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  • 孔子的智慧:邁向全球化領導之路 [Confucius'Wisdom]
    該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 外語教學與研究出版社
    【作者】 石滋宜何敦博 
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    適讀人群 :職場人士,一般讀者




    There are two important Confucian terms, Ren (仁) and Junzi(君子), which are not readily translated into English. Rather than provide atranslation which does not capture the Chinese meaning in its entirety,the phonetic transcriptions or pinyin of those terms have been used andexplanations of their meanings are listed below:
    “Ren” (仁) has traditionally been translated as “benevolent”. However,the meaning of Ren is broader than that of benevolence. It embodiesbenevolence, goodness, kindness, love, humanity, justice, motive andphilanthropy. It is the highest of the Confucian values. A Ren person refersto a person who has the quality of Ren. Literal definition of “Ren” in Chinesemeans how people interact with one another with benevolence and respect.
    “Junzi”(君子) has been translated in various ways, including“gentleman”, “scholar”, “superior person” and “noble man”. But a ]unzi isnot limited to a person of good manners, position or influence, or learning.The key quality of a Junzi is moral fiber. A Junzi should follow high moralstandards and set a good moral example for others.





    Author’s Preface 7
    Foreword 14
    Why Confucius Would Be Delighted with Dr. Shih’s Book:
    Confucius’ Wisdom 16
    PART 1 Character Building and Attitude
    – Make a Success of Your Life 1
    Chapter 1 Associate with Wise People 3
    Chapter 2 Be Genuine, Practice What You Preach 8
    Chapter 3 Whether What You Do Is Outstanding
    Depends on You 14
    Chapter 4 Nine Guidelines for Thought 22
    Chapter 5 Operating Manual for Life 27
    Chapter 6 Attitude Determines Everything 32
    Chapter 7 Three Common Mistakes in Communicating 37
    Chapter 8 What You Should and Should Not Do 40
    Chapter 9 The Art of Leadership 44
    Chapter 10 How Full Is Your Bucket? 48
    PART 2 Leadership and Training
    – Make Others and Yourself Successful 53
    Chapter 11 Be Trustworthy 55
    Chapter 12 What Makes a Successful Leader 61
    Chapter 13 Four Nos 65
    Chapter 14 The Courage to Admit You’re Wrong 68
    Chapter 15 The Art of Recruiting and Making the
    Most of People 74
    Chapter 16 Seek to Be Good, but Even More Importantly
    Seek Ability 78
    Chapter 17 Ability to Think Independently 82
    Chapter 18 Know Yourself and Others 87
    Chapter 19 Handle Things According to Their Priority 91
    Chapter 20 Ask the Right Question to Get the
    Right Answer 95
    Chapter 21 A Perfect Superior-subordinate Relationship 98
    Chapter 22 Dialogue with Colleagues Creates Positive
    Energy 105
    PART 3 Operating and Managing a Business
    – Sustainability 109
    Chapter 23 Build a Corporate Culture That Benefits Others 111
    Chapter 24 Earning Customers’ Trust 116
    Chapter 25 Respect Heaven, Love Mankind 121
    Chapter 26 Firmly Uphold Justice 127
    Chapter 27 Running a Business – The Ultimate Level 131
    Chapter 28 Customer First 135
    Chapter 29 Constant Improvement 139
    Chapter 30 Choose the Right People 144
    Chapter 31 Start from Ren 151
    Chapter 32 Find the Root of the Problem 155
    Chapter 33 Novel Thinking Is the Source of Everything 159
    Chapter 34 Ve



    bachelor degrees aside and, relying instead on my education at Taipei Institute of Technology, at last found a job as a QC inspector at Dunham Bush Canada.
    After I had worked for a few days, our machine shop foreman kindly asked whether I wanted to take on a second job paid by the hour.That was around mid—November, approaching Christmas.We worked at Sears tidying and sorting out returned goods.We could make about US$50 a week (US$5 or $6 per hour).However, as it was an evening job, I couldn't take my children to the library, so I bought them a set of Childcraft (encyclopedia) to read at home.
    I did this second job at Sears for 3 months until I was promoted to deputy plant manager.


    Author's Preface
    The Analects of Confucius(《論語》)- Priceless Management Wisdom
    When I visited Japan in 2006, I read an article by the formerchairman of the Japan Business Federation (and former chairman ofToyota Motor Corporation) Mr. Hiroshi Okuda, saying that the Firstthing any great leader must do in the 21st century is to study TheAnalects of Confucius thoroughly.
    I must admit I was very dubious at the time. My image ofConfucius was still that of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, with itsslogan of “Down with Confucius and his followers” and destruction ofthe statue of Confucius at Peking University. In almost everyone's mind,Confucianism was equivalent to a rotten imperialist school of thought,the exact opposite of the modern ideological trend of democracy, scienceand liberty
    But I held Mr. Okuda in the highest regard. He definitely musthave had his reasons for what he said. Out of curiosity, as I was in Japan,I bought myself a Japanese translation of The Analects. To my surprise,that sage who had been considered by everyone to be a relic of the pastopened a new chapter in my life.
    At the age of 69, I had my first real encounter with Confucius. Forsomeone like me not trained in the Chinese classics, reading the ancientConfucian texts was very difficult. I purchased and collected numeroustranslations of The Analects, both in Japanese and modern Chineselanguage, studying them in depth. The more I came to understand TheAnalects, the more ashamed I became because I realized that some of thelater generations of Chinese had grossly misunderstood China's greatestteacher, whereas Confucian thought had directly influenced neighboringJapan.
    The Japanese applied Confucianism to everyday life. WhenConfucianism was first introduced into Japan over 400 years ago, only thesamurai had an opportunity to study it. They converted the concepts ofRen and loyalty into bushido, the samurai code of chivalry. The Anal-ectswas subsequently spread among the Japanese as a whole, becoming part ofthe most popular novels, plays, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, etc. withthe result that much ofjapanese culture has derived from The Analects. TheJapanese also have great respect for Confucian ceremony For these reasons,I could understand why Mr. Okuda openly told modern leaders that theyhave to study The Analects well.


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