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  • 出版社:中國林業
  • ISBN:9787503894725
  • 作者:編者:(加)約翰·英尼仕//王光玉//曾旻倩
  • 頁數:148
  • 出版日期:2018-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2018-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • Foreword
    Acronym and Abbreviations List
    Chapter 1: Forests and Higher Forestry Education in a Changing World
    1.1 Factors Affecting Forests and Higher Forestry Education
    1.1.1 Challenges Influencing Forests and Forestry Education
    1.1.2 Global and Regional Solutions in a Changing World
    1.1.3 The Evolving Role of Higher Forestry Education
    1.2 The Forestry Education Survey
    1.3 Overview and Status of Higher Forestry Education in the Region
    1.4 References
    Chapter 2: Reshaping Higher Forestry Education in the AP region
    2.1 Transforming Forestry
    2.2 Degree Programme Trends
    2.3 Emerging ProgramMEs
    2.4 References
    Chapter 3: Current Higher Forestry Education Trends
    3.1 Enrolment Trends
    3.1.1 Interpretation of the Results for the Asian Sub-Region
    3.1.2 Interpretation of the Results for the Pacific Sub-Region
    3.2 Teaching Quality
    3.2.1 Student - Instructor Ratios
    3.2.2 Instructor Qualifications
    3.3 Employment Rates
    3.4 Accessibility of Education
    3.4.2 Tuition Fees and Financial Aid
    3.4.2 International Exchange
    3.5 Summary
    3.6 References
    Chapter 4: Forestry Education Efforts in the AP Region
    4.1 Analysis of Higher Forest Education
    4.2 Gaps in Forestry Education in the AP Region
    4.3 Importance of Capacity Building
    4.4 New Initiatives to Improve Forestry Education
    4.5 Summary
    Chapter 5: Summary and Recommendations
    5.1 Changing Higher Forestry Education
    5.2 Efforts in the Region and Recommendations for the Future
    5.3 Solutions and Recommendations for Capacity Building
    5.3.1 Course Recognition and Curricula Collaborations
    5.3.2 Develop Accessible Learning
    5.3.3 International Cooperation
    5.4 Conclusion
    Appendix 1
    Number of Forestry-related Degree Programme Students in 2016
    Appendix 2
    Degree Programme List - (i) Forestry
    Degree Programme List - (ii) Forest Science
    Degree Programme List - (iii) Biodiversity and Conservation
    Degree Programme List - (iv) Urban Forestry
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