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    適讀人群 :學生,教師,職場人士,一般讀者







    Unit 1 Globalization ...........................................................................1
    Text A Outsourcing Innovation ...............................................................3
    Text B Building Your Company’s Capabilities Through
    Global Expansion .......................................................................10

    Unit 2 Cross-cultural Communication in Business ......................18
    Text A Cultural Intelligence ...................................................................20
    Text B The Concept of Framing in Cross-cultural Communication …..28

    Unit 3 Competition ............................................................................36
    Text A Competing in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing ......................38
    Text B (Still) Made in Japan ...................................................................45

    Unit 4 E-commerce ...........................................................................53
    Text A What Matters Most in Internet Retailing ....................................55
    Text B Amazon’s Wholesale Slaughter ..................................................63

    Unit 5 Trade
    Text A From Singapore to the World .....................................................72
    Text B One-Stop Solution ......................................................................80

    Unit 6 Financial Institutions ...............................................................88
    Text A Introduction: Types of Financial Institutions and
    Their Roles .................................................................................90
    Text B The IMF and the World Bank: How Do They Differ? ...............99

    Unit 7 Emerging Markets ..................................................................106
    Text A Mobilizing for Growth in Emerging Markets ..............


    1 The human actions, gestures, and speech pattems a person encounters in a foreign business setting are subject to a wide range of interpretations, including ones that can make misunderstandings likely and cooperation impossible. But occasionally an outsider'has a seemingly natural ability to interpret someone's unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in just the way that person's compatriots and colleagues would, even to mirror them. We call that cultural intelligence or CQ. In a world where crossing boundaries is routine, CQ becomes a vitally important aptitude and skill, and not just for intemational bankers and borrowers.
    2 Companies have cultures, often very distinctive; anyone who joins a new company spends the first few weeks deciphering its cultural code. Within any large company there are sparring subcultures as well: The sales force can't talk to the engineers, and the PR people lose patience with the lawyers. Departments, divisions, professions, geograplucal regions-each has a constellation ofmanners, meanings, histories, and values that will confuse the interloper and cause him to stumble. Unless, that is, he has a high CQ.
    3 Cultural intelligence is related to emotional intelligence, but it picks up where emotional intelligence leaves off. A person with high emotional intelligence grasps what makes us human and at the same time what makes each ofus different from one another. A person with high cultural intelligence can somehow tease out of a person's or group's behavior those features that would be true of all people and all groups, those peculiar to this person or this group, and those that are neither universal nor idiosyncratic. The vast realm that lies between those two poles is culture.
    The Three Sources of Cultural Intelligence
    4 There are three components of cultural intelligence: the cognitive; the physical; and the emotional/motivational. Cultural intelligence resides in the body and the heart,.as well as the head. Although most managers are not equally strong in all three areas, each faculty is seriously hampered without the other two.
    5 Head. Rote learning about the beliefs, customs, and taboos of foreign cultures, the approach corporate training programs tend to favor, will never prepare a person for every situation that arises, nor will it prevent terrible gaffes. However, inquiring about the meaning of some custom will often prove unavailing because natives may be reticent about explaining themselves to strangers, or they may have little practice looking at their own culture analytically.
    6 Instead, a newcomer needs to devise what we call learning strategies. Although most people find it difficult to discover a point of entry into alien cultures, whose very coherence can make them seem like separate, parallel worlds, an individual with high cognitive CQ notices clues to a culture's shared understandings. These can appear in any form and any context but somehow indicate a line ofinterpretation worth pursuing.
    7 Body. You will not disarm your foreign hosts, guests, or colleagues simply by showing you understand their culture; your actions and demeanor must prove that you have already to some extent entered their world. Whether it's the way you shake hands or order a coffee,evidence of an ability to mirror the customs and gestures of the people around you will prove that you esteem them well enough to want to be like them. By adopting people's habits and mannerisms, you eventually come to understand in the most elemental way what it is like to be them. They, in turn, become more trusting and open. University of Michigan professor Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks's research on cultural barriers in business found that job candidates who adopted some of the mannerisms of recnuters with cultural backgrounds different from their own were more likely to be made an offer.
    8 This won't happen if a person suffers from a deep-seated reservation about the called-for behavior or lacks the physical poise to pull it off. Henri, a French manager at Aegis, a media corporation, followed the national custom of greeting his female clients with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. Although Melanie, a Bntish aerospace manager, understood that in France such familiarity was de rigueur in a professional setting, she couldn't suppress her discomfort when it happened to her, and she recoiled. Inability to receive and reciprocate gestures that are culturally characteristic reflects a low level of cultural intelligence's physical component.
    9 Heart. Adapting to a new culture involves overcoming obstacles and setbacks. People can do that only if they believe in their own efficacy. If they persevered in the face of challenging situations in the past, their confidence grew. Confidence is always rooted in mastery of a particular task or set ofcircumstances.

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