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  • 道路自信(中國為什麼能)(英文版)
    該商品所屬分類:政治/軍事 -> 政治
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    • 出版社:外文
    • ISBN:9787119095882
    • 作者:瑪雅|譯者:王琴//嚴晶//張曉果//闫威
    • 頁數:434
    • 出版日期:2015-09-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-09-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:350千字
    • 15位當代中國*具影響力的戰略家思想家。以及相關領域的專家,從各自的視角、專業對“中國道路”進行了分析解讀,總結共和國60多年的發展道路和發展經驗,分析中國在**世界政治經濟中的地位以及面對的機遇和挑戰,展望人類未來的發展方向和中國將為世界所作貢獻。從事實和理論層面闡述中國道路自信、理論自信、制度自信的依據所在。
    • Why We Sing of China's Development
      Part I Development
      The Chinese Road: The Road to Modernization for the People's Republic of China
      The Chinese Road Has Presented Unprecedented Challenges to the Western Model
      The Factor of Socialism Is the Accelerator for Achieving Modernization
      If China Is to Influence the World, It Needs Consciousness, Confidence and Standards
      "To Achieve Prosperity for All the People" Is China's True Aim
      A Spiral Road That Accords with the "Posing Challenges - Accepting Challenges" Model
      China's Development Model and Its Theoretical Basis
      Chinas Success in Addressing the Crisis
      Deng Xiaoping's Political Wisdom and the Realization of His Goal
      A Gradualist Reform in Which We "Wade across the River by Feeling for the Stones"
      The Washington Consensus and the "Two Lost Decades" for Developing Countries
      The Government Fulfills Its Duty and the Market Plays Its Role
      A New Model Is Needed to Demystify the Chinese Economy
      Straighten the Spine of China's Industry
      The Chinese Role in Economic Glohalization
      The Cornerstone Has Been Laid in the First Thirty Years of New China
      Introduction, Digestion and Assimilation of Equipment Must Be Organized Only by the Central Government
      Without Key Industry, China Cannot Be a Genuine Major Power
      Treat State Industrial Progress and Economic Security as the Top Priorities
      Be Strong and Smart
      We Can Only Rely on Ourselves to Realize the Dream of Building a Strong Country
      Educate Chinese People in the Truth about "Glohalization"
      Far from Offering a Bargain, We Shouldn't Sell XCMG at Any Price
      Industrial Security Lays the Foundations for the Realization of"Created in China"
      I Am Full of Confidence in China's Economic Development
      Our Country Should Provide a Fair Climate of Competition for Private Enterprises
      Historic Breakthroughs in China's Healthcare Reform
      The Outbreak ofSARS - A Crucial Turning Point in Chinas Development
      Progress in the World's Healthcare System Stems from Valuable Experiences of Socialism
      China Must Draw Lessons from US Healthcare Reform
      The Anhui Model of Healthcare Reform Saves the Healthcare Reform in China
      Healthcare Reform at the Grass-roots Level - A Great Example of Social Reform
      Healthcare Reform in China: From Up to Down and Learning by Doing
      Part II Strategy
      Strategic Considerations of China's Diplomacy over the Past Six Decades
      Historic Missions and Objectives Defined by Chinese People
      Reasons Why the US Refused to Recognize New China
      Historical and Realistic Causes of the ~Leaning to One Side" Policy
      The Two-sided Effects of"Opposing Hegemony of Two Superpowers"
      Mao Zedong Begins Integrating China with the Rest of the World
      The Establishment and Development of '~dl-round" Diplomacy
      Chinas Diplomatic Strategy in the Past and in the Future
      China's Strategic Vision in the 21st Century
      Why Did the US Shift Its Global Strategic Focus to the East?
      A Deadlock the US Cannot Resolve
      How Should China Respond to the Polarization of Asia?
      We Should Use Money as a Political Card
      Launching Wars against China? The US Should Not Even Think about It
      Chinese People Should Be Confident in Their Own Country
      China's Maritime Strategy in the Island Disputes
      Chinas Future Development Is Ocean-oriented
      The US Is the Backstage Manipulator of Disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea
      It Is a Strategic Miscalculation for the US to Treat China as "the Enemy"
      "Six Existences" to Assert Chinese Sovereignty over the South China Sea
      Forge a United Front to Safeguard the Fruits of the Victory of World War II
      Part III System
      The Scale Effect of Chinas Rise and Its Impact on the World
      Indisputable Success of the Chinese Model
      Western Standards Not Applicable to the Chinese Model
      "Post-Western Discourse" and China's Voice
      The Philosophy Behind Chinas Rise and Its Significance Worldwide
      China Should Lead International Standard Competition
      The Chinese Model Surpassing the West and Benefitting the World
      The Chinese Model and China's Development in the Next 30 Years
      It Is Time to Reach Some Conclusions on the Chinese Model
      Sub-mode I: The Sheji Social Mode
      Sub-mode II: The People-centered Political Mode
      Sub-mode III: The Public and Private Economic Mode
      The Success and Failure of the Chinese Model Lies in the CPC
      The Lesson of the Soviet Union: Failure Caused by the Ideological Struggle
      China's Prospects and Challenges in the Next 30 Years
      The Rise of China's Mainland and the Advantages of the Chinese System
      The Diverging Political Paths of China's Mainland and Taiwan
      Chinas Mainland Will Never Follow the Path of Taiwan's Political Transformation
      The Chinese Model Offers Important Development Experience to Human History
      The Foundation of the One-party System of the CPC Is "for the People"
      People-oriented Ideology: Empirical Study on the Chinese Outlook Toward Democracy
      Over 80% of Chinese Believe Democracy Is Better than Autocracy
      Do Chinese People Want Democracy or People-oriented Ideology?
      Americans Are Pessimistic About the Development of Democracy in China
      Taking Chinas Reality into Account in Promoting Democracy
      Part IV Philosophy
      China's Governmentality and the Dao of Governance
      Three Phases of Chinas Governance in Two Centuries
      The Party-state System Solves the Problem of Governability
      Build Foundation in the First 30 Years and Take Offin the Latter 30 Years
      State Governance and State Capacity
      Four Advantages of the Chinese Political System
      Western Forms of Government and the Dao of Governance in China
      The CPC's "Democracy" Is Understood within the Scope of the Dao of Gover- nance
      Abandon "Form of Government Determinism"
      Century-old Quest for Renewal: The CPC's Evolving Narrative and Historical Mission
      A Revolutionary Approach to History
      Reinterpreting Socialism
      Leading the Nation
      Living Up to Responsibilities
      Creating a New Narrative
      Building a Powerful Country
      The Chinese Dream: From "National Salvation" to "National Renewal"
      A Mystery: From Revolution to Development
      Applying Marxism to China
      Hard-won Victory for the CPC
      The Power of Great Men
      Building on the Past
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