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  • 鄭時齡文集/中國建築名家文庫
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    • 出版社:華中科技大學
    • ISBN:9787568007764
    • 作者:鄭時齡
    • 頁數:351
    • 出版日期:2016-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:622千字
    • 《鄭時齡文集/中國建築名家文庫》主要收錄和整理鄭時齡先生論文70餘篇,分為建築理論與建築批評、上海的城市與建築、上海世博會建築、建築與城市、隨筆和訪談等幾個方面。其中建築批評學理論是鄭時齡先生的核心建築思想,也是填補了**建築批評的空白。上海的城市與建築繫統而全面,比較全面剖析上海的城市發展。
    • 鄭時齡編著的《鄭時齡文集/中國建築名家文庫 》講述了:面對當代城市化進程加快,西方建築師不 斷湧入中國市場,東西方文化相互踫撞、交融的趨勢 ,中國傳統文化、中國建築文化愈加引起建設者的重 視。當前,中國建築師在學習、應用西方先進的設計 理念和建築技術的同時,應深入學習、領悟中國本土 的建設思想理念和傳統建築文化。 建築要有地域特色,中國城市和建築要有中國特 色。中國城市的大規模開發建設曾帶來對歷史文化的 破壞,城市建築類似、雷同,缺少地域特色,缺少文 化內涵,城市建設與城市歷史文化保護等面臨著諸多 問題。在這種形勢下,越來越多的有識之士開始呼喚 民族文化、傳統建築文化的回歸。
    • 編者序言 Preface of the Editor
      作者自序 Preface of the Author
      第一篇 建築理論與建築批評
      Chapter 1 Architectural Theory and Architectural Criticism
      1-1 工業建築與靈活性
      Industrial Architecture and Flexibility
      1-2 建築像征的符號學意義
      Semiotic Meaning of Architectural Symbol
      1-3 工業建築的發展及其美學問題
      The Development of Industrial Architecture and Its Aesthetic Issues
      1-4 黑川紀章的建築哲理及其文化和哲學背景
      The Architectural Philosophy of Kisho Kurokawa and Its Cultural and Philosophical Backgrounds
      1-5 **化影響下的中國城市與建築
      Cities and Architecture in China under the Influence of Globalization
      1-6 **化影響下中國建築的實驗性問題
      The Experimental Problems of Chinese Architecture under the Influence of Globalization
      1-7 延續城市空間,融入城市歷史——當代中國建築的傳統趨向探索
      Continuation of Urban Space, Integration into Urban History——The Exploration towards Traditional Trend in Contemporary Chinese Architecture
      1-8 轉型中的中國當代城市與建築
      Cities and Architecture in Transition in Contemporary China
      1-9 建築批評與藝術批評的同一性和差異性
      Similarities and Differences between Architectural Criticism and Art Criticism
      1-10 當代建築批評的轉型——關於建築批評的讀書筆記
      The Transformation of Contemporary Architectural Criticism——Reading Notes about Architectural Criticism
      1-11 建築空間的場所體驗
      Field Experience of Architectural Space
      1-12 建築的物質性和精神性
      Materiality and Consciousness of Architecture
      1-13 建築的雕塑性與雕塑的建築性
      Sculptural Architecture and Architectural Sculpture
      1-14 同濟學派的現代建築意識
      Modern Architectural Consciousness of Tongji School
      第二篇 上海的城市與建築
      Chapter 2 Cities and Architecture in Shanghai
      2-1 當代上海住宅的發展特點及新模式探索
      The Development Characteristics of Contemporary Residence in Shanghai and Its Exploration of New Pattern
      2-2 建設和諧、可持續發展的城市空間——論上海的城市空間規劃
      The Construction of Harmonious and Sustainable Urban Space – Discussions on Urban Space Planning in Shanghai
      2-3 營造 21 世紀的城市空間
      The Construction of Urban Space in the 21st Century
      2-4 創造嚴謹而又豐富生動的學習空間——格致中學教學樓和復興**中學建築設計
      Creating a Rigorous and Vivid Learning Space -- Teaching Buildings of Gezhi Middle School and Architectural Designs of Fuxing Senior High School
      2-5 上海的新經典建築評述
      Commentary on New Classical Architecture in Shanghai
      2-6 探求城市文化精神的步行街
      A Pedestrian Street that Explores the Spirit of Urban Culture
      2-7 上海近代建築保護的意義——《回眸——上海近代保護建築》引言
      The meaning for Protection of Outstanding Modern Buildings in Shanghai——The Introduction of Looking back: The Excellent Neoteric Protect Buildings in Shanghai
      2-8 上海城市空間環境的當代發展(摘)
      The Contemporary Development of Urban Space Environment in Shanghai (Extract)
      2-9 上海的發展與世界城市
      The Development of Shanghai and the World City
      2-10 理性地規劃和建設理想城市
      Rational Planning and Construction of Ideal Cities
      2-11 泰康路是上海發展知識經濟和城市文化風貌保護的一個新模式
      Taikang Road is a New Pattern for Shanghai to Develop Knowledge Economy and to Protect Urban Cultural Landscape
      2-12 《上海城市規劃管理與實踐》序
      The Preface of Urban Planning Management and Practice in Shanghai
      2-13 建設讓城市和生活*美好的千年上海
      The Construction of Millennium Shanghai to Make a Better City and Life
      2-14 完善上海可持續發展的城市綜合功能基礎
      The Completion of the Sustainable Development of Basis for Urban Comprehensive Function in Shanghai
      2-15 塑造優化的城市空間,提升建築品質——上海的城市與建築 60 年歷程反思
      Shaping the Optimized Urban Space, Improving the Building Quality——A Reflection on the History of City and Architecture for 60 Years in Shanghai
      2-16 轉型期上海城市空間思考
      A Study of Shanghai Urban Space in Transition
      2-17 上海的建築文化遺產保護及其反思
      The Protection of Architectural Culture Heritage in Shanghai and Its Reflection
      第三篇 上海2010年世博會
      Chapter 3 Shanghai World Expo 2010
      3-1 2010 年中國上海世界博覽會與上海
      China's Shanghai World Expo 2010 and Shanghai
      3-2 城市,讓生活*美好——從 2010 年上海世博會選址看未來城市發展
      “Better City, Better Life” ——Observing the Future Urban Development through the Site Selected in Shanghai World Expo 2010
      3-3 上海 2010 年世博會與未來建築——鄭時齡教授在同濟的講演(節選)
      Shanghai World Expo 2010 and Future Architecture——The lecture from Professor Zheng Shiling at Tongji University (Excerpt)
      3-4 城市中的世博會規劃和建築
      World Expo Planning and Architecture in Cities
      3-5 2010 年世博會與再城市化——關於上海的城市主題演繹
      Shanghai World Expo 2010 and Re-urbanization – City Theme Development in Shanghai
      3-6 中國建築的自主創新——中國建築師應是 2010 年上海世博會建築的**
      The Independent Innovation of Chinese Architecture——Chinese Architects should be the Leading Factor of Buildings of Shanghai World Expo 2010
      3-7 關於 2010 年上海世博會主題演繹的報告
      A Report on the Theme Development of Shanghai World Expo 2010
      3-8 世界博覽會建築的發展與演變
      The Development and Evolution of World Expo Buildings
      3-9 歷屆世博會、展覽會和**會議涉及的城市主題
      City Themes Involved in All Previous World Expos, Exhibitions and International Conferences
      3-10 關於世博會建築的一些感想
      Some Thoughts about World Expo Buildings
      3-11 世博與科技
      World Expo and Technology
      3-12 為美好生活,人們聚集在城市
      People Congregating in Cities for a Better Life
      3-13 綠色的宜居城市——世博會的啟示
      Environment-friendly Cities——Revelation from World Expos
      3-14 後世博的上海城市空間,邁向可持續發展和宜居城市
      Shanghai Urban Space in Post-Expo Era, Moving towards Sustainable and Livable Cities
      3-15 2010 年上海世博會的啟示
      Revelation from Shanghai World Expo 2010
      3-16 我所參加的世博會主題演繹以及其他工作
      The Theme Development of World Expo that I Attended and Some Other Works
      第四篇 建築、城市與文化
      Chapter 4 Architecture, City and Culture
      4-1 佛羅倫薩和文藝復興
      Florence and the Renaissance
      4-2 文化和古城保護——錫耶納的經驗
      The Protection of Culture and Old Cities——The Experience of Siena
      4-3 從未來主義到當代理性主義——論現代意大利建築的發展道路
      From Futurism to Contemporary Rationalism——Discussions on the Development Path of Modern Architecture in Italy
      4-4 上海與柏林──處於永恆變化中的**城市
      Shanghai and Berlin——International Cities in the Ever-changing World
      4-5 一個中國建築師思想中的雙城記 :漢堡與上海
      A Tale of Two Cities in the Mind of a Chinese Architect: Hamburg and Shanghai
      4-6 一個中國建築師心目中的雙城記 :巴黎和上海
      A Tale of Two Cities in the Eyes of a Chinese Architect: Paris and Shanghai
      4-7 城市文化與建築
      Urban Culture and Architecture
      4-8 反思中國當代造型藝術與文化價值
      A Reflection on Plastic Arts and Cultural Value in Contemporary China
      4-9 一代宗師馮紀忠先生的風範與境界
      The Demeanor and Realm of Grandmaster Mr. Feng Jizhong
      4-10 解讀詹姆斯沃菲爾德的探索者道路
      The Explanation of Path Exploration of James Warfield
      4-11 西班牙當代建築的多元化及其實驗性與先鋒性
      The Diversification of Contemporary Architecture in Spain and Its Experimental and Vanguard Characteristics
      4-12 當代臺灣建築和建築師
      Contemporary Architecture and Architects in Taiwan
      4-13 挪威的浪漫理性主義建築
      Romantic Rationalism Buildings in Norway
      4-14 未來大都市的生活質量
      The Quality of Life of Metropolis in the Future
      4-15 街區空間品質與現代化——“新世界,新街區”城市街區**設計競賽評審有感
      Street Space Quality and Modernization——Some Thoughts on the Review of the International Design Competition of City Blocks whose theme was “New World, New Block”
      4-16 贊嘆奧運建築
      Praise for the Olympic Architecture
      第五篇 回憶
      Chapter 5 Reminiscence
      5-1 回憶在二院的工作與生活(1965—1978)
      Memories of Work and Life in the Second Design and Research Institute of Machine-Building Ministry (1965—1978)
      5-2 我的建築史學習經歷
      My Learning Experience of Architectural History
      5-3 一個復興人的大半輩子
      The Greater Part of a Fuxing Man’s life
      5-4 鄭時齡的6份菜單
      Six Menus of Mr. Zheng Shiling
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