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  • 中國共產黨為什麼能(修訂版)(英文版)
    該商品所屬分類:政治/軍事 -> 政治
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    • 出版社:新世界
    • ISBN:9787510463099
    • 作者:編者:謝春濤|譯者:李毅//張瑞卿//周鋼
    • 出版日期:2017-07-01
    • 印刷日期:2017-07-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 無與倫比的北京奧運會、舉世矚目的上海世博會,在世界金融危機背景下經濟依然快速增長……這一繫列重大成就和標志性事件,使**社會對中國和中國共產黨刮目相看。隨著“中國模式”、“中國道路”、“中國經驗”成為**外許多人耳熟能詳的話題,一些有識之士在思考:中國共產黨為什麼能取得如此的執政成就?為什麼成立已經90年、執政超過60年,依然充滿生機活力?為什麼能夠不斷逢兇化吉、戰勝困難?到底有哪些成功的秘訣?在體制和機制上有無優勢?謝春濤主編的《中國共產黨為什麼能(修訂版)(英文版)》圍繞**外讀者關注的13個重大問題,從歷史的角度做了深入的思考和準確的解讀,既不是一般的理論讀物,也不是傳統的黨史著作,而是試圖實現二者的有機結合。 以故事講思想,以事實講道理,不僅極有針對性和說服力,還**具有可讀性,是一本真正意義上的廣大黨員群眾看得進、讀得懂、願意讀的黨史通俗讀物。
    • Preface Solving the puzzles about the CPC
      Chapter 1 Why was the CPC capable of establishing a new China?
      The “two worlds” of a country
      Establishment of a multi-party coalition government
      Loss of trust
      Striking contrast between the KMT and the CPC
      Chapter 2 How was the CPC able to clear up the mess left behind by the KMT?
      War-torn economy
      Stabilization of prices and unification of finance and economy
      “Do not hit out in all directions”
      Land reform and economic development
      Two different worlds
      Chapter 3 How did the CPC keep the people’s support despite its mistakes?
      Serious departure of effect from motive
      Important achievements made during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution
      Leaders sharing weal and woe with the masses
      Correct handling of mistakes
      Chapter 4 How did the CPC maintain power when the Eastern Bloc Communist Parties fell?
      Exploring China’s own path of development
      Reform and opening up changed China’s destiny
      Combining reform and development with stability
      “The key is to do a good job inside our Communist Party”
      Chapter 5 Why could the CPC solve the problem of feeding 13 billion people?
      Food is the lifeline of the Chinese people
      Last batch of UN food aid for China
      Outstanding contributions of Yuan Longping
      Food security remains a problem
      Chapter 6 How could the CPC make China the world’s second-largest economy?
      Focusing on economic construction
      Emancipating and developing the productive forces
      Opening the doors to embrace the world
      Taking technology and education as a support
      Chapter 7 How could the CPC integrate socialism with the market economy?
      The planned economy system would not work any longer
      A socialist country can also practice a market economy
      Deng Xiaoping: China’s “Mr Key”
      Establishing a socialist market economy system
      Market economy with Chinese characteristics
      Chapter 8 Why could a system of multi-party cooperation under the CPC’s leadership be implemented?
      Fleeting multi-party system in China
      The non-two-system cooperation of KMT and CPC
      The democratic coalition government welcomed by all
      Development and improvement of multi-party cooperation under the leadership of the CPC
      Chapter 9 How can China's various ethnic groups live in harmony?
      Respecting history and reality
      "Unprecedented undertaking".
      Enlightened national policy
      The question of religion
      Chapter I0 Why could prosperity and stability be maintained in Hong Kong and Macao?
      Long view and full use
      Sovereignty allows no negotiation
      Horse races, dances and the stock market still popular
      The canary is still chirping with joy
      Chapter 11 Why does the relationship across the Taiwan Straits keep making progress?
      Taiwan's history and the origin of the Taiwan issue
      Peaceful liberation, "one country, two systems" and peaceful development
      Opposition to Taiwan independence
      Strengthening economic and cultural ties between the two sides
      Chapter 12 How could China win the support of so many developing countries?
      History of joint fight against colonialism
      Big or small, all countries are equal
      Peaceful settlement of border disputes
      Unconditional foreign aid
      Proposal for the construction of a harmonious world
      Chapter 13 How could the CPC conduct the Wenchuan earthquake relief work
      effectively and host the Beijing Olympic Games successfully?
      The ruling party is strong and powerful
      The unique system fully displays its advantages
      The "iron and steel Great Wall" safeguards China
      The national spirit coordinates the power
      Chapter 14 How is the CPC able to arouse and attract the people?
      Theoretical innovation
      Slogans to arouse the masses
      Inexhaustible influence of role models
      Fine literary and artistic works
      Facilitating ideological communication
      Chapter 15 How can the CPC properly manage a party with more than
      80 million members?
      Establishing and developing organizations in crowded places
      Party organizations and members keep advancing
      Stress on the Party's ideological construction
      Strict discipline and a governing constitution
      Keep improving the Party's ruling mode
      Concluding Remarks Can the CPC cope with the challenges successfully?
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