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  • 國際金融(英文版·原書第5版)
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    【作者】 邁克爾·H莫菲特 
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    *一部分 國際金融環境
    *1章 跨國公司財務管理:機遇與挑戰 2
    1.1 金融全球化及風險 3
    1.2 全球金融市場 4
    1.3 比較優勢理論 9
    1.4 國際財務管理有何不同 11
    1.5 市場缺陷:跨國公司存在的理論闡述 12
    1.6 全球化進程 13
    本章小結 17
    案例研究 17
    思考題 20
    練習題 20
    *2章 國際貨幣體繫 23
    2.1 國際貨幣體繫的歷史 23
    2.2 國際貨幣基金組織貨幣制度分類 28
    2.3 固定彙率vs.浮動彙率 34
    2.4 歐洲單一貨 36
    2.5 新興市場和制度選擇 38
    2.6 人民幣的全球化 42
    2.7 彙率機制:未來是什麼 45
    本章小結 46
    案例研究 46
    思考題 48
    練習題 49
    第3章 國際收支平衡 51
    3.1 典型的國際收支交易 52
    3.2 國際收支會計的基本原理 52
    3.3 國際收支平衡表賬戶 54
    3.4 國際收支平衡對關鍵宏觀經濟變量的影響 62
    3.5 貿易平衡與彙率 64
    3.6 資本流動 67
    本章小結 72
    案例研究 72
    思考題 74
    練習題 75
    第4章 財務目標和公司治理 79
    4.1 誰擁有企業 80
    4.2 管理層的目標 83
    4.3 公開交易與私有化:全球轉變 88
    4.4 公司治理 90
    本章小結 98
    案例研究 98
    思考題 103
    練習題 103
    *二部分 外彙理論與外彙市場
    第5章 外彙市場 108
    5.1 外彙市場的職能 109
    5.2 外彙市場的結構 109
    5.3 外彙市場交易 114
    5.4 外彙市場的規模 116
    5.5 外彙彙率和報價 119
    本章小結 129
    案例研究 129
    思考題 133
    練習題 133
    第6章 利率平價條件 137
    6.1 價格和彙率 138
    6.2 利率和彙率 145
    6.3 遠期彙率可作為未來即期彙率的無偏估計 153
    6.4 均衡時的價格、利率和彙率 155
    本章小結 156
    案例研究 157
    思考題 159
    練習題 159
    附錄6A 國際平價條件的數學入門 164
    第7章 外彙衍生品及互換 168
    7.1 外彙期貨 169
    7.2 貨幣期權 171
    7.3 期權定價和價值 179
    7.4 利率風險 181
    7.5 利率衍生品 183
    本章小結 187
    案例研究 188
    思考題 189
    練習題 190
    第8章 外彙彙率決定 195
    8.1 彙率決定:理論思路 196
    8.2 貨幣市場干預 200
    8.3 不均衡:新興市場的彙率 205
    8.4 實際預測 212
    本章小結 216
    案例研究 217
    思考題 219
    練習題 219
    第三部分 外彙交易
    第9章 交易風險 224
    9.1 外彙風險類型 224
    9.2 為什麼要套期保值 225
    9.3 交易風險管理:泰鼎公司案例 230
    9.4 風險控制實務 238
    本章小結 239
    案例研究 240
    思考題 244
    練習題 244
    *10章 折算風險 250
    10.1 折算概覽 250
    10.2 折算方法 252
    10.3 泰鼎公司的折算風險 254
    10.4 管理折算風險 259
    本章小結 261
    案例研究 261
    思考題 264
    練習題 265
    *11章 經營風險 267
    11.1 跨國公司的經營風險 267
    11.2 測量經營風險:泰鼎 272
    11.3 經營風險的戰略管理 277
    11.4 經營風險的主動管理 279
    本章小結 284
    案例研究 285
    思考題 287
    練習題 288
    第四部分 公司全球化融資
    *12章 全球視角下資本成本及其易得性 292
    12.1 金融全球化及其策略 292
    12.2 國際投資組合理論和分散化 295
    12.3 境外證券的需求:全球證券投資者的作用 301
    12.4 跨國公司和本土企業資本成本比較 306
    12.5 解謎:跨國公司資本成本是否比國內同行高 307
    本章小結 309
    案例研究 310
    思考題 313
    練習題 314
    *13章 全球籌集股權和債務 318
    13.1 設計獲取全球資本戰略 319
    13.2 *優財務結構 320
    13.3 *優財務結構與跨國企業 321
    13.4 在全球範圍內募集股權 323
    13.5 存托憑證 327
    13.6 私募 333
    13.7 外國上市與發行股票 334
    13.8 全球債權融資 337
    本章小結 342
    案例研究 343
    思考題 346
    練習題 347
    附錄13A 外國子公司的財務結構 350
    *14章 跨國公司稅收管理 353
    14.1 稅收原則 354
    14.2 轉移定價 361
    14.3 泰鼎公司的稅收管理 364
    14.4 避稅港子公司和國際離岸金融中心 365
    本章小結 367
    案例研究 368
    思考題 370
    練習題 370
    *15章 國際貿易融資 373
    15.1 貿易關繫 373
    15.2 單證體繫的好處 376
    15.3 關鍵單證 378
    15.4 典型貿易中的單證 383
    15.5 幫助出口融資的政府計劃 385
    15.6 貿易融資方案 386
    15.7 福費廷:中長期融資 389
    本章小結 391
    案例研究 392
    思考題 395
    練習題 395
    第五部分 國際投資決策
    *16章 對外直接投資和政治風險 400
    16.1 保持並轉移競爭優勢 400
    16.2 OLI範式和國際化 403
    16.3 投資地點的確定 404
    16.4 國外投資模式 406
    16.5 評估政治風險 410
    16.6 公司層面特有政治風險:治理風險 412
    16.7 國家層面特有風險:轉移風險 416
    16.8 國家層面特有風險:文化與制度風險 419
    16.9 全球層面特有風險 421
    本章小結 425
    案例研究 426
    思考題 428
    *17章 國際資本預算和跨國收購 430
    17.1 國際項目預算的復雜性 431
    17.2 項目視角與母公司視角的估值 432
    17.3 說明性案例:西麥斯進軍印度尼西亞 433
    17.4 項目融資 446
    17.5 跨國兼並和跨國收購 448
    本章小結 453
    案例研究 454
    思考題 458
    練習題 459
    部分練習題參考答案 463
    世界貨幣表 465
