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  • 考研英語閱讀題源(Ⅲ科學美國人分冊)
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 英語考試
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    • 出版社:石油工業
    • ISBN:9787502188641
    • 作者:江濤//肖敏
    • 頁數:263
    • 出版日期:2012-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2012-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:260千字
    • 江濤、肖敏主編的《考研英語閱讀題源(Ⅲ)》在選文上做到了去粗取精,緊跟考研英語閱讀命題的趨勢,主要著眼於近幾年的《麥肯錫季刊》、《科學美國人》、《評論雜志》、《科學》、《美國新聞與世界報道》、《商業周刊》這幾本國外**雜志,從中精選出符合考研英語閱讀題型的文章,並收錄了近年來從這幾本報刊中節選後的考研英語閱讀真題。
    • Social Class社會類
      Passage One Napoleon's Revenge[2008年真題PartA,Text3]
      Passage Two AridLandThirsty Crops
      Passage Three Can SiRing Too Much Kill You?
      Passage Four Does Modest Dress Among Arab-American
      Women Promote Vitamin D Deficiency?
      Passage Five Baby Come Back:USInfant Mortality
      Ranking Falls
      Passage Six Is Accessto Clean Water a Human Right?
      Passage Seven Why Do Cleaning Product-Makers
      Keep Most of Their Ingredients Secret?
      Passage Eight A Phone Call from Morn Reduces Stress
      as Well as a Hug
      Passage Nine Babies’Sex Linked to Morns’Breakfast Calories
      Passage Ten One’s Enough:People Who Donate a Kidney
      Live Just as Long as Those Who Don’t
      Culture and Education文教類
      Passage One Intelligence Considered[2007年真題PartA,Text2】
      Passage Two Music and Speech Share a Code for
      Communicating Sadness in the Minor Third
      Passage Three Using Virtual Worlds and Video Games to
      Teach the Lessons ofReality
      Passage Four Population Bomb Author’s Fix for Next
      Extinction:Educate Women
      Passage Five Start Science Sooner
      Passage Six Last 0fTheir Kind:What Is Lost When
      Cultures Die?
      Passage Seven Reforming Genetics Instruction for
      Middle Schoolers
      Passage Eight Climate Change Equals Culture Change
      in the Andes
      Passage Nine Babies Bom Early Are More Likely to Have
      Special Education Needs
      Passage Ten Hearing the Music,Honing the Mind,
      Passage One Economics Nobel Awarded for Efforts to
      Understand and Fight Unemployment
      Passage Two Microsoft’s Ballmer to CES:Keep Investing
      in Tech Despite Economic Woes
      Passage Three Indonesia’s Palm Oil Economy Drives Human
      Fortunes and Orangutan Misfortunes
      Passage Four Asia Light Years Ahead of the USin Clean
      Tech Investment--Financial and Economic
      Passage Five Can the Green Economy Survive in a Policy
      Passage Six Republicans Fighting for Bad Market
      Passage Seven Rethinking the Global Money Supply
      Passage Eight Extreme Weather Helps Drive Food Prices
      to New Highs
      Passage Nine USAsks World Bank to Stop Funding Coal-Fired
      Power Plants in Developing Countries
      Passage Ten Japan Economic Priority Is Supply Chain
      Science and Technology科技類
      Passage One Who’S Your Daddy?The Answer May Be
      at the Drugstore[2009年真題Part A,Text 2】
      Passage Two How to Preserve the Breadth ofLife on
      the Planet
      Passage Three A Bicycle Built for None:What Makes a
      Riderless Bike Stable?
      Passage Four Device Analyzes Radiation Exposure Through
      Teeth and Nails
      Passage Five Will a Highly Customized Shoe Help You
      Run Better?
      Passage six Automatic Auto:a Car That Ddves Itself
      Passage Seven Easy Flier
      Passage Eight Highway Robbery:Car Computer Controls
      Could Be Vulnerable to Hackers
      Passage Nine Electric Car Popularity May Depend
      on Home Energy Management
      Passage Ten How National Security Depends
      on Better Lithium Barteries
      Passage One Climate Change Extends Allergy Season
      in North America
      Passage Two How Significant Is the Impact of Ecofriendly
      Organic Bedding and Clothing on a
      Child’s Health?
      Passage Three Wood Smoke Wafts up Health Concerns
      Passage Four How Old Is Your Cancer?
      Passage Five Can a Good Night’s Sleep Prevent a Cold?
      Passage Six The Truth About Cell Phones and Cancer
      Passage Seven Curing the Common Cold
      Passage Eight Fear and Its Consequences:Why States
      Should Get Tough with Vaccinations
      Passage Nine Our Big Pig Problem
      Passage Ten When Photos Are Painkiners
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