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  • 考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅰ紐約時報與麥肯錫季刊分冊考研英語一英語二通用)/考研英語閱讀理解題源深閱讀繫列叢書
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302326403
    • 作者:韓滿玲//王瑞|主編:韓滿玲//王瑞
    • 頁數:267
    • 出版日期:2013-11-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-11-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:314千字
    • 韓滿玲、王瑞編著的《考研英語題源深閱讀》在所選文章後附有詳盡的詞彙歸納,將重點詞彙按照“大綱詞彙”及“超綱詞彙”分類,並加以注釋。釋義不僅包含單詞在文章的語境中的意思,也全面涵蓋該詞的多種意義,並給出常見搭配與相關例句,方便考生加深記憶,並在閱讀中輕松擴展詞彙量。本書對每篇文章的主旨都進行了概括以使讀者在閱讀完一篇文章後,能夠根據主旨介紹迅速抓住文章的話題、觀點及作者的行文思路,有助於考生進行下一步的精讀,進而全面準確地理解文章。
    • 韓滿玲、王瑞編著的《考研英語題源深閱讀》從 最新題源報刊雜志中共精選出四十篇文章,分社會人 生、經濟管理、文化藝術、教育科技及自然健康五大 部分。所選文章特點突出、時效性強且與考研英語難 度相當、體裁相近,每篇文章的講解分為“提綱挈領 ”、“障礙詞彙”、“難句翻譯”和“文化背景小鏈 接”四大版塊,力求做到全面細致並精確地為讀者剖 析文章。《考研英語題源深閱讀》還在第一部分演示 了從題源文章到考研英語真題的改編過程,在最後附 錄中附上了近十年來選自本書題源的真題及答案。
    • 第一篇 從題源文章到考研真題的改編演示
      第二篇 題源文章閱讀
      **部分 社會人生類
      Passage One Who Says American Parents Are Inferior.9
      Passage Two The Go-nowhere Generation
      Passage Three When the Nurse Wants to Be Called ' Doctor'
      Passage Four For China's Women, More Opportunities, More Pitfalls
      Passage Five The Happynomics of Life
      Passage Six The Social Side of Strategy
      Passage Seven Apple's Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay
      Passage Eight China's Confident Consumers
      第二部分 文化藝術類
      Passage One The Power of Negative Thinking
      Passage Two A Sly Wink to Pinups of the Past
      Passage Three Successes in Rhetoric : Language in the Life of Churchill
      Passage Four Plenty of Gods, but Just One Fellow Passenger
      Passage Five Why Is Literary Fame So Unpredictable?
      Passage Six How Does the Film Industry Actually Make Money?
      Passage Seven The Reading Renaissance
      Passage Eight The Two Cultures
      第三部分 經濟管理類
      Passage One For Ohio Pottery, a Small Revival
      Passage Two The Making of an Emerging - market Champion
      Passage Three After Botched I. P. O. , Facebook Weights Its Options
      Passage Four Chinese Apparel Firm Addresses Falling Profits
      Passage Five What Might Happen in China This Year?
      Passage Six Jobs, Jobs and Cars
      Passage Seven U.S. Files Trade Complaint Against China on Vehicles
      Passage Eight Another Oil Shock?
      第四部分 科技教育類
      Passage One The Trouble with Online Education
      Passage Two Guard That Password
      Passage Three China Is Poised for an I.T. Golden Age
      Passage Four How to Design a Hot Product
      Passage Five Teachers, Unhappy in Their Work
      Passage Six A Course Load for the Game of Life
      Passage Seven How Privacy Vanishes Online
      Passage Eight Ignorance Is Strength
      第五部分 自然健康類
      Passage One What Runners Can Learn from Cheetahs
      Passage Two Don't Indulge. Be Happy.
      Passage Three Study Says DNA's Power to Predict illness Is Limited
      Passage Four The Science of 'Gaydar'
      Passage Five Obesity Rates Stall, But No Decline
      Passage Six More Ways to Cope with Type 1 Diabetes
      Passage Seven In Preventing Alzheimer's, Mutation May Aid Drug Quest
      Passage Eight The Amygdala Made Me Do It
      附錄 同源真題回溯
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