    Part 1 Global Financial environment 1
    Chapter 1 Multinational Financial Management: Opportunities and Challenges 2
    Financial Globalization and Risk 3
    The Global Financial Marketplace 4
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe The Trouble with Libor 5
    The Theory of Comparative Advantage 9
    What Is Different about International Financial Management 11
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Corporate responsibility and Corporate Sustainability 12
    Market Imperfections: A Rationale for the Existence of the Multinational Firm 12
    The Globalization Process 13
    Summary Points 17
    Mini-Case bitcoin—Cryptocurrency or Commodity 17
    Questions 20
    Problems 20
    Internet Exercises 21
    Chapter 2 the international Monetary system 23
    History of the International Monetary System 23
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Hammering out an Agreement at bretton Woods 26
    IMF Classification of Currency Regimes 28
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Swiss National bank Sets Minimum Exchange rate for the Franc 33
    Fixed versus Flexible Exchange Rates 34
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Who is Choosing What in the Trinity/Trilemma 35
    A Single Currency for Europe: The Euro 36
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe The Euro and the Greek/EU Debt Crisis 37
    Emerging Markets and Regime Choices 38
    Globalizing the Chinese Renminbi 42
    Exchange Rate Regimes: What Lies Ahead 45
    Summary Points 46
    Mini-Case russian ruble roulette 46
    Questions 48
    Problems 49
    Internet Exercises 50
    Chapter 3 the balance of Payments 51
    Typical Balance of Payments Transactions 52
    Fundamentals of BOP Accounting 52
    The Accounts of the Balance of Payments 54
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe The Global Current Account Surplus 56
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe A Country’s Net international investment Position (NiiP) 58
    BOP Impacts on Key Macroeconomic Rates 62
    Trade Balances and Exchange Rates 64
    Capital Mobility 67
    Summary Points 72
    Mini-Case Global remittances 72
    Questions 74
    Problems 75
    Internet Exercises 78
    Chapter 4 Financial Goals and Corporate Governance 79
    Who Owns the Business 80
    The Goal of Management 83
    Publicly Traded versus Privately Held: The Global Shift 88
    Corporate Governance 90
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe italian Cross-Shareholding and the End of the Salatto Buono 94
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe is Good Governance Good business Globally 97
    Summary Points 98
    Mini-Case Luxury Wars—LVMH vs. Hermès 98Questions 103
    Problems 103Internet Exercises 106
    Part 2 Foreign exchange theory and markets 107
    Chapter 5 the Foreign exchange Market 108
    Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market 109
    Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market 109
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe FX Market Manipulation: Fixing the Fix 112
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe My First Day of Foreign Exchange Trading 113
    Transactions in the Foreign Exchange Market 114
    Size of the Foreign Exchange Market 116
    Foreign Exchange Rates and Quotations 119
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe russian Symbolism 120
    Summary Points 129
