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  • 上海名物(中英文) 鄒佳肜文 著 劉海樂 譯 田震坤 繪 繪 中國近代
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    書名:上海名物(中英文) 上海名物(中英文)




    作  者: 鄒佳肜文 著 劉海樂 譯 田震坤 繪 繪
    定  價: 98
    出?版?社: 中國畫報出版社
    出版日期: 2018年02月01日
    頁  數: 228
    裝  幀: 平裝
    ISBN: 9787514617764

    《上海名物》的特色之一,在於藝術性與生活化場景相融合,100處插圖全部采用了手繪插畫的形式,從內容選景、文字,到很後形成畫稿,很終展現為一本關於“生活方式”的書(而非建築草稿或非遺、文化史跡考據描述)。該書將上海特有的古貌,和具體的生活細節結合起來,仿佛一幀幀電影鏡頭,一點點拉近讀者,走進中國城市,用“人文浸潤”的方式表達“中國形像”; 《上海名物》的特色之二,在於中國原創性與靠前化表達相融合。原創性貫穿於《上海名物》的起始策劃、拍照調研、構建目錄、起草畫稿到很終的呈現形式。“哪些名物與生活方......

    ●章 Chapter 1 外灘 — 陸家嘴 Bund—Lujiazui 01在濱江公園,喝著星巴克 Sip Starbucks on the waterfront at Binjiang Park .............................. 012 02在外灘信號臺裡,沉醉歷史 Review Bund history at the meteorological signal tower ................... 014 03在怡和洋行舊址,為華麗的裝飾與羅馬拱券而驚嘆 Admire the gorgeous ornaments and Romanesque arches of the former headquarters of Jardine Matheson ................. 016 04在上海市檔案館的哥特式建築中,追憶上海灘 Recall old Shanghai through the Gothic building of the Shanghai Municipal Archives ................................................... 018 05在和平飯店,體驗一回歐式 Brunch 大餐 Enjoy European brunch at the Peace Hotel....................................... 020 06在建投書局,感受滬上最火的魔法學院殿堂級書店 Experience JIC Bookstore, the most popular Hogwarts-style bookshop in Shanghai.............................................. 022 07在申報館的純白巴洛克雕花穹頂下,喝咖啡 Drink coffee under the pearly Baroque dome of the former office of Shun Pao ................................................................... 024 08在上海外灘美術館,欣賞國際很好當代藝術家的作品 Admire world-class art at Rockbund Art Museum ............................ 026 09 去 Beautiful Concept 咖啡館,與最潮的店主聊電影 Talk movies with the owner of Beautiful Concept café......................................028 10在讀者書店,感受古典與現代的衝擊 Experience a clash between tradition and modernity at Duzhe Bookstore... 030 第二章 Chapter 2 人民廣場 — 靜安寺 People’s Square—Jing’an Temple 11在上海歷史博物館,感受空中花園 Experience the rooftop garden of the Shanghai History Museum......034 12在上海音樂廳,感受四重奏的美妙 Attend a live quartet performance in Shanghai Concert Hall ..........036 13在“鯨字號”,當一回獨立插畫家 Play illustrator at ZZCETISTAR ........................................................038 14去榮宅,看當代藝術大展 See contemporary art exhibitions at Rongzhai................................040 15在上海自然博物館,擁抱一隻恐龍 Meet dinosaurs at Shanghai Natural History Museum....................042 16去 Pie Bird,喫一隻美式手工派 Eat traditional American pies at Pie Bird ..........................................044 17在國際飯店門口,排隊買蝴蝶酥 Buy palmier biscuits at Park Hotel ....................................................046 18在張園,體驗滬上名媛的生活 Experience aristocratic life at Zhang Garden ..................................048 19在大世界遊樂場,照哈哈鏡 Enjoy funhouse mirrors at Big World................................................050 20前往沐恩堂,參觀一回彩繪《聖經》 Enjoy paintings of biblical stories at Moore Memorial Church.........052 21在大光明電影院,趕一次上海國際電影節 Experience the Shanghai International Film Festival at Grand Theater ..................................................................................054 22在馬勒別墅,體驗夢幻城堡 Visit the fairytale castle at Moller Villa ..............................................056 23在輔德裡,看一回石庫門 Admire the beauty of traditional Shikumen at Fudeli........................058 24去上海展覽中心,擠全國最熱的上海書展 Visit the most crowded book fair at Shanghai Exhibition Center ....060 25 去 Brownie Art Café& Lounge,喝著拿鐵,感受藝術與攝影的完美結合 Enjoy the perfect combination of art and photography while drinking a cup of latte at Brownie Art Café& Lounge .....................062 26去酷芝餐廳,來一次溫馨的美式小酒館之旅 Experience a cozy American tavern at Coolzey Restaurant ..........064 27去 House of Blues & Jazz,體驗自在的爵士樂現場 Watch live jazz performance at House of Blues & Jazz......................066 第三章 Chapter 3 武康路 — 新華路 Wukang Road—Xinhua Road 28在上生?新所,享受一回露天泳池 Enjoy the open-air swimming pool at Columbia Circle....................070 29在 Seesaw Coffee 的圓拱門下,喝一杯招牌拿鐵 Drink a cup of latte coffee under the arched door at Seesaw Coffee..................................................................................072 30去稻城書店,偶遇一本氣味相投的書 Find your dream books at Dawn City Books....................................074 31去 FASCINO BAKERY,打包兩隻意式烘焙面包 Buy Italian freshly baked bread at Fascino Bakery..........................076 32在武康大樓的斜對角,來一張自拍 Take a selfie with Wukang Building as the background ..................078 33在丁香花園,尋覓小資情懷 Enjoy a life of leisure at Lilac Garden ...............................................080 34去老麥咖啡館,喝杯復古味的咖啡,喫頓晚餐 Drink coffee and have dinner at The Cottage..................................082 35去湖南路 3 號花店,感受自然的隱世氣息 Live a secluded natural life at an urban flower shop........................084 36到保羅酒樓,體驗一次午後的梧桐樹影 Relax in the shade of Chinese parasol trees at Polo Restaurant .....086 37 到席家花園,喫一次穿越到 20 世紀 30 年代的本幫菜 Enjoy genuine Shanghai cuisine of the 1930s at Xi’s Villa...............088 38到馬裡昂巴咖啡館,假裝在歐洲街頭 Enjoy European-style streetscapes at Marienbad Café................090 39去我家餐廳,體驗什麼叫“菜香不怕巷子深” Enjoy delicacies at My Home, a restaurant hidden in an alley ........092 40到毛豆阿姨酒家,喫一次創意本幫料理 Enjoy innovated Shanghai cuisine at Green Soybean Aunt Restaurant.........................................................................................094 41到五觀堂素食,品一回清淡 Enjoy vegetarian foods at Wuguantang...........................................096 第四章 Chapter 4 衡山路 — 徐家彙 Hengshan Road—Xujiahui 42去徐家彙天主堂,尋找中世紀的玫瑰花窗 Gaze through Medieval rosace at Xujiahui Catholic Church...........100 43去衡山和集看書,“種草”一件文創 Read and enjoy creative products at The Mix-Place......................102 44在徐家彙觀像臺樓上,看天文儀 Admire astronomical instruments at Xujiahui Observatory .............104 45在徐家彙藏書樓二樓露臺,與老外聊天 Chat with expats on the balcony of Xujiahui Library ........................106 46去國際禮拜堂,參觀一次禮拜 Attend worship services at Shanghai Community Church..............108 47在紅坊藝術創意園,欣賞一件雕塑 Admire sculptures at Red Town .......................................................110 48在老吉士,“啊嗚”一口外婆紅燒肉 Enjoy Grandma’s Braised Pork at Jesse Restaurant .....................112 49去凱文咖啡,坐在樹叢中吹吹風 Relax in the breeze and shade at Keven Cafe ................................114 第五章 Chapter 5 新天地 — 老碼頭 Xintiandi—The Cool Docks 50到外灘復星藝術中心,感受建築動態之美 Enjoy the dynamic beauty of architecture at Fosun Foundation ....... 