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    作  者:蔡志忠 著;劉飛,吳煒聲 譯 著
    定  價:38
    出 版 社:現代出版社
    頁  數:263
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●關尹子 Kuan-yin-tzu
    關尹子的生平 Life of Kuan-yin-tzu
    關尹子的生平 Life of Kuan-yin-tzu
    諸子百家談關尹子 Ancient Philosophers on Kuan-yin-tzu
    關尹子與老聃 Kuan-yin-tzu and Lao Dan
    列子學射 Lieh-tzu Learning Archery
    第一章 宇宙就是道 Chapter I The Universe Is the Tao
    道是什麼 What is the Tao?
    聖人之道 鬼神不知Ghosts and Immortals Are Ignorant of the Saint’s Tao
    道即是自然規律 The Tao Is the Law of Nature
    道無人無我 The Tao Rules Out Human and Self
    道終不可得 The Tao Is Ultimately Unattainable
    道不以勤成 The Tao Cannot Be Attained Through Diligence
    吾道如海 Our Way Is Like the Ocean
    第二章 開天闢地 Chapter II The Creation
    宇宙的規律 The Laws of the Universe
    萬像氣所生 From the Qi Spring All Manifestations of Nature
    宇宙天地是夢嗎? Is the Universe or World a Dream?
    聖人去識不去天地The Saint Gets Rid of the Mind Rather than the World第三章 得道的聖人 Chapter III The Saint Who Attains the Tao
    聖人治天下 Th Saint Governs the World
    聖人知古今大同Th Saint Is Aware of the Unity between the Past and Present
    聖人知無我 Th Saint Knows There Is No Self
    人之善琴者 Those Good at Playing the Qin
    聖人所以異乎人 Why the Saint Is Di erent from Common People
    第四章 精神魂魄 Chapter IV Essence, Spirit, Soul and Vigour
    五行互生滅 The Five Elements Promote and Constrain Each Other
    精是水 The Spirit Is Watery
    性者心未萌 Intrinsic Nature Means the Heart Has No Sprout
    鬼雲為魂 Hun Consists of Gui and Yun
    生死大事 Life and Death
    第五章 知心無物 Chapter V Knowing the Mind Is Void
    心蔽者鬼攝之One with a Trammelled Mind Tends to Be sessed by a Ghost
    無一心 Commitment
    流者非舟 What Flows Is Not the Boat
    知心無物 Knowing the Heart Is Empty of Things
    無恃利害是非 Do Not Be Particular about Gains and Losses, right andWrong
    心無方 The Mind Knows no Bounds
    以心為師 Make the Heart Your Teacher
    事生於意 Matters Spring from Thoughts
    心感物 The Heart Perceives Things
    心能無中示有 The Heart Can Show Being in Non-being
    天下之理 The Principles of the World
    第六章 夢與覺醒 Chapter VI Dream and Awakening
    無我即是我他無別Non-self Means no Distinction between Self and Others
    自不見我 I Cannot See Myself
    身是小宇宙 The Body Is a Small Universe
    萬物皆有自己的小宇宙 All Things Have Their Respective Universes
    土偶之成 Clay Figurines
    目自觀目 Eyes SeeingEyes
    五行互用 The Five Elements Interact
    枯龜無我 The Turtle Shell Has no Self
    心憶者猶忘饑 One Who Misses Something Forgets about Hunger
    第七章 萬法歸一 Chapter VII All Ways Converge into One
    道本至無 The Tao Is Void
    有即無 Being Is No-being
    像由心變 Image Is Generated in the Heart
    聖人不存不變 The Saint Does not Exist or Change
    聖人任化所以無化The Saint Can Control Change and Thus Remain Unchanged
    大海水一 Sea Water Is an Integral Whole
    聖人居常慮變 The Saint Is Concerned about Change in Constancy
    萬化不能阨我 Changes Cannot Chain Me
    天下之理 The Principles of the World
    第八章 心生萬物 Chapter VIII From the Heart Spring All Things
    古之善藣蓍者 Master Fortune-tellers in Ancient Time
    五行之變 Changes of the Five Elements
    生物反應 Biological Reactions
    道物歸一 The Tao and All Things Revert to One
    第九章 萬物非我 Chapter IX Things Are not Me
    勿輕小事 Do not Slight Trivial Things
    智之極者故愚 One with the Ultimate Wisdom Pretends to Be Foolish
    物非我 Things Are not Me
    聖人無所見 The Saint Sees Nothing
    目之所見 What the Eyes See
    善今者可以行古 Those Good at the Present Can Practice the Past
    能忘道乃能有道 Those Who Forget the Tao Can Attain the Tao
    不可卑人尊己 Do not Place Yourself above Others
    在愚不在智 Better Foolish than Wise
    少言不遭忌 Silence Incurs no Hatred
    心疾無藥醫 No Medicine Can Cure the Faulty Mind
    昔之論道者 Past Preachers of the Tao
    聖人的大言 The Saint’s Grand Words
    喻道者不言 Those Who Truly Know Do not Speak
    內不見我 外不見人 We Do not See Self within and Others without
    聖人言蒙蒙 The Saint’s Words Are Vague
    真中有真非 In Truth Lies Truth and Untruth
    冠子 H
    冠子 卷上 He Guan Zi Volume 1
    第一 博選 Chapter One: Extensive Selection
    第二 著希 Chapter Two: Recruiting Talents and Achieving Fame
    第三 夜行 Chapter Three: Walking in the Dark
    第四  天則 Chapter Four: The Laws of Heaven
    第五  環流 Chapter Five: The Circle of Life
    第六  道端 Chapter Six: The Root of Governance
    第七  近迭 Chapter Seven: Achieving Victory
    冠子 卷中 He Guan Zi Volume 2
    第八  度萬 Chapter Eight: Surmising All -ings
    第九  王 Chapter Nine: The Sword of the Ruler
    第十  泰鴻 Chapter Ten: The Vastness of Heaven
    第十一  泰錄 Chapter Eleven: The Records of Vast Heaven
    冠子 卷下 He Guan Zi Volume
    第十二 世兵 Chapter Twelve: Warfare of the World
    第十三  備知 Chapter Thirteen: Comprehensive Knowledge
    第十四  兵政 Chapter Fourteen: The Military and Politics
    第十五  學問  Chapter Fi een: Learning and Inquiry
    第十六  世賢   Chapter Sixteen: Virtuous O cials
    第十七  天權   Chapter Seventeen: Divine Authority
    第十八  能天  Chapter Eighteen: Conforming to Heaven
    第十九  武靈王  Chapter Nineteen: King of Wuling of Zhao
    蔡志忠 著;劉飛,吳煒聲 譯 著

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