    Mini-Case The Venezuelan bolivar black Market 129
    Questions 133
    Problems 133
    Internet Exercises 136
    Chapter 6 international Parity Conditions 137
    Prices and Exchange Rates 138
    Interest Rates and Exchange Rates 145
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Hungarian Mortgages 152
    Forward Rate as an Unbiased Predictor of the Future Spot Rate 153
    Prices, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates in Equilibrium 155
    Summary Points 156
    Mini-Case Mrs. Watanabe and the Japanese Yen Carry Trade 157
    Questions 159
    Problems 159
    Internet Exercises 163
    Appendix: An Algebraic Primer to International Parity Conditions 164
    The Law of One Price 164
    Purchasing Power Parity 164
    Forward Rates 165
    Covered Interest Arbitrage (CIA) and Interest Rate Parity (IRP) 165
    Fisher Effect 166
    International Fisher Effect 166
    Chapter 7 Foreign Currency Derivatives and swaps 168
    Foreign Currency Futures 169
    Currency Options 171
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe The New Zealand Kiwi, Key, and Krieger 179
    Option Pricing and Valuation 179
    Interest Rate Risk 181
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe A Fixed-rate or Floating-rate World 182
    Interest Rate Derivatives 183
    Summary Points 187
    Mini-Case McDonald’s Corporation’s british Pound Exposure 188
    Questions 189
    Problems 190
    Internet Exercises 194
    Chapter 8 Foreign exchange rate Determination 195
    Exchange Rate Determination: The Theoretical Thread 196
    Currency Market Intervention 200
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe rules of Thumb for Effective intervention 204
    Disequilibrium: Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets 205
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Was George Soros to blame for the Asian Crisis 207
    Forecasting in Practice 212
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe JPMorgan Chase Forecast of the Dollar/Euro 214
    Summary Points 216
    Mini-Case The Japanese Yen intervention of 2010 217
    Questions 219Problems 219Internet Exercises 222
    Part 3 Foreign exchange exposure 223
    Chapter 9 transaction exposure 224
    Types of Foreign Exchange Exposure 224Why Hedge 225
    Transaction Exposure Management: The Case of Trident 230
    Risk Management in Practice 238
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Hedging and the German Automobile industry 238
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe The Credit Crisis and option Volatilities in 2009 239
    Summary Points 239
    Mini-Case banbury impex (india) 240
    Questions 244
    Problems 244
    Internet Exercises 249
    Chapter 10 translation exposure 250
    Overview of Translation 250
    Translation Methods 252
    Trident Corporation’s Translation Exposure 254
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Foreign Subsidiary Valuation 258
    Managing Translation Exposure 259
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe When business Dictates Hedging results 260
    Summary Points 261
    Mini-Case LaJolla Engineering Services 261
    Questions 264Problems 265
    Internet Exercises 266
    Chapter 11 Operating exposure 267
    A Multinational’s Operating Exposure 267
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Expecting the Devaluation—Ford and Venezuela 271
    Measuring Operating Exposure: Trident Germany 272
    Strategic Management of Operating Exposure 277
