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  • 新类目

  • 賴世雄小學英語閱讀輕松練100篇(5年級)
    該商品所屬分類:中小學教輔 -> 小學五年級
    【介質】 book
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    • 出版社:外文
    • ISBN:9787119114026
    • 作者:編者:賴世雄
    • 頁數:251
    • 出版日期:2018-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2018-06-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:180千字
    • 基礎篇
      Passage 1 The sports meeting in the forest
      Passage 2 Saying goodbye
      Passage 3 Doves
      Passage 4 My village
      Passage 5 Father's thing
      Passage 6 Is he two years old?
      Passage 7 Tina and her doll
      Passage 8 A happy bear famil
      Passage 9 A clever panda
      Passage 10 Trains
      Passage 11 Dragon Boat Festival
      Passage 12 Miss Wang
      Passage 13 A clever crow
      Passage 14 Who wants an apple
      Passage 15 Who puts ink on the teacher's chair?
      Passage 16 Two trees'dreams
      Passage 17 I don't think so
      Passage 18 A stammering boy and his stammering parrot
      Passage 19 Animal's home
      Passage 20 The snowman
      Passage 21 Aunt Lucy's birthday
      Passage 22 Winter time
      Passage 23 We have the same mother
      Passage 24 The panda in Chin
      Passage 25 Colors and feeling
      Passage 26 Our country-China
      Passage 27 Sharon and her guide dog
      Passage 28 What am I?
      Passage 29 A silly dog
      Passage 30 Heat
      Passage 31 Leonardo da Vinci
      Passage 32 How many birds?
      Passage 33 Do you know your future?
      Passage 34 Has your father got much money?
      Passage 35 Man's friends-dogs
      Passage 36 Why does she cut up my ticket
      Passage 37 Whose cake did he eat?
      Passage 38 I pushed the boy into the river
      Passage 39 The White House
      Passage 40 The meals in England
      Passage 41 What do you call chicks before
      Passage 42 The wolf and the crane
      Passage 43 Don't play in the letterbox
      Passage 44 Whose garden is the worst?
      Passage 45 What a bad day
      Passage 46 Mr Brown's plants
      Passage 47 A special birthday present
      Passage 48 Coffee
      Passage 49 Can he read?
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