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  • 新世紀高等院校英語專業本科生繫列教材:聽說教程(第4冊)(教
    該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 上海外語教育出版社
    【作者】 劉紹龍孫生茂 
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    本聽說教程共有四冊,每冊配有教師用書和錄音,可供英語學習者兩年之用。四冊題材各不相同,按照從易至難的原則逐冊編排。每冊包括1,編撰理念和體繫基本相同。策略提示(即Skills Development)主要集中在一、二冊,第三、第四冊雖不再提示,但相關訓練仍體現在各類聽力練習和口語活動中。本套基本由三大部分組成:1.Getting Ready(熱身準備),2.Listening&Speaking(聽與說),3.Additional Activifies(補充練習)課堂教學進度大約為四學時,具體安排須依各校實際情況或學生的實際水平而定。教師可根據學生的知識水平和英語程度對其中的口語熱身(Warm-up speaking)、口語實踐(Extended Speaking)、語言跟蹤(Language Follow-up)和補充活動(Additional Actiivities)中的內容作適當調整或補充。 每冊所配的教師用書共由六部分組成:教學焦點;教學提示相關背景信息重點詞彙與表達答案錄音文字。這些內容為使用《新世紀高等院校英語專業本科生繫列教材:聽說教程(第4冊)(教師用書)》的教師提供了每冊的教學目標、教學步驟、相關背景知識、重點詞/難詞與習慣表達等,教師備課盡可參考使用並將其中的一些思想、知識付諸於日常教學實踐。


    Unit 1 Ball Games
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 2 Employment and Unemployment
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 3 World Population
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 4 International Relations
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 5 Science Reports
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 6 Get Close to America
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 7 Get Close to Britain
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 8 Globaligation
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 9 Clone
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 10 E-Business
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 11 Wars in Peace
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 12 Historic Figures
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 13 Education Alroad
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 14 Music World
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 15 Development Reports
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 16 Outer Space
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 17 Mass Media
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

    Unit 18 Competition and Cooperation
    Ⅰ Focus of Teaching
    Ⅱ Teaching Notes
    Ⅲ Topic-Related Background Information
    Ⅳ Key Words and Expressions
    Ⅴ Keys to the Exercises
    Getting Ready
    Listening & Speaking
    Language Follow-Up
    Additional Activities
    Ⅵ Tapescripts

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