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  • 考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅳ科學美國人商業周刊與衛報分冊考研英語1英語2通用)/考研英語閱讀理解題源深閱讀繫列叢書
    該商品所屬分類:考試 -> 英語考試
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302406129
    • 作者:編者:韓滿玲//王瑞|總主編:韓滿玲//王瑞
    • 頁數:254
    • 出版日期:2015-08-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-08-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:319千字
    • 韓滿玲、王瑞編著的《考研英語題源深閱讀(Ⅳ
    • 第一章 從題源文章到考研真題的改編演示
      第二章 題源文章閱讀
      **部分 社會人生類
      Passage One Dispose of Chopsticks and China Loses Part of Its Identity
      Passage Two I Wasted Four Years of My Life,don’t Make the Same Mistake
      Passage Three Lessons to Be Learned from the First Social Media Olympics
      Passage Four Still Living with Your Parents at 30 7 Get a Life
      Passage Five Supreme Court Hea|thcare Ruling:Giant Leap for Obama
      Passage Six Decline of the Phone Call:Ofcom Shows Growing Trend for Text Communication
      Passage Seven Cybercrime Now Becoming a Serious Problem for Many Britons
      Passage Eight In Many Ways,the‘China dream’is Not Different from the American One
      第二部分 經濟管理類
      Passage One For U.S.Brands.There’s No Middle in China’s Middle Class
      Passage Two How the Poor Are Made to Pay for Their Poverty
      Passage Three A Marketer’S Homage to the Soda Can
      Passage Four Business and Entrepreneurs Seize Opportunities in Rise of Veganism
      Passage Five How Do,I Become a Construction Project Director?
      Passage Six Will the Samsung Galaxy s4 Eclipse the iPhone?
      Passage Seven China Official PMI Shows Factory Sector Barely Growing
      Passage Eight China Targets Infrastructure to Lift Economy
      第三部分 教育科技類
      Passage One We Shouldn’t Fear Robots--They’11 Do Our Bidding
      Passage Two Are Eyewitnesses in the Zimmerman Trial Reliable?
      Passage Three Education Means Nothing Without a Job
      Passage Four The Matter That’S Not Not Not There
      Passage Five Young People Are Rubbish
      Passage Six Male and Female Brains Wired Differently,Scans Reveal
      Passage Seven Are Today’S Students Narcissistic--or Just at Ease With Themselves?
      Passage Eight How Does IQ Relate to Personality?
      第四部分 文化藝術類
      Passage One French are‘Taught to Be Gloomy by Their Culture’
      Passage Two Diana Athill:the London I Remember
      Passage Three The Rolling Stones Will Reign Supreme Until There Is a New Counterculture
      Passage Four Boris Johnson:Sherlock’S Mockery of Me Is “Perfectly legitimate”
      Passage Five Can You Make Any Kind of Living as An Artist?
      Passage Six Scream If You Want to Bid Higher:the High Cost of Art
      Passage Seven The Battle of the Book Reviews
      Passage Eight Big Bang Theory Fuels Physics Boom
      第五部分 自然健康類
      Passage One The Garden of Our Neglect:How Humans Shape the Evolution of Other Species
      Passage Two Fact or Fiction?--Elephants Never Forget
      Passage Three Will Mines,Tunnels and Drilling Scar Earth Permanently?
      Passage Four How Doctors Determine the Moment of Death?
      Passage Five Crows Understand Analogies
      Passage Six Unconscious Thought Not So Smart After All
      Passage Seven Pain Relief“Cuts Heart Attack Victims’Survival Chances”
      Passage Eight Putting A Price on the Rivers and Rain Diminishes Us All
      Passage Nine Gulf’S Dolphins Pay Heavy Price for Deepwater Oil Spill
      附錄 同源真題回溯
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