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  • 出版社:天津人民
  • ISBN:9787201120195
  • 作者:(加)凱倫·史密斯
  • 出版日期:2017-08-01
  • 印刷日期:2017-08-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 1 Lynn travels on public transport by herself.
    2 Let me show you around.
    3 Where am I?
    4 Are you my sister?
    5 Help me, I am lost.
    6 What do they look like?
    7 What are they like?
    8 Internet safety.
    9 Spend time with me.
    10 Is he lucky or unlucky?
    11 Yours, mine and ours.
    12 A group of friends who have never met.
    13 What are they good at?
    14 China’s got talent.
    15 What is the opposite?
    16 Why dogs chase cats.
    17 Now is yesterday’s tomorrow.
    18 Before he was kind, now he is a killer.
    19 Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
    20 How bear lost her tail.
    21 Deliver my letter to the one I love.
    22 Because why?
    23 Old, but good riddles.
    24 Who or what is that about?
    25 May I use your scissors?
    26 Suddenly he slipped and made a big splash.
    27 Do you shop online?
    28 How to use a wok.
    29 Spaghetti trees.
    30 What do you want to watch on TV?
    31 Are chores good for you?
    32 You shouldn’t drink pop.
    33 How fit are you?
    34 The food pagoda.
    35 What do Chinese people do at their festivals?
    36 My favourite American Festival.
    37 Hoppy Easter.
    38 I have a pet camel.
    39 Do you have a tail?
    40 My mouth makes funny noises.
    41 This dog is special.
    42 Pollution is killing our environment.
    43 What is erosion?
    44 Pandas are endangered.
    45 Jane gets a camping badge.
    46 Let me tell y about my vacation.
    47 How to grow your own food.
    48 You are a real pest.
    49 Do you recycle?
    50 We live on planet Earth.
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