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    Topic One English Study

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 Paper Dictionary vs Electronic Dictionary

    Dialogue 2 M a Speech

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One Reading Is the Most Important Way to Learn English

    Picture Two How to Read and What to Read?

    Picture Three Active Listening and Note-t

    Part Four: Related Passages

    Topic Two Hobbies..

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 What Is Your Hobby?

    Dialogue 2 So Many Hobbies

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One Hobby

    Picture Two Yoga

    Picture Three Skin Diving

    Part Four: Related Passages

    Topic Three Friendship.

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 Help Needed

    Dialogue 2 Bumping into an Old Pal

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One A True Friend

    Picture Two Friendship Forever

    Picture Three On M Friends

    Part Four: Related Passages

    Topic Four Relations Between the Young and Their Parents

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 Different Ages Have Different Tastes

    Dialogue 2 Saving for the Rainy Day

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One China's Population

    Picture Two Not All Younger Generation Problems Are Negative

    Picture Three China's One-child Policy Burdens Younger Generation

    Part Four: Related Passages

    Topic Five Animals and Pets

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 Pets Are Great

    Dialogue 2 Pandas Are Cute

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One Pets Are Good for You

    Picture Two Do Animals Communicate?

    Picture Three Animal Rights vs Human Health

    Part Four: Related Passages

    Topic Six Food

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 What Do You Have for Breakfast and Lunch?

    Dialogue 2 Western-style Food

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One Food and Health

    Picture Two Men and Women Differ in Their Eating Habits

    Picture Three Western Fast Food Is Popular in China

    Part Four: Related Passages

    Topic Seven Energy

    Part One: Dialogues

    Dialogue 1 Solar Energy

    Dialogue 2 Energy Crisis

    Part Two: Related Questions with Suggested Answers

    Part Three: Related Pictures with Suggested Descriptions

    Picture One Geothermal Energy

    Picture Two Nuclear Energy


    Topic One English Study
    Part One: Dialogues
    Dialogue 1 Paper Dictionary vs Electronic Dictionary
    (Jack is on his way to the university library carrying hisdictionary.
    Jack: Why do you always carry such a thick dictionary with you,awa dictionary?
    Mike: It’s my friend.
    Jack: Why not get an electronic one? It’s lighter.
    Mike: You’re right.Compared with paper dictionary,an electronic oneis portable.But I’m used
    to finding words in a paper dictionary.
    Jack: What’s the difference between a paper dictionary and anelectronic one? I don’t have a
    paper dictionary.
    Mike: You get the word definition from the electronic one.That’sall.
    Jack: That’s what we want.
    Mike: No,actually what we need is far more than a list ofmeanings.In different contexts,or
    different collocations,the meaning of a word varies,althoughslightly.A paper dictionary
    usually provides us with a complete list of meanings andcorresponding examples.We
    read these examples and find out how the word is used in differentcontexts.With a
    simple list of meanings in an electronic dictionary,the usage of aword is not clear.Let’s
    take the word “adapt??as an example.What does your electronicdictionary tell you for
    the meaning?
    Jack: (Takes out his electronic dictionary,and punches thekeys).Here we go,it means ??改編??br />適用??
    Mike: Does it tell you how “adapt??is used in differentcollocations?
    Jack: No.
    Mike: That’s the difference.“Adapt??means “modify??when it is usedin the collocation “adapt
    sth.??(for sth.),whereas in the collocation “adapt to sth.??itmeans “become adjusted to
    new conditions.??br />Jack: You’ve got your point across.I see the reason why you alwayshave a good mastery of
    Speak This Way—Oral English from a New Perspective(II??br />Mike: Besides,the paper dictionary offers other things such asEnglish meanings,word classes,
    synonyms and antonyms.
    Jack: The electronic dictionary has an obvious advantage.It can“talk??Every word is
    pronounced.And it’s useful for learners to know how to pronounceevery word.Learners
    can learn to pronounce difficult words such as bourgeois,fiancéeand psychologist.
    Mike: (Smiling) That is why your pronunciation is so good.
    Dialogue 2 M a Speech
    (Alice has taken part in the university’s speech contest.She isa Natalie,last year’s
    champion,for advice.)
    Alice: Hi,Natalie,I am a sophomore at the college of computerscience.
    Natalie: Hey,nice to meet you.What can I do for you?
    Alice: This year,I’ve entered the university’s speech contest.But Ihave no experience in m
    speeches.Last year,you gave a wonderful speech in the speechcontest and everyone was
    impressed.So,I am wondering if you could give me some advice andsuggestions.
    Natalie: Oh,you are flattering me.Thank you.I think,first ofall,you have to be fully prepared.
    Alice: And how do I go about this?
    Natalie: Do some research on the topic you are going to make aspe

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