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英語學科教育學 [English Subject Educology]
該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 外語教學與研究出版社
【作者】 秦傑田金平 
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Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of English Language Educology
1 Introduction to English language educology
2 The study of education and its relation to language educology
3 Language acquisition/learning theories
4 A brief survey of English teaching models

Chapter 2 Survey of the History of English Teaching
1 Main schools of English teaching in history
2 Development of English teaching in China
3 Current trends in English teaching
4 A study on task-based language teaching

Chapter 3 English Syllabus Evaluation and Design
1 Definition of syllabus
2 Importance of syllabus
3 Different types of syllabi
4 Guidelines to syllabus choice/design
5 Evolution of English syllabi in China

Chapter 4 Teaching of Different Language Skills
1 Teaching of listening
2 Teaching of speaking
3 Teaching of reading
4 Teaching of writing
5 Teaching of grammar and vocabulary

Chapter 5 Learners’Variables in English Teaching
1 Personal differences
2 Affective domain
3 Cognitive styles
4 Learning strategies
5 Learning motivation

Chapter 6 Cultural Awareness and English Language Teaching
1 Relationship between culture and language
2 Culture in foreign language teaching
3 Instructional strategies for teaching culture
4 Problems faced by Chinese learners in English
culture learning and recommendations

Chapter 7 Classroom Practice
1 Lesson plan
2 Classroom management
3 Reflection and evaluation

Chapter 8 English Testing
1 Ways of assessing students
2 Testing systems
3 Relationship between language teaching and testing
4 Suggestions on testing
5 Web-based language testing

Chapter 9 Teacher Training in English Language Teaching
1 Good teachers and good teaching
2 Teacher training approaches


In the past decades, a great deal of attention has been paid to the particular language elements that are included in a syllabus and to the organizational system according to which they are presented.Discussions have typically considered the trade-offs, advantages, and disadvantages of the major syllabus types: the structural-grammatical syllabus, the semantic-notional syllabus, the functional syllabus and
the situational syllabus (Dubin & Olshtain, 1986).
In this section, we briefly introduce eight types of syllabi. It must be pointed out that although the different types of language teaching syllabi are treated here as though each occurred “purely”, in practice,they rarely occur independently of each other. Almost all actual language teaching syllabi are combinations of two or more of the types defined here. For a given course, one type of syllabus usually dominates, while other types of content may be combined with it.
Furthermore, different types of syllabi are not entirely distinct from each other. For example, the distinction between skill-based and task-based syllabi may be minimal. In such cases, the distinguishing factor
is often the way in which the instructional content is used in the actual teaching procedure.3.1.1 A structural (formal) syllabus
Based on Behaviorist Psychology and Structural Linguistics,the structural, grammatical or linguistic syllabus is centered round grammatical items. The content of language teaching is a collection of the forms and structures of the language being taught. Examples include nouns, verbs, adjectives, statements, questions, subordinate clauses, tenses, articles, and so on.
For many years, language teachers, syllabus designers and testers tend to think in terms of units of language. They also tend to think of these units as being organized in some way, with similar language bits being grouped together, on the grounds that a well-marshaled inventory will be more comprehensible to the learner than an unorgaruzed list (Palmer, 1974).
As a whole, structural syllabus designers tend to list things which can be easily systematized. According to the advocators of formal syllabi, the notion of grammatical analysis does not seem incomprehensible or absurd-even students can often identify verbs, nouns and so forth-and grammatical description gives thye impression that it is accurate, and factual. Having learnt paradigms and pattern sentences, learners are in a position to use this knowledge to generate their own sentences to express their own meanings.Although under what conditions this actually happens is another matter, structural syllabus has been a very popular one in foreign language teaching. Even today we can see its presence in many English textbooks in China.

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