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  • 場論重正化群和臨界現像(第3版)(英文版)
    該商品所屬分類:自然科學 -> 物理學
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    • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
    • ISBN:9787510087707
    • 作者:(以)阿密特
    • 頁數:543
    • 出版日期:2015-03-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-03-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:24開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 阿密特編著的《場論重正化群和臨界現像(第3版)(英文版)》被列為學習場論入門的核心教材,很少有教材能夠做到如此恰到好處,詳略得當,難易適中。將粒子物理學的場論方法和概念與臨界現像和統計力學中的巧妙銜接起來。**版已經被證明了是一本十分有用的教材,第二版又詳細介紹了有限尺寸標度、一般性和多耦合常數的臨界行為,這些都是物理學家做研究很有價值的工具。
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    • Preface
      Preface to the Third Edition
      General Sources and References
      1 Pertinent concepts and ideas in the theory of critical phenomena
      1—1 Description of critical phenomena
      1—2 Scaling and homogeneity
      1—3 Comparison of various results for critical exponents
      1—4 Universality—dimensionality,symmetry
      2 Formulation of the problem of phase transitions in terms of functional integrals
      2—1 Introduction
      2—2 Construction of the Lagrangian
      2—2—1 The real scalar field
      2—2—2 Complexfield
      2—2—3 A hypercubic n—vector model
      2—2—4 Two coupled fluctuating fields
      2—3 The parameters appearing in £
      2—4 The partition function,or the generating functional
      2—5 Representation of the Ising model in terms of functional integrals
      2—5—1 Definition of the model and its thermodynamics
      2—5—2 The Gaussian transformation
      2—5—3 The free part
      2—5—4 Some properties of the free theory—a free Euclidean field theory in less than four dimensions
      2—6 Correlation functions including composite operators
      3 Functional integrals in quanturn field theory
      3—1 Introduction
      3—2 Functionalintegrals for a quantum—mechanical system with one degree of freedom
      3—2—1 Schwinger's transformation function
      3—2—2 Matrix elements—Green functions
      3—2—3 The generating functional
      3—2—4 Analytic continuation in time—the Euclidean theory
      3—3 Functional integrals for the scalar boson field theory
      3—3—1 Introduction
      3—3—2 The generating functional for Green functions
      3—3—3 The generating functional as a functional integral
      3—3—4 The S—matrix expressed in terms of the generating functional
      4 Perturbation theory and Feynman graphs
      4—1 Introduction
      4—2 Perturbation expansionin coordinate space
      4—3 The cancellation of vacuum graphs
      4—4 Rules for the computation ofgraphs
      4—5 More general cases
      4—5—1 The M—vector theory
      4—5—2 Comments on fields with higher spin
      4—6 Diagrammatic expansion in momentum space
      4—7 Perturbation expansion of Green functions with composite operators
      4—7—1 In coordinate space
      4—7—2 In momentum space
      4—7—3 Insertion at zero momentum
      5 Vertex functions and symmetry breaking
      5—1 Introduction
      5—2 Connected Green functions and their generating functional
      5—3 The mass operator
      5—4 The Legendre transform and vertex functions
      5—5 The generating functional and the potential
      5—6 Ward—Takahashi identities and Goldstone's theorem
      5—7 Vertex parts for Green functions with composite operators
      6 Expansions in the number of loops and in the number of components
      6—1 Introduction
      6—2 The expansion in the number of loops as a power series
      6—3 The tree (Landau—Ginzburg)approximation
      6—4 The one—loop approximation and the Ginzburg criterion
      6—5 Mass and coupling constant renormalizationin the one—loop approximation
      6—6 Composite field renormalization
      6—7 Renormalization of the field at the two—loop level
      6—8 The O(M)—symmetric theory in the limit of large M
      6—8—1 Generalremarks
      6—8—2 The origin of the M—dependence of the coupling constant
      6—8—3 Faithful representation of graphs and the dominant terms inΓ(4)
      6—8—4 Γ(2) in theinfinite M limit
      6—8—5 Renormalization
      6—8—6 Broken symmetry
      Appendix 6—1 The method of steepest descent and the loop expansion
      7 Renormalization
      7—1 Introduction
      7—2 Some considerations concerning engineering dimensions
      7—3 Power counting and primitive divergences
      7—4 Renormalization of a cutoff φ4 theory
      7—5 Normalization conditions for massive and massless theories
      7—6 Renormalization constants for a massless theory to order two loops
      7—7 Renormalization away from the critical point
      7—8 Counterterms
      7—9 Relevant and irrelevant operators
      7—10 Renormalization of a φ4 theory with an O(M) symmetry
      7—11 Ward identities and renormalization
      7—12 Iterative construction of counterterms
      8 The renormalization group and scaling in the critical region
      8—1 Introduction
      8—2 The renormalization group for the critical (massless) theory
      8—3 Regularization by continuation in the number of dimensions
      8—4 Massless theory below four dimensions—the emergence of ε
      8—5 The solution of the renormalization group equation
      8—6 Fixed points, scaling, and anomalous dimensions
      8—7 The approach to the fixed point—asymptotic freedom
      8—8 Renormalization group equation above Tc—identification of v
      8—9 Below the critical temperature—the scaling form of the equation of state
      8—10 The specific heat—renormalization group equation for an additively renormalized vertex
      8—11 The Callan—Symanzik equations
      8—12 Renormalization group equations for the bare theory
      8—13 Renormalization group equations and scaling in the infinite M limit
      Appendix 8—1 General formulas for calculating Feynman integrals
      9 The computation of the critical exponents
      9—1 Introduction
      9—2 The symbolic calculation of the renormalization constants and Wilson functions
      9—3 The εexpansion of the critical exponents
      9—4 The nature of the fixed points —universality
      9—5 Scale invariance at finite cutoff
      9—6 At the critical dimension —asymptotic infrared freedom
      9—7 ε expansion for the Callan—Symanzik method
      9—8 εexpansion of the renormalization group equations for the bare functions
      9—9 Dimensional regularization and critical phenomena
      9—10 Renormalization by minimal subtraction of dimensional poles
      9—11 The calculation of exponents in minimal subtraction
      Appendix 9—1 Calculation of some integrals with cutoff
      9—2 One—Ioop integrals in dimensional regularization
      9—3 Two—Ioop integrals in dimensional regularization
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