118 51去豫園,看一場燈會 Watch the lantern show at Yu Garden................................................ 120 52在一大會址,追思歷史 Reflect on history at the site of the First National Congress of the CPC........................................................................... 122 53在新天地 Shake Shack,喫一次美式漢堡 Eat American burgers at Shake Shack in Xintiandi ............................ 124 54在思南書局,看一份《倫敦書評》 Read recommendations of the London Review of Books at Sinan Books.......................................................................... 126 55躺在復興公園的草坪上,曬太陽 Bath in the sun on the lawn in Fuxing Park......................................... 128 56去復興中路,喫一碗天天排隊的大腸面 Eat a bowl of noodles at crowded Dachangmian ............................... 130 57去蒲蒂花館,打卡時裝大片同款自拍 Take selfies like models at Boutique La Fleur..................................... 132 58在田子坊,逛裡弄小店 Visit small roadside stores in Tianzifang ............................................ 134 59到王子殿下卷耳貓咖啡館,“吸”一次貓 Play with cats at Tono’s Cat Café....................................................... 136 60到 288 Livehouse,放松一會兒耳朵 Feast on live music at 288 Livehouse ................................................. 138 61到 Bell Cafe & Bar,與好友小酌暢談 Drink with friends at Bell Cafe & Bar.................................................... 140 62去小蔡修理名表店,打卡“最有人情味”的櫥窗 Take a selfie at Cai’s Repair Shop...................................................... 142 63去古董花園,和洋房裡的老家具“對話” Converse with old furniture in Antique Garden ................................... 144 64去阿娘面館,喫一碗黃魚面 Have a big bowl of yellow croaker noodles at Aniang Noodle House ....................................................................................... 146 65去 Top Chef,來一份米其林主廚的招牌牛舌 Enjoy Michelin-starred roast beef tongue at Top Chef...............................................148 第六章 Chapter 6 愚園路 — 中山公園 Yuyuan Road—Zhongshan Park 66去愚園百貨公司買手店,淘貨 Shop at Yuyuan Department Store ..................................................152 67在 Gregorius,請主理人親手為你調一杯咖啡 Drink coffee personally prepared by the owner of Gregorius Cafe ..................................................................................154 68到 FIUFIU,外帶一杯氣泡水逛畫展 See art while drinking soda water at FIUFIU....................................158 69去 Brut Eatery,送自己一隻專屬笑臉陶瓷杯 Buy a smiley face cup at Brut Eatery ...............................................159 70去富春小籠,喫一回最上海的點心 Enjoy Shanghai-style snacks at Fuchun Steamed Bun Restaurant.........................................................................................160 71在劉海粟美術館裡,創作一幅油畫 Create an oil painting at Liu Haisu Art Museum...............................162 第七章 Chapter 7 西岸濱江 — 南浦大橋 West Bund—Nanpu Bridge 72 去西岸營地 Woof Woof 西餐廳,乘一圈浪漫的旋轉木馬 Ride the carousel at Woof Woof in Camp 3399...............................166 73去龍華寺,趕一次廟會 Visit the temple fair at Longhua Temple...........................................168 74到上海當代藝術博物館,爬一次大煙囪 Climb the chimney at Power Station of Art ......................................170 75去上海西岸藝術中心,參加設計大展 Try your hand at design at Art West Bund ......................................172 76 去 Me & Joe 披薩餐廳,喫一頓“有故事”的早午餐 Enjoy a brunch at Me & Joe pizza