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  • 新类目

  • 大若天下(英文版)
    該商品所屬分類:社會科學 -> 社會學
    【介質】 book
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    • 出版社:五洲傳播
    • ISBN:9787508500966
    • 作者:(加)李莎|繪畫:老杜
    • 頁數:197
    • 出版日期:2002-10-01
    • 印刷日期:2009-12-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:2
    • 字數:110千字
    • 什麼叫大若天下?首先,這個題目表達了作者對中國——作者李莎的新祖國的熱愛;其次,中國本身擁有一切可以使自己成為讓世人贊賞的貴婦的條件。
    • Introduction / 1
      The Daily Life of a Foreign Expert / 4
      Housing / 4
      Transportation / 6
      Privileges / 16
      Festivities / 19
      Feeling a Little Less Foreign / 28
      Identity : Lao Wai / 29
      Language and Communication / 32
      It was Chinese for Me / 32
      Communication / 33
      Language and Culture / 34
      A Wonderful Experience / 36
      Pinyin and Translation / 38
      Waiyu = English / 38
      Cultural Differences / 41
      A Question of Mental Attitude / 41
      A New Inter-culture / 44
      A Few Words on Politeness / 46
      In the Same Basket / 51
      Adaptation- What Confusion! / 54
      Studies and Work / 56
      Education / 56
      Education : A Market / 61
      Study: A Human Right / 64
      Employment / 66
      China in Motion / 69
      Remarkable Changes / 69
      Moral Values / 76
      Habits on the Decline / 78
      New Concepts / 83
      The Holiday Economy / 83
      Travelling for Pleasure / 84
      Merging May Be a Solution / 88
      Bank Loans / 89
      Insurance / 90
      Olympic Spirit / 92
      Law / 94
      The Lucky Number / 97
      The "New-New" Youth / 98
      The Internet Presence / 100
      Foreign Celebrations / 100
      Stress / 101
      Considerable Improvements / 103
      Hygiene / 105
      But... / 106
      Around the Country / 108
      "Les voyages forment la jeunesse" (Travelling
      Educates the Youth) / 108
      Travelling without Leaving / 111
      Travelling in Yunnan / 112
      A Few Days in Ningbo / 115
      Visiting Shanxi / 118
      Ningxia, Small and Unknown / 121
      The Roof of the World/125
      Spring Festival in the Countryside / 130
      Shaanbei, Another Planet ? / 134
      Opening New Eyes on China / 139
      The Meaning of the Word "Propaganda" / 139
      Falun Gong, What is That? / 145
      The Real Problem / 156
      Tibetans Outside of Tibet/158
      Variety of Chinese Culture/163
      Art of Tea / 163
      Pearls : Jewels and Medicines / 168
      The Marvellous Arts of Paper / 170
      Puppets and Statuettes / 175
      Embr6idery and Brocade / 179
      Cloisonne / 180
      Red Clay and Black Clay / 181
      Variety and Richness / 183
      Conclusion / 185
      A Perfect Country? / 185
      What Do Foreigners Say? / 187
      Way to Improve / 189
      Individualism and Personality / 191
      Are the Others Perfect? / 192
      My Worry for China / 193
      My Wish for China / 195
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