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  • 音繫學引論(英文版)/語音學與音繫學經典叢書
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    • 出版社:上海外教
    • ISBN:9787544650458
    • 作者:弗朗西斯·卡塔坶巴
    • 頁數:328
    • 出版日期:2018-04-01
    • 印刷日期:2018-04-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:437千字
    • 弗朗西斯·卡塔坶巴著的《音繫學引論》介紹:
      This is an up-to-date introduction to
      phonological theory placed within the
      framework of current, mainstream generative
      phonology. The book is divided into two
      parts. The first introduces readers to basic
      concepts of articulatory phonetics,classical
      phonemics and standard generative
      phonology;the topics covered include
      distinctiveness, naturalness,abstractness
      and rule interaction.
      The second part is devoted to current
      issues in phonological theory; both the
      nature and organisation of phonological
      representations in nonlinear generative
      phonology are explored. It discusses such
      areas as the role of the syllable in
      nonlinear generative phonology, metrical
      phonology and the study of stress,
      autosegmental approaches to tone, the place
      of intonation, lexical phonology and
      morphology, and the syntax-phonology
      interface viewed in terms of the domain of
      phonological rules.
      With analytical exercises in each
      chapter and data taken from a wide range of
      languages, this book aims not so much to
      emphasise the history of phonological
      theory, but to develop the reader's
      understanding of contemporary phonological
      theory through a practical and accessible
    • Preface
      Chapter 1 Introduction to phonetics
      1.1 Introduction
      1.2 The production of speech
      1.2.1 The production of consonants
      1.3 The production of vowels
      Chapter 2 The phoneme
      2.1 Segments of sound
      2.1.1 Distinctiveness: phonemes and allophones
      2.2 Identifying phonemes
      2.2.1 The minimal pair test
      2.2.2 Contrast in analogous environments
      2.2.3 Suspicious pairs
      2.2.4 Recapitulation
      2.3 Phonological symmetry
      Chapter 3 Distinctive features
      3.1 Why are features needed?
      3.2 Jakobsonian features
      3.3 The SPE system of distinctive features
      3.3.z Major class features
      3.3.2 Cavity features
      3.3.3 Tongue body features
      3.3.4 Tongue root features
      3.3.5 Laryngeal features
      3.3.6 Manner features
      3.3.7 Prosodic features
      3.4 Segment structure redundancy
      Chapter 4 Phonological representations
      4.1 Phonetics and phonology
      4.2 The domain of phonology
      4.3 Recapitulation: levels of representation
      4.4 Phonetic and phonemic transcription
      4.5 A guide to phonetic transcription
      4.6 Why study phonology?
      Chapter 5 Phonological processes
      5.1 Introduction
      5.2 Assimilation
      5.2.i Direction of assimilation
      5.3 Assimilation processes
      5.3.1 Palatalisation
      5.3.2 Labialisation
      5.3.3 Voice assimilation
      5.3.4 Place of articulation assimilation
      5.3.5 Manner of articulation assimilation
      5.3.6 Nasalisation
      5.4 Dissimilation
      5.5 Conclusion
      Chapter 6 Naturalness and strength
      6.1 Introduction
      6.2 Natural segments, natural classes and natural
      processes 98
      6.2.1 Phonological strength hierarchies
      6.3 Explanations of naturalness
      6.3.1 Natural phonology
      Chapter 7 Interaction between rules
      7.1 Introduction to rule formalisation and ordering
      7.2 Linear rule ordering
      7.3 Abandoning extrinsic ordering
      7.4 Conclusion: why ordering matters
      Chapter 8 The abstractness of underlying
      8.i Abstractness
      8.2 Concrete phonology?
      8.3 Absolute neutralisation
      8.4 Conclusion
      Chapter 9 The syllable
      9.1 The syllable
      9.2 The representation of syllable structure
      9.3 The CV-tier
      9.3.1 A generative CV.phonology model of
      syllable structure
      9.3.2 Syllabification
      9.4 Functions of the syllable
      9.4.1 The syllable as the basic phonotactic
      9.4.2 The syllable as the domain of phonological
      9.4.3 The syllable and the structure of complex
      9.4.4 Compensatory lengthening
      9.4.5 The syllable as indispensable building block
      for higher phonological domains
      9.5 Syllable weight
      9.6 Abstract segments
      9.7 Extrasyllabicity
      9.8 Summary
      Chapter 10 Multi.tiered phonology
      10.1 Introduction to tone languages
      10.2 The nature of phonological
      10.3 The representation of tone
      10.3.I Contour tones
      10.3.2 Tone stability
      10.3.3 Melody levels
      10.4 The autosegmental model and the representation of tone
      10.5 Tone and intonation
      10.6 Pitch.accent
      10.7 Vowel harmony
      10.8 Nasalisation
      10.9 Morphemic tier
      Chapter 11 Stress and intonation
      11.1 Introduction: stress
      11.1.1 What is stress?
      11.1.2 Metrical phonology
      11.1.3 Metrical trees and grids
      11.1.4 Extrametricality
      11.1.5 Quantity sensitivity
      11..6 English stress
      11.2 Intonation
      11.2.1 The form of English intonation
      11.2.2 Accentuation function
      11.2.3 Intonation and illocutionary force
      11.2.4 The grammatical function of intonation
      11.2.5 Attitudinal functions
      11.2.6 Discourse function
      Chapter 12 Phonology in the wider context
      12.1 The role of the lexicon
      12.2 Lexical phonology
      12.2.1 Level 1 of lexical phonology
      12.2.2 Level 2 of lexical phonology
      12.2.3 The elsewhere condition
      12.2.4 The order of affixes
      12.2.5 Post.lexical rules
      12.2.6 Summary
      12.3 Prosodic domains
      12.3.1 Prosodic domains and French liaison
      12.4 Conclusion
      Suggested answers to exercises
      Language index
      Subject index
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