restaurant..................................174 第八章 Chapter 8 復興公園 — 瑞金 Fuxing Park—Ruijin 77在 la Boulangerie,買份歐包 Buy French bread at La Boulangerie ...............................................178 78走進建業裡,看美麗的石庫門群 Enjoy classical Shikumen architecture at Jianyeli ...........................180 79去 OPS CAFE,跟冠軍主理人學做特調咖啡 Learn to make spety coffee from the owners of OPS CAFE.....182 80在修道院公寓,體驗西班牙風情 Experience Spanish flavor at The Cloister.......................................184 81到步高裡,看弄堂生活 Experience traditional alley lifestyles in CitéBourgogne ................186 82在新樂路東正教堂,欣賞穹頂間的濕壁畫 Admire the murals on the domes of the Russian Orthodox Church ...............................................................................................188 83去酒池星座,飲一杯酒客們最愛的威士忌 Sip whisky at Bar Constellation.........................................................190 84去 Hidden Track,擁抱淺色繫的咖啡星球 Soak up Hidden Track’s interior decoration.....................................192 85去阿大蔥油餅門口,排一次長隊 Brave the long line of Ada Scallion Pancake Restaurant ................194 86去白家餐廳,喫一次“網紅”蟹粉獅子頭 Eat famous pork balls with crab sauce at Bai’s Restaurant............196 87去 LOLO LOVE VINTAGE,挑一身上世紀的“古著” Buy last-century apparel at Lolo Love Vintage ...............................198 88到蘭心餐廳,喫一次地道老上海味 Enjoy genuine Shanghai cuisine at Lanxin Restaurant...................200 89 在天鵝申閣西菜社,喫一次海派西餐 Enjoy Shanghai-style Western cuisine at Swan Shenge Western-style Restaurant................................................................202 90 在點石齋小宴,感受一次書卷氣息的本幫菜 Taste Shanghai cuisine at scholarly Dianshizhai Xiaoyan Restaurant ...........................................................................204 91 在夏朵花園,體驗梧桐街景的小資風韻 Enjoy the streetscape in the shade of Chinese parasol trees at Chartres Garden....................................................206 92去玲瓏餐廳,來一份“有性格的”腐乳空心菜 Taste stir-fried water spinach with preserved tofu at Linglong Restaurant.........................................................................................208 93去頭大原創玩具房,激發久違的童心 Reawaken childhood memories at TOTS ........................................210 94 到熠盛粵味,喫一回粵式家常菜 Taste Cantonese cuisine at Yisheng Cantonese Restaurant ........212 第九章 Chapter 9 西郊虹橋 — 青浦 Hongqiao—Qingpu 95在沙遜別墅的柵欄外,看動物園 Gaze at Shanghai Zoo through the iron fences of Sassoon Villa ...216 96在息焉堂外,喝一杯可樂 Drink cola outside Assumption Church ............................................218 97去山腳下的書店,體驗在叢林中閱讀的感覺 Read in the forest at Bookstore by the Foot of a Hill ......................220 98去七寶老街,喫一回七寶阿明羊肉 Dine at Qibao Aming Mutton Restaurant on Qibao Old Street .......222 99到美譽餐室,享用一次奶茶配叉燒飯的絕妙組合 Enjoy the perfect combination of milk tea and barbecued pork rice at Meiyu Eatery ..................................................................224 100 去朱家角,喫一次臭豆腐 Eat preserved bean curd at Zhujiajiao Ancient Town ..................226





    鄒佳肜文 著 劉海樂 譯 田震坤 繪 繪


    "田震坤(繪): 田震坤,青年藝術家、平面設計師。1989生於山東濟南,畢業於中國美術學院跨媒體藝術學院。繪畫作品曾入選中國(杭州)靠前青年插畫漫畫雙年展、中國靠前動漫節等,設計作品曾獲全國美術類圖書很高獎“金牛獎”銀獎、第八屆全國書籍設計藝術大賽很好獎,曾與浙江衛視、周大旅業、杭州凱悅、杭州優步等品牌開展設計與插畫合作。 "

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