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  • 應用光學(英文版第2版北京市高等教育精品教材)
    該商品所屬分類:自然科學 -> 物理學
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    • 出版社:北京理工大學
    • ISBN:9787564058296
    • 作者:李林
    • 頁數:295
    • 出版日期:2012-05-01
    • 印刷日期:2012-05-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:2
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:358千字
    • 應用光學是光學工程、測控技術與儀器和電子科學與技術等專業的技術基礎課。它主要是要讓學生學會解決幾何光學、典型光學儀器原理、光度學、色度學、光纖光學繫統、激光光學繫統及紅外光學繫統等的基礎理論和方法。 它包括了此類專業學生**的光學知識,為光學儀器、微光夜視、激光紅外等學科奠定了理論基礎和應用基礎,在培養光學和光電類人纔中具有不可替代的地位。
    • Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Geometrical Optics
      1.1 Waves and Rays
      1.2 Basic Laws of Geometrical Optics
      1.3 Refractive Index and Speed of Light
      1.4 Reversibility of Ray Paths and Total Internal Reflection
      1.5 Vector Form of Basic Laws
      1.6 Classification of Optical Systems and Concept of Imaging
      1.7 Ideal Images and Ideal Optical Systems
      Chapter 2 Image Formation of Symmetrical Systems Made from Spherical Surfaces
      2.1 Ray Tracing Formulae for Symmetrical Systems Made from Spherical Surfaces
      2.2 Sign Conventions
      2.3 Imaging Characters and Ray Tracing in the Paraxial Region
      2.4 Basic Formulae of the Paraxial Region
      2.5 Cardinal Points of an Optical System
      2.6 Principal Planes and Focal Points of a Single Refracting Surface
      2.7 Principal Planes and Focal Points of a Coaxial Spheric System
      2.8 Chart Illustration for Image Formation
      2.9 Image Positions and Sizes
      2.10 Magnifications of Optical Systems
      2.11 The Optical Invariant
      2.12 Relationship Between the Front and Back Effective Focal Lengths
      2.13 Nodal Planes and Nodal Points
      2.14 Image Height of the Object at Infinity
      2.15 Combination of Ideal Optical Systems
      2.16 Ray Tracing for Ideal Optical Systems
      2.17 Equations for Calculating the Positions of the Principal Planes and Focal Points of a Single Lens
      Chapter 3 Instruments for Human Eyes
      3.1 Characteristics of the Eye
      3.2 Principles of the Magnifier and the Microscope
      3.3 Principle of the Telescope
      3.4 Defects of Eyes and Diopter Accommodation of Optical Instruments
      3.5 Spatial Depth of Focus and Stereoscopic Effect
      3.6 Binocular Instruments
      Chapter 4 Mirror and Prism Systems
      4.1 Applications of Mirror and Prism Systems in Optical Instruments ...
      4.2 Imaging Properties of Mirrors
      4.3 Rotation of Mirrors
      4.4 Prism and Its Unfolding
      4.5 Roof Surfaces and Roof Prisms
      4.6 Imaging Properties of the Parallel Glass Block and Prism Size Calculation
      4.7 Determination of Image Orientations for Mirrors and Prisms
      4.8 Combination of the Coaxial System and the Mirror and Prism System
      4.9 Prism Rotation Law
      Chapter 5 Selection of Image Rays in Optical Systems
      5.1 Stop and Its Application
      5.2 Selection of Imaging Rays in Telescope Systems
      5.3 Selection of Imaging Rays in the Microscope and Telecentric System
      5.4 Field Lenses
      5.5 Depth of Field
      Chapter 6 Basics of Radiometry and Photometry
      6.1 Solid Angle and Its Applications in Photometry
      6.2 Basic Ideas in Radiometry
      6.3 Relative Sensitivity of the Eye to Different Wavelengths
      6.4 Basic Ideas in Photometry
      6.5 Illuminance Formula and the Cosine Law of Luminous Intensity "
      6.6 Luminance of the Perfect Diffusive Surface
      6.7 Luminance of the Light Beam in Optical Systems
      6.8 Illuminance of the Image Plane
      6.9 Illuminance and F Number of the Image Plane of the Camera Lens
      6.10 Subjective Brightness of Human Eyes
      6.11 Subjective Brightness when We Observe Through a Telescope
      6.12 Calculation of Light Energy Loss in Optical Systems
      Chapter 7 Image Quality of Optical Systems
      7.1 Introduction
      7.2 Color Dispersion and Chromatic Aberrations
      7.3 The Axial Monochromatic Aberration Spherical Aberration
      7.4 Offaxial Monochromatic Aberrations
      7.5 Aberration Curves
      7.6 Wavefront Aberrations
      7.7 Resolutions of Ideal Systems
      7.8 Resolutions of Typical Systems
      7.9 Optical Transfer Function
      7.10 Application of Optical Transfer Function
      7.11 Spot Diagrams
      7.12 Encircled Energy
      Chapter 8 Telescopes and Microscopes
      8.1 Optical Performances of Telescopes
      8.2 Objectives of Telescopes
      8.3 Eyepieces of Telescopes
      8.4 Introduction of Microscopes and Their Properties
      8.5 Objectives and Eyepieces of Microscopes
      Chapter 9 Cameras and Projectors
      9.1 Characteristics of the Camera Lens
      9.2 Typical Camera Lenses
      9.3 Typical Projectors
      9.4 Illumination Systems in Projectors
      9.5 Projector Lenses
      9.6 Energy Calculation of Projectors
      Chapter 10 Other Optical Systems
      10.1 Laser Optical Systems
      10.2 Optical Information Processing Systems and Fouriertransform Lenses
      10.3 Infrared Optical Systems
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