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  • 當代漢語公共話語中的篇際互文性研究/外教社博學文庫
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    • 出版社:上海外教
    • ISBN:9787544620499
    • 作者:武建國
    • 頁數:207
    • 出版日期:2010-12-01
    • 印刷日期:2010-12-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:238千字
    • 篇際互文性是一種特殊的互文性,指的是特定語篇中不同體裁、話語或風格的混合與交融。通過這一重要概念,我們可以把語言分析和社會研究緊密結合起來。《當代漢語公共話語中的篇際互文性研究》由武建國所著,探討了篇際互文性在當代漢語公共話語中的具體使用情況,以期*好地通過語言了解當今中國社會的發展狀況。作者首先對篇際互文性做出明確的界定,對其歷史淵源和現有研究路徑進行了回顧和評述,然後在此基礎上解釋了當代漢語公共話語中篇際互文性的運作機制、使用動機和語用功效,為語用學研究和多維度的話語分析提供了一些寶貴的啟示。本書涉及語用學、話語分析、文體學和社會學等諸多領域,內容豐富、例證翔實、脈絡清晰、語言流暢,是**篇際互文性研究的一項新成果,對相關專業的教師、研究人員以及研究生都具有較高的參考價值。
    • Chapter One Introduction
      1.1 Introduction
      1.2 The object of the present study: interdiscursivity
      1.3 The rationale of the present study
      1.4 Objectives of the present study
      1.5 Notes on methodology and data collection
      1.6 Outline of the book
      Chapter Two A Review of the Relevant Literature
      2.1 Introduction
      2.2 Terminological issue
      2.3 Types of interdiscursivity
      2.4 Interdiscursivity as a special kind of intertextuality
      2.5 Approaches to the study of interdiscursivity
      2.5.1 Interdiscursivity in literary texts: the stylistic approach
      2.5.2 Interdiscursivity in non-literary texts: the CDA approach
      2.6 The perspective of the present study
      2.7 Summary
      Chapter Three A Description of the Theoretical Framework
      3.1 Introduction
      3.2 The delimitation of interdiscursivity
      3.2.1 A working definition of interdiscursivity
      3.2.2 Interdiscursivity versus intertextuality
      3.2.3 Interdiscursivity versus generic intertextuality
      3.2.4 Interdiscursivity versus heteroglossia
      3.2.5 Interdiscursivity versus dialogicality
      3.3 Basis of the theoretical framework
      3.3.1 Problems in the existing studies on interdiscursivity
      3.3.2 Studying interdiscursivity from a pragmatic approach Overview of pragmatics Pragmatics as a functional perspective on language Verschueren's Linguistic Adaptation Theory
      3.4 Essentials of the theoretical framework
      3.4.1 Interdiscursivity as the result of choice making
      3.4.2 Interdiscursivity as the product of dynamic negotiation
      3.4.3 Interdiscursivity as a means of linguistic adaptation
      3.4.4 Interdiscursivity interpretation: tracing meaning generation
      3.4.5 Interdiscursivity as realization of communicative functions
      3.4.6 Variability ofinterdiscmrsivity
      3.5 Summary
      Chapter Four Mechanism of lnterdiscursivity
      4.1 Introduction
      4.2 Defining the notion of mechanism
      4.3 The productive mechanism of interdiscursivity
      4.3.1 Recontextualization
      4.3.2 Transformation
      4.4 The interpretative mechanism of interdiscursivity
      4.5 Summary
      Chapter Five Adaptability of Interdiscursivity
      5.1 Introduction
      5.2 Adaptability and adaptation revisited
      5.3 Objects of adaptation
      5.4 Interdiscursivity as adaptation to variables of the physical world
      5.4.1 Variables of the physical world
      5.4.2 Analysis
      5.5 Interdiscursivity as adaptation to variables of the
      social world
      5.5.1 Variables of the social world
      5.5.2 Analysis
      5.6 Interdiscursivity as adaptation to variables of the mental world
      5.6.1 Variables of the mental world
      5.6.2 Analysis
      5.7 Summary
      Chapter Six Functionality of Interdiseursivity
      6.1 Introduction
      6.2 Defining the notion of functionality
      6.3 Main trends of public discourse in relation to interdiscursivity
      6.4 Functionality of interdiscursivity in relation to discourse commodification
      6.5 Functionality of interdiscursivity in relation to discourse informalization
      6.6 Functionality of interdiscursivity in relation to discourse technologization
      6.7 Functionality of interdiscursivity in relation to
      discourse democratization
      6.8 Summary
      Chapter Seven Conclusion
      7.1 Introduction
      7.2 Major findings
      7.3 Limitations of this study
      7.4 Suggestions for future research
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