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  • 英美文學欣賞(英語文學繫列教材華大博雅高校教材)
    該商品所屬分類:文學 -> 文學理論
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    • 出版社:華中師大
    • ISBN:9787562254966
    • 作者:羅良功//劉芳
    • 頁數:328
    • 出版日期:2012-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:403千字
    • 羅良功、劉芳主編的《英美文學欣賞》以作品選讀為主,兼顧文學史的梳理和作家作品簡介,並針對每一篇選讀作品設計了一些問題,既方便學生直觀地建構關於英美文學的完整的知識體繫,又有利於推動學生在作品研讀的基礎上進行研討和探究。本書力圖將浩瀚的英美文學囊括於有限的篇幅容量之內,既強調選取具有代表性的作家和作品來反映英美文學的基本面貌,又注重選用作品的經典性,使之足以反映特定作家甚至特定流派的基本特征;同時,有機地融合新時代的文學觀,將長期以來被邊緣化的重要的作家作品和文學流派納入本書的內容體繫中,體現出鮮明的個性和時代特色。
    • British Literature
      Chapter 1 Medieval Literature
      Geoffrey Chaucer (1343--1400)
      Chapter 2 English Renaissance Literature
      William Shakespeare (1564--1616)
      Francis Bacon(1561--1626)
      John Milton (1608--1674)
      Chapter 3 Cavalier and Metaphysical Poetry
      Ben Jonson(1572--1637)
      John Donne (1572--1631)
      Chapter 4 The Rise of the Novel
      Daniel Defoe (1660--1731)
      Henry Fielding (1707--1754)
      Chapter 5 Neo-Classicist Literature
      Jonathan Swift (1667--1745)
      Alexander Pope(1688--1744)
      Chapter 6 Romantic Poetry
      William Blake (1757--1827)
      William Wordsworth (1770--1850)
      George Gordon Byron (1788--1824)
      Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792--1822)
      John Keats (1795--1821)
      Chapter 7 Women's Literature in the 19th Century
      Jane Austen (1775--1817)
      Chapter 8 Realistic Novels
      Charles Dickens (1812--1870)
      Thomas Hardy (1840--1928)
      Chapter 9 Victorian Poetry
      Alfred Tennyson (1809--1892)
      Robert Browning (1812--1889)
      Matthew Arnold (1822--1888)
      Chapter 10 English Drama at the Turn of the 20th Century
      Oscar Wilde (1854--1900)
      George Bernard Shaw (1856--1950)
      Chapter 11 Modernist Novels
      Joseph Conrad (1857--1924)
      James Joyce (1882--1941)
      Virginia Woolf (1882--1941)
      D. H. Lawrence (1885--1930)
      Chapter 12 The 20th-Century Poetry
      William Butler Yeats (1865--1939)
      T. S. Eliot (1888--1965)
      W. H. Auden (1907--1973)
      Dylan Thomas (1914--1953)
      Philip Larkin (1922--1985)
      Ted Hughes (1930--1998)
      Chapter 13 Novels in the Postmodern Period
      William Golding (1911--1993)
      Doris Lessing(1919-- )
      John Fowles (1926--2005)
      American Literature
      Chapter 1 Romantic Novels
      Washington Irving (1783--1859)
      Herman Melville (1819--1891)
      Chapter 2 Transcendentalist Essays
      Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803--1882)
      Henry David Thoreau (1817--1862)
      Chapter 3 Dark Romanticist Literature
      Edgar Allan Poe (1809--1849)
      Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804--1864)
      Chapter 4 American Romantic Poetry
      Walt Whitman(1819--1892)
      Emily Dickinson(1830--1886)
      Chapter 5 Realistic and Naturalistic Novels
      Mark Twain (1835--1910)
      Theodore Dreiser(1871--1945)
      Chapter 6 American Modern Novels
      Henry James (1843--1916)
      Stephen Crane (1871--1900)
      Chapter 7 The Rise of Women Literature
      Kate Chopin(1851--1904)
      Edith Newbold Wharton(1862--1937)
      Chapter 8 The Lost Generation Literature
      Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896--1940)
      Ernest Hemingway (1899--1961)
      Chapter 9 American Modern Poetry
      Ezra Pound (1885--1973)
      William Carlos Williams (1883--1963)
      Robert Frost (1874--1963)
      Chapter 10 Southern Literature
      William Faulkner (1897--1962)
      Robert Penn Warren (1905--1989)
      Chapter 11 American Drama
      Eugene O'Neill (1888--1953)
      Chapter 12 Postmodern Literature
      Joseph Heller (1923--1999)
      Allen Ginsberg (1926--1997)
      Sylvia Plath (1932--1963)
      Chapter 13 Ethnic Literature
      Langston Hughes (1902--1967)
      Saul Bellow (1915--2005)
      Toni Morrison(1931-- )
      Maxine Hong Kingston(1940-- )
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