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  • 伽羅瓦上同調
    該商品所屬分類:自然科學 -> 數學
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    • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
    • ISBN:9787510070273
    • 作者:(法)塞爾
    • 頁數:210
    • 出版日期:2014-03-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-03-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:24開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 這本《伽羅瓦上同調》由(法)塞爾著,本書是一部譯自法語的講述伽羅瓦上同調的經典專著。經過30年的讀者檢驗,好評不斷,故此再次引進出版,將經典再現。書中增加了R.Steinberg的一份很成熟的論文,一些新的資料和擴展的參考文獻。這些都使得這本書的內容*加充實。讀者對像:數學專業的研究生和科研人員。
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    • Foreword
      Chapter I. Cohomology of proflnite groups
      1. Proflnite groups
      1.1 Definition
      1.2 Subgroups
      1.3 Indices
      1.4 Pro-p-groups and Sylow p-subgroups
      1.5 Pro-p-groups
      2. Cohomology
      2.1 Discrete G-modules
      2.2 Cochains, cocycles, cohomology
      2.3 Low dimensions
      2.4 Functoriality
      2.5 Induced modules
      2.6 Complements
      3. Cohomological dimension
      3.1 p-cohomological dimension
      3.2 Strict cohomological dimension
      3.3 Cohomological dimension of subgroups and extensions
      3.4 Characterization of the profinite groups G such that cdp(G) < 1
      3.5 Dualizing modules
      4. Cohomology of pro-p-groups
      4.1 Simple modules
      4.2 Interpretation of H1: generators
      4.3 Interpretation of H2: relations
      4.4 A theorem of Shafarevich
      4.5 Poincare groups
      5. Nonabelian cohomology
      5.1 Definition of H~ and of H1
      5.2 Principal homogeneous spaces over A - a new definition of
      5.3 Twisting
      5.4 The cohomology exact sequence associated to a subgroup
      5.5 Cohomology exact sequence associated to a normal subgroup
      5.6 The case of an abelian normal subgroup
      5.7 The case of a central subgroup
      5.8 Complements
      5.9 A property of groups with cohomological dimension _< 1
      Bibliographic remarks for Chapter I
      Appendix 1. J. Tate - Some duality theorems
      Appendix 2. The Golod-Shafarevich inequality
      1. The statement
      2. Proof
      Chapter II. Gaiois cohomology, the commutative case
      1. Generalities
      1.1 Galois cohomology
      1.2 First examples
      2. Criteria for cohomological dimension
      2.1 An auxiliary result
      2.2 Case when p is equal to the characteristic
      2.3 Case when p differs from the characteristic
      3. Fields of dimension _<1
      3.1 Definition
      3.2 Relation with the property (C1)
      3.3 Examples of fields of dimension _< 1
      4. Transition theorems
      4.1 Algebraic extensions
      4.2 Transcendental extensions
      4.3 Local fields
      4.4 Cohomological dimension of the Galois group of an algebraic
      number field
      4.5 Property (Cr)
      5. p-adic fields
      5.1 Summary of known results
      5.2 Cohomology of finite Gk-modulea
      5.3 First applications
      5.4 The Euler-Poincare characteristic (elementary case)
      5.5 Unramified cohomology
      5.6 The Galois group of the maximal p-extension of k
      5.7 Euler-Poincar6 characteristics
      5.8 Groups of multiplicative type
      6. Algebraic number fields
      6.1 Finite modules - definition of the groups Pt(k, A)
      6.2 The finiteness theorem
      6.3 Statements of the theorems of Poitou and ~te
      Bibliographic remarks for Chapter II
      Appendix. Gaiols cohomology of purely transcendental extensions
      1. An exact sequence
      2. The local case
      3. Algebraic curves and function fields in one variable
      4. The case K = k(T)
      5. Notation
      6. Killing by base change
      7. Manin conditions, weak approximation
      and Schinzel's hypothesis
      8. Sieve bounds
      Chapter III. Nonabelian Galols cohomology
      1. Forms
      1.1 Tensors
      1.2 Examples
      1.3 Varieties, algebraic groups, etc
      1.4 Example: the k-forms of the group SLn
      2. Fields of dimension _< 1
      2.1 Linear groups: summary of known results
      2.2 Vanishing of H1 for connected linear groups
      2.3 Steinberg's theorem
      2.4 Rational points on homogeneous spaces
      3. Fields of dimension _< 2
      3.1 Conjecture II
      3.2 Examples
      4. Finiteness theorems
      4.1 Condition (F)
      4.2 Fields of type (F)
      4.3 Finiteness of the cohomology of linear groups
      4.4 Finiteness of orbits
      4.5 The case k = R
      4.6 Algebraic number fields (Borel's theorem)
      4.? A counter-example to the "Hasse principle"
      Bibliographic remarks for Chapter III
      Appendix 1. Regular elements of semisimple groups (by R. Steinberg)
      1. Introduction and statement of results
      2. Some recollections
      3. Some characterizations of regular elements
      4. The existence of regular unipotent elements
      5. Irregular elements
      6. Class functions and the variety of regular classes
      7. Structure of N
      8. Proof of 1.4 and 1.5
      9. Rationality of N
      10. Some cohomological applications
      11. Added in proof
      Appendix 2. Complements on Galois cohomology
      1. Notation
      2. The orthogonal case
      3. Applications and examples
      4. Injectivity problems
      5. The trace form
      6. Bayer-Lenstra theory: self-dual normal bases
      7. Negligible cohomology classes
    • 。。。
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