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Do Fixed Exchange rates increase Corporate Currency risk in Emerging Markets 278
    Proactive Management of Operating Exposure 279
    Summary Points 284
    Mini-Case Toyota’s European operating Exposure 285
    Questions 287Problems 288Internet Exercises 290
    Part 4 Financing the Global Firm 291
    Chapter 12 the Global Cost and availability of Capital 292
    Financial Globalization and Strategy 292
    International Portfolio Theory and Diversification 295
    The Demand for Foreign Securities: The Role of International Portfolio Investors 301
    The Cost of Capital for MNEs Compared to Domestic Firms 306
    The Riddle: Is the Cost of Capital Higher for MNEs 307
    Summary Points 309Mini-Case Novo industri A/S (Novo) 310
    Questions 313
    Problems 314
    Internet Exercises 316
    Chapter 13 raising equity and Debt Globally 318
    Designing a Strategy to Source Capital Globally 319
    Optimal Financial Structure 320Optimal Financial Structure and the MNE 321
    Raising Equity Globally 323
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe The Planned Directed Equity issue of PA resources of Sweden 327
    Depositary Receipts 327
    Private Placement 333
    Foreign Equity Listing and Issuance 334
    Raising Debt Globally 337
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe islamic Finance 341
    Summary Points 342
    Mini-Case Petrobrás of brazil and the Cost of Capital 343
    Questions 346Problems 347
    Internet Exercises 349
    Appendix: Financial Structure of Foreign Subsidiaries 350
    Local Norms 350
    Financing the Foreign Subsidiary 351
    Chapter 14 Multinational tax Management 353
    Tax Principles 354
    Transfer Pricing 361
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe offshore Profits and Dividend repatriation 361
    Tax Management at Trident 364
    Tax-Haven Subsidiaries and International Offshore Financial Centers 365
    Summary Points 367
    Mini-Case Google, Taxes, and “Do No Evil” 368
    Questions 370
    Problems 370
    Internet Exercises 372
    Chapter 15 international trade Finance 373
    The Trade Relationship 373
    Benefits of the System 376
    Key Documents 378
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Florence—The birthplace of Trade Financing 381
    Documentation in a Typical Trade Transaction 383
    Government Programs to Help Finance Exports 385
    Trade Financing Alternatives 386
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Factoring in Practice 388
    Forfaiting: Medium- and Long-Term Financing 389
    Summary Points 391
    Mini-Case Crosswell international and brazil 392
    Questions 395
    Problems 395
    Internet Exercises 398
    Part 5 Foreign Investment decisions 399
    Chapter 16 Foreign Direct investment and Political risk 400
    Sustaining and Transferring Competitive Advantage 400
    The OLI Paradigm and Internationalization 403
    Deciding Where to Invest 404
    Modes of Foreign Investment 406
    Predicting Political Risk 410
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Apache Takes a Hit from Egyptian Protests 412
    Firm-Specific Political Risk: Governance Risk 412
    Country-Specific Risk: Transfer Risk 416
    Country-Specific Risk: Cultural and Institutional Risk 419
    Global-Specific Risk 421
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Drugs, Public Policy, and the Death Penalty in 2011 422
    Summary Points 425
    Mini-Case Corporate Competition