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  • 美國後現代主義小說詳解(英文版)
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    • 出版社:南開大學
    • ISBN:9787310033201
    • 作者:陳世丹
    • 頁數:360
    • 出版日期:2010-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2010-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:333千字
    • 本書從眾多美國後現代派小說家及其作品中挑選了10位*有代表性的作家及其*有代表性的長、短篇小說。包括:海勒的《第二十二條軍規》、馮內古特的《五號屠場》、巴思的《路韻盡頭》和他的短篇小說、霍克斯的《第二層皮》、巴塞爾姆的《白雪公主》和他的短篇小說、品欽的《叫賣第49批》和他的短篇小說、納博科夫的《微暗的火》等;屬手第二階段的有:海勒的《*後一幕》、庫弗的《公眾的怒火》和他的短篇小說、多克特羅的《拉格泰姆時代》和德裡羅的《天秤星座》等。對這些作品進行深入而細致的剖析,必將有助於我國讀者了解美國後現代派小說從20世紀60年代初至今四十多年來解構與重構的曲折過程,關注歷史和政治的社會效應,以及它們在藝術表現上的新探索和新話語。
    • 本書以一篇篇經典的代表性作品為具體例證,繫統闡述了後現代主義 在小說解構、重構、元小說、反體裁、語言遊戲、戲仿、拼貼、蒙太奇、 迷宮、黑色幽默、零散敘事、滑動能指、零度寫作、通俗化傾向、後現代 主義文學代碼的語義學和句法學特點等方面的藝術特征。它將後現代主義 理論探討與小說文本分析相結合,將小說主題思想討論和藝術風格分析相 結合,全方位地把握其發展脈絡和社會影響,使讀者能對美國後現代主義 小說有一個深刻而全面的認識。 該書可用作我國高等院校英語語言文學專業本科生和研究生“美國後 現代主義小說研究”課程教材,同時亦面向高校文學院外國文學專業本科 生和研究生、從事文學批評和文藝理論研究的學者,以及廣大外國文學愛 好者等。
    • Preface/ 1
      Directions for Teaching/ 1
      The Abbreviations of the Works' Titles/ 1
      Chapter I The Aesthetic Dimensions of Postmodernist Fiction/ 1
      A. The Core Concepts of Postmodemist Thought/ 1
      B. The Evolvement of Fiction: Realism--Modernism Postmodernism/ 4
      C. The Aesthetic Dimensions of Postmodernist Fiction/ 8
      1. Metafiction/ 8
      2. Anti-genre/ 18
      3. Language Games and the Reader's Interpretation/ 21
      4. Tendency towards Popularization/ 25
      5. Parody,Collage,Montage,Black Humor,and Labyrinth/ 27
      6. Language Subject,Fragmented Narrative,Shifting Signifiers,and Writing Zero/ 38
      Chapter 2 The Deconstructive and Reconstructive Tendencies of Postmodernism in Snow White/ 53
      A. The Deconstructive Tendency of Postmodernism/ 55
      1. Indeterminacy/ 55
      2. Fragmentation/ 57
      3. Decanonization/ 60
      4. Selflessness and Depthlessness/ 64
      5. The Unpresentable and the Unrepresentable/ 70
      B. The Reconstructive Tendency of Postmodernism/ 72
      1. Irony/ 72
      2. Hybridization/ 75
      3. Carnivalization/77
      4. Performance and Participation/ 79
      5. Constructionism/ 81
      6. Immanence/ 82
      Chapter 3 The Absurd Social Reafity and the Grotesque FiCtional World in Catch-22 and Closing Time/ 90
      A. The Absurd Social Reality/ 90
      1. The Catch-22 in the 1960s/ 90
      2. The Catch-22 in the 1990s/ 95
      B. The Grotesque Fictional World/ 99
      1. Black Humor/ 100
      2. Language Games/ 106
      3. The Tendency towards Popularization/ 112
      Chapter 4 The Nonlinear Narrative,the Death of the Author,and Black Humor in Slaughterhouse-Five/ 117
      A. The Combination of the Significant Theme and the Innovative Form/ 119
      B. The Nonlinear Narrative/ 124
      1. Combining History with Imagination/ 124
      2. Combining Reality. with Fantasy/ 129
      3. Combining the DiachroniC with the Simultaneous/ 133
      C. The Death of the Author/138
      D. Black Humor/ 146
      Chapter 5 The Labyrinth Composed of Entropy,Polysemy and Indeterminacy in The Crying of Lot 49/ 152
      A. Entropy/ 155
      1. Demon and Oedipa/ 156
      2. Entropy and the Society/ 160
      3. Entropy and Information/ 164
      B. Polysemy/ 170
      C. Indeterminacy/ 174
      Chapter 6 The Comic Nightmare and the Dishevelled Structure in Second Skin/ 182
      A. The Comic Nightmare/ 184
      1. The Comic Elements/ 185
      2. The Nightmarish Elements/ 205
      B. The Dishevelled Structure/ 211
      1. The Unsymmetrical Space/ 212
      2. The Discontinuous Time/ 214
      3. The Blanks/ 218
      C. Metafiction/ 220
      Chapter 7 The Transcendental Realities and the Unusual Techniques in Pale Fire/ 227
      A. The Transcendental Realities/ 229
      1. The Subjective Reality/ 230
      2. The Imaginative Reality/ 231
      3. The Consciousness of Death/ 232
      4. Solitude/ 234
      5. Alienation/ 236
      B. The Unusual Techniques/ 240
      1. Intertextuality/ 242
      2. Parody/ 251
      3. A Game of Worlds/ 254
      Chapter 8 The Parody of Philosophical Texts and Metafietion in The End of the Road/ 268
      A. The Parody of Philosophical Texts/ 269
      1. The Parody of Existentialism/ 270
      2. The Parody of Freudianism/ 281
      B. Metafiction/ 292
      Chapter 9 The Literary Code of Postmodernism in The Public Burning/ 301
      A. What Is a Literary Code?/ 302
      B. The Semantic Characteristics of the Literary Code of Postmodernism/ 305
      1. The Prominent and Very Frequently Used Lexemes/ 305
      2. The Prominent Semantic Fields/ 306
      C. The Syntactic Characteristics of the Literary Code of Postmodernism/ 311
      1. The Characteristics of the Sentence Structures/ 312
      2. The Characteristics of the Text Structures/ 317
      Glossary/ 336
      Bibliography/ 342
      The Readings for the Study of American Postmodernist Fiction/ 357
      Postscript/ 361
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