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組織行為與人力資源管理(第9版,雙語教學版) 管理 (美)弗雷德
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商品名稱: 組織行為與人力資源管理(第9版,雙語教學版) 管理 書籍
作者: (美)弗雷德·盧森斯,喬納森·多
代碼: 38.0
出版社: 人民郵電出版社
出版日期: 2016-01-01
ISBN: 9787115409720
版次: 1
裝幀: 平裝
開本: 16開

《組織行為與人力資源管理》(第9版,雙語教學版)選自弗雷德·盧森斯的International Management: Culture,
Strategy, and Behavior 2015年的第9版。作者在跨文化的背景下論述組織的激勵、領導行為以及人力資源管理。

1 Motivation Across Cultures 2
The World of International Management: Motivating Employees
in a Multicultural Context: Insights from the Emerging Markets 2
The Nature of Motivation 4
The Universalist Assumption 5
The Assumption of Content and Process 6
The Hierarchy-of-Needs Theory 7
The Maslow Theory 7
International Findings on Maslow’s Theory 7
The Two-Factor Theory of Motivation 11
The Herzberg Theory 11
International Findings on Herzberg’s Theory 13
Achievement Motivation Theory 17
The Background of Achievement Motivation Theory 17
International Findings on Achievement Motivation Theory

1 Motivation Across Cultures 2
The World of International Management: Motivating Employees
in a Multicultural Context: Insights from the Emerging Markets 2
The Nature of Motivation 4
The Universalist Assumption 5
The Assumption of Content and Process 6
The Hierarchy-of-Needs Theory 7
The Maslow Theory 7
International Findings on Maslow’s Theory 7
The Two-Factor Theory of Motivation 11
The Herzberg Theory 11
International Findings on Herzberg’s Theory 13
Achievement Motivation Theory 17
The Background of Achievement Motivation Theory 17
International Findings on Achievement Motivation Theory
Select Process Theories 19
Equity Theory 19
Goal-Setting Theory 21
Expectancy Theory 21
Motivation Applied: Job Design, Work Centrality, and Rewards 22
Job Design 22
Sociotechnical Job Designs 23
Work Centrality 24
Incentives and Culture 28
The World of International
Management—Revisited 30
Summary of Key Points 30
Key Terms 32
Review and Discussion
Questions 32
Internet Exercise: Motivating
Potential Employees 32
In the International
Spotlight: Indonesia 33
2 Leadership Across Cultures 34
The World of International Management: Global Leadership
Development: An Emerging Need 34
Foundation for Leadership 36
The Manager-Leader Paradigm 36
Philosophical Background: Theories X, Y, and Z 38
Leadership Behaviors and Styles 41
The Managerial Grid Performance: A Japanese Perspective
Leadership in the International Context 45
Attitudes of European Managers toward Leadership
Practices 45
Japanese Leadership Approaches 47
Differences between Japanese and U.S. Leadership Styles
Leadership in China 50
Leadership in the Middle East 51
Leadership Approaches in India 51
Leadership Approaches in Latin America 52
Recent Findings and Insights about Leadership 53
Transformational, Transactional, and Charismatic Leadership
Qualities for Successful Leaders 55
Culture Cluste



the past few years a growing amount of attention has been focused on leadership
in China. In particular, international researchers are interested in learning
if the country’s economic progress is creating a new cadre of leaders whose
styles are different from the styles of leaders of the past. In one of the most
comprehensive studies to date, Ralston and his colleagues found that, indeed, a
new generation of Chinese leaders is emerging and they are somewhat different
from past leaders in work values.
researchers gathered data from a large number of managers and professionals ( n =869) who were about to take part in
management development programs. These individuals were part of what the
researchers called the “New Generation” of Chinese organizational leaders. The researchers
wanted to determine if this new generation of managers had the same work values
as those of the “Current Generation” and “Older
groups. In their investigation, the researchers focused their attention on the importance
that the respondents assigned to three areas: individualism, collectivism, and Confucianism.
Individualism was measured by the importance assigned to self-sufficiency and
personal accomplishments. Collectivism was measured by the person’s willingness
to subordinate personal goals to those of the work group with an emphasis on
sharing and group harmony. Confucianism was measured by the importance the
respondent assigned to societal harmony, virtuous interpersonal behavior, and
personal and interpersonal harmony.


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