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    Part Ⅰ Pioneering
    Kingsley Amis
    from Lucky jim
    Jack Kerouac
    from On the Road
    Williams S. Burroughs
    Cross the Wounded Galaxies (from The Soft Machine)
    Samuel Beckett
    from Watt
    Vladimir Nabokov
    from Pale Fire
    Joseph Heller
    from Catch-22
    Flann O'Brien
    from At Swim-Two-Birds

    Part Ⅱ "Make It Strange"
    Raymond Federman
    John Fowles
    from The French Lieutenant's Woman
    John Barth
    Lost in the Funhouse
    B.S Johnson
    Broad Thoughts from a Home
    Ronald Sukenick
    The Birds
    William H. Gass
    In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
    Robert Coover
    The Babysitter
    Toni Morrison
    from Beloved
    Don DeLillo
    from White Noise
    Ishmael Reed
    from Mumbo Jumbo

    Part Ⅲ "Anything Goes"
    Donald Barthelme
    from Snow White
    Angela Carter
    from The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories
    Kathy Acker
    from Great Expectations
    Ursula Le Guin
    from The Left Hand of Darkness
    William Gibson
    from Neuroman.cer
    Thomas Pynchon
    from The Crying of Lot 49
    Paul Auster
    from City of Glass
    E.L. Doctorow
    from Welcome to Hard Times
    William Gaddis
    from Ca7penter's Gothic


    Watt's room contained no information. It was a small, dingy, and, though Watt was a man of some bodily cleanliness, fetid compartment. Its one window commanded a very fine view of a racecourse. The painting, or coloured reproduction, yielded nothing further. On the contrary, as time passed, its significance diminished.
    From Mr. Knott's voice nothing was to be learnt. Between Mr. Knott and Watt no conversation passed. From time to time, for no apparent reason, Mr. Knott opened his mouth in song. From bass to tenor, all male registers were employed by him, with equal success. He did not sing well, in Watt's opinion, but Watt had heard worse singers. The music of these songs was of an extreme monotony. For the voice, save for an occasional raucous sally, both up and down, to the extent of a tenth, or even an eleventh, did not leave the pitch at which, having elected to begin, it seemed obliged to remain, and finally to end. The words of these songs were either without meaning, or derived from an idiom with which Watt, a very fair linguist, had no acquaintance. The open sound was predominant, and the explosives k and g. Mr. Knott talked often to himself too, with great variety and vehemence of intonation and gesticulation, but this so softly that it came, a wild dim chatter, meaningless to Watt's ailing ears. This was a noise of which Watt grew exceedingly fond. Not that he was sorry when it ceased, not that he was glad when it came again, no. But while it sounded he was gladdened, as by the rain on the bamboos, or even rushes, as by the land against the waves, doomed to cease, doomed to come again. Knott was also addicted to solitary dactylic ejaculations of extraordinary vigour, accompanied by spasms of the members. The chief of these were: Exelmans! Cavendish ! Habbakuk ! Ecchymose!`
    With regard to the so important matter of Mr. Knott's physical appearance, Watt had unfortunately little or nothing to say. For one day Mr. Knott would be tall, fat, pale and dark, and the next thin, small, flushed and fair, and the next sturdy, middlesized, yellow and ginger, and the next small, fat, pale and fair, and the next middlesized, flushed, thin and ginger, and the next tall, yellow, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, middlesized, ginger and pale, and the next tall, thin, dark and flushed, and the next small, fair, sturdy and yellow, and the next tall, ginger, pale and fat, and the next thin, flushed, small and dark, and the next fair, sturdy, middlesized and yellow, and the next dark, small, fat and pale, and the next fair, middlezised, flushed and thin, and the next sturdy, ginger, tall. and yellow, and the next pale, fat, middlezissed and fair, and the next flushed, tall, thin and ginger, and the next yellow, small, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, flushed, ginger and tall, and the next dark, thin, yellow and small, and the next fair, pale, sturdy and middlesized, and the next dark, flushed, small and fat, and the next thin, fair, yellow and middlesized, and the next pale, sturdy, ginger and tall, and next flushed, fair, fat and middlezised, and the next yellow, ginger, taU and thin, and the next sturdy, small, pale and dark, and the next tall, fat, yellow and fair, and the next small, pale, thin and ginger, and the next middlesized, flushed, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, smaU, ginger and yellow, and the next middlesized, thin, dark and pale, and the next tall, fair, sturdy and flushed, and the next middlesized, dark, yellow and fat, and next thin, pale, tall and fair, and the next ginger, sturdy, small and flushed, and the next dark, tall, fat and yellow, and the next fair, small, pale and thin, and the next sturdy, ginger, middlesized and flushed, and the next yellow, fat, small and fair, and the next pale, middlesized, thin and ginger, and the next flushed, tall, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, yellow, ginger and middleisized, and the next dark, thin, pale and tall, and the next fair, flushed, sturdy and small, and the next ginger, yellow, tall and fat, and the next thin, dark, pale and small, and the next flushed, sturdy, fair and middlesized, and the next yellow, dark, fat and small, and the next pale, fair, middlesized and thin, and the next sturdy, tall, flushed and ginger, and the next middlesized, fat, yellow and fair, and the next tall, pale, thin and ginger, and the next small, flushed, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, tall, fair and pale, and the next small, thin, ginger and flushed, and the next middlesized, dark, sturdy and yellow, and the next small, ginger, pale and fat, and the next thin, flushed, middleisized and dark, and the next fair, sturdy, tall and yellow, and the next dark, middlesized, fat and pale, and the next fair, tall, flushed and thin, and the next sturdy, ginger, small and yellow, and the next flushed, fat, tall and fair, and the next yellow, small, thin and ginger, and the next pale, middlesized, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, flushed, ginger and small, and the next dark, thin, yellow and middleisized, and the next fair, pale, sturdy and tall, and the next dark, flushed, middlesized and fat, and the next thin, fair, yellow and tall, and the next pale, sturdy, ginger and small, and the next flushed, dark, fat and tall, and the next yellow, fair, small and thin, and the next sturdy, middlesized, pale and ginger, and the next small, fat, flushed and fair, and the next middleisized, yellow, thin and ginger, and the next tall, pale, dark and sturdy, and the next fat, middlesized, ginger and flushed, and the next tall, thin, dark and yellow, and the next small, fair, sturdy and pale, or so it seemed to Watt, to mention only the figure, stature, skin and hair.

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