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  • 城市之旅(英文版)/中國之旅
    該商品所屬分類:旅遊/地圖 -> 地圖
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    • 出版社:五洲傳播
    • ISBN:9787508510910
    • 作者:王傑|譯者:(新加坡)李燕萍
    • 頁數:154
    • 出版日期:2007-08-01
    • 印刷日期:2007-08-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:42千字
    • The cities in China have a profound relationship with the history that shaped them.Historical relics and cultural heritage often bear witness to the rise and fall of the cities.The rich heritages of these cities also help in persisting a unique culture,which have become the symbols of the cities.
    • The charms of China,to many foreigners,liee in its rich traditional Cuotures,ethnic customs,and how they are merged into the modernization process.In consideration of its rich history,city planners have to ensure that the traditional and ancient elements of the city will not be eroded.As a resuot,the environment and the layout of the city frequently embody both the modern and the ancient elements.A number of cities,such as Lhasa,Lijiang and Beijing,have strong historical and cultural affiliation,hence,they became cultural symbols of the country. And with their rich Cultural heritages,each Unique in its own way,these Chinese cities present a more exciting scenario for one to fully appreciate them.
    • Foreword
      Beijing:The Eyes of China
      Shanghai:On World's Stage
      Tianjin:A Paradise of the Common People
      Chongqing:A Good Life within the Mountains and Rivers
      Harbin:A Fairy Tale in the Snow and Ice Land
      Shenyang:A Fusion of History and Industry
      Dallan:Soccer and Fashion
      Hangzhou:A Reminiscence of the South
      Nanjing:Passage of the Qinhuai River
      Yangzhou:The Beautiful Sights of Springtime
      Suzhou:A walk in the Gardens of the South
      Xiamen:The Gentle Waves of Gulangyu Isle
      Quanzhou:Setting Sail into the Maritime Silk Road
      Jinan:Home of Natural Springs
      Qingdao:The Taste of Beer
      Changsha:The Ancient City of Joyous Singing
      Wuhan:Embracing the Yangtze River
      Kaifeng:Relics of the Northern Song Dynasty
      Luoyang:Land of the Peonies
      Guangzhou:At the Front of the Market Economy
      Shenzhen:A Steady and Efficient Growth
      Xi'an:The Oldest Ancient Capital City
      Kashgar:To the Bazaar!
      Chengdu:Easy and Comfortable Life
      Lhasa:The Sun Shines on Potala Palace
      Kunming:Searching for Ashima
      Lijiang:The Idyllic Town
      Hong Kong:A City of Mixed Culures
      Macao:The Elegant Demeanor of Goddess Mazu
      Taipei:HealthY Living
      Postscript:A Journey into the Hearts of China's
      Cities by YuDan
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