自從出版以來,已被翻譯成多種語言,成為 世界各地、特別是歐美國家青少年的必讀書籍。無論 作為語言學習的課本,還是作為通俗的文學讀本,本 書對當代中國的青少年都將產生積極的影響。
    • 第一章 老朋友沙仙
      Chapter 1 The Psammead
      第二章 半個護身符
      Chapter 2 The Half Amulet
      第三章 回到過去
      Chapter 3 The Past
      第四章 八千年以前
      Chapter 4 Eight Thousand Years Ago
      第五章 村裡的戰鬥
      Chapter 5 The Fight in The Village
      第六章 前往巴比倫
      Chapter 6 The Way to Babylon
      第七章 城壕下的地牢
      Chapter 7 ‘The Deepest Dungeon Below The Castle Moat’
      第八章 王後光臨倫敦
      Chapter 8 The Queen in London
      第九章 亞特蘭蒂斯
      Chapter 9 Atlantis
      第十章 黑女孩和凱撒
      Chapter 10 The Little Black Girl and Julius Caesar
      第十一章 在法老面前
      Chapter 11 Before Pharaoh
      第十二章 前往未來
      Chapter 12 The Sorry-Present and The Expelled Little Boy
      第十三章 錫島沉船
      Chapter 13 The Shipwreck On The Tin Islands
      第十四章 心願
      Chapter 14 The Heart’s Desire
      附錄 主要人物中英對照表
    • 第二章 半個護身符 Chapter 2 The Half Amulet 孩子們去畫具店買了許多細沙,然後把沙仙舒 舒服服地安頓在了圓浴盆裡,然後請求它告訴他 們,它究竟是怎麼來到寵物店的。
      “好吧,這不會是個長故事,”沙仙打著哈欠說 , “有個人捉住我,我咬他,他把我丟進了布袋,然 後帶我進城,賣給了一個人——就是那個開店的家 伙,我咬了他們兩個,就是這樣。你們呢,有什麼 新鮮事?” “我們的故事裡沒有那麼多咬人的事,”西裡爾 遺憾地說,“爸爸去了中國東北,媽媽和小羊羔去 了馬德拉群島,我隻希望他們能平安回來。” 沙仙出於習慣,一聽到“希望”就開始鼓脹起來 ,但馬上又停止了。
      “我忘了,我再也不會實現你們的願望了。” “那你一點兒也不能幫我們的忙了。”簡哭了起 來,“我一直盼望你能 把媽媽帶回來。” “請不要哭了,”沙仙趕緊說,“我知道在那家 店的不遠處有一件世界 上*強有力的法寶,隻要你們買回來,就能實現你們 的心願。” 孩子們重新振作起了精神,他們將沙仙裝進柳皮 籃子裡,在它的指點 下來到了一家擺滿六角形手風琴、絲手帕等的古董雜 貨店的櫥窗前。沙仙 讓他們去看其中一隻裝滿垃圾的碟子,語氣激動地說 : “就是它!它在藍的黃的扣子底下,就露出一點 點。” 安西婭一個人進去了,其他人用鼻子頂著櫥窗玻 璃往裡看。大概過了 很長時間——長得足以把店內所有東西都買下來…… 安西婭終於出來了, 笑容滿面,手裡拿著那個法寶——一隻護身符。
      護身符是用有光澤的紅色石頭制成的,但是沙仙 看了一眼,就用責怪 的語氣說:“這裡隻有半個!” 安西婭堅定又膽怯地說:“全在這裡了,店裡就 隻有這個東西。” “唉,事情比我想像得要糟,”沙仙嘆了一口氣 ,“對於一個完整的護 身符來說,它無所不能,可以消除一切使人不愉快的 妒忌、壞脾氣、驕傲 等邪惡思想,能給予人們勇氣、力量和美德,還能滿 足心願。但是這裡隻 有半個,它具備的力量是把你們帶到隨便哪個地方去 尋找另外半個。” “它知道上哪兒找嗎?”羅伯特激動地問。
      沙仙搖搖頭:“我想它不知道。但是,如果你們 能讀一下這半個護身 符上寫的名字,這東西就能……嗯,做一些事情。” 一陣沉默,這半個護身符在幾雙手之間傳閱後, 大家發現上面寫的字 **看不懂,*像是畫的小雞或者蛇什麼的。
      “好吧,你們不會讀,但是可以找到一個會讀的 ,比如祭司什麼的?” “我們不認識什麼祭司。不過樓上有一個可憐的 學者先生,也許我們 可以找他試試。”安西婭說。
      Long ago--that is to say last summer-- the children, finding themselves embarrassed by some wish which the Psammead had granted them, and which the servants had not received in a proper spirit, had wished that the servants might not notice the gifts which the Psammead gave. And when they parted from the Psammead their last wish had been that they should meet it again. Therefore they HAD met it (and it was jolly lucky for the Psammead, as Robert pointed out). Now, of course, you see that the Psammead's being where it was, was the consequence of one of their wishes, and therefore was a Psammead-wish, and as such could not be noticed by the servants. And it was soon plain that in the Psammead's opinion old Nurse was still a servant, although she had now a house of her own, for she never noticed the Psammead at all. And that was as well, for she would never have consented to allow the girls to keep an animal and a bath of sand under their bed. When breakfast had been cleared away--it was a very nice breakfast with hot rolls to it, a luxury quite out of the common way--Anthea went and dragged out the bath, and woke the Psammead. It stretched and shook itself. 'You must have bolted your breakfast most unwholesomely,' it said, 'you can't have been five minutes over it.' 'We've been nearly an hour,' said Anthea. 'Come--you know you promised.' 'Now look here,' said the Psammead, sitting back on the sand and shooting out its long eyes suddenly, 'we'd better begin as we mean to go on. It won't do to have any misunderstanding, so I tell you plainly that--' 'Oh, PLEASE,' Anthea pleaded, 'do wait till we get to the others. They'll think it most awfully sneakish of me to talk to you without them; do come down, there's a dear.' She knelt before the sand-bath and held out her arms. The Psammead must have remembered how glad it had been to jump into those same little arms only the day before, for it gave a little grudging grunt, and jumped once more. Anthea wrapped it in her pinafore and carried it downstairs. It was welcomed in a thrilling silence. At last Anthea said, 'Now then!' 'What place is this?' asked the Psammead, shooting its eyes out and turning them slowly round. 'It's a sitting-room, of course,' said Robert. 'Then I don't like it,' said the Psammead. 'Never mind,' said Anthea kindly; 'we'll take you anywhere you like if you want us to. What was it you were going to say upstairs when I said the others wouldn't like it if I stayed talking to you without them?' It looked keenly at her, and she blushed. P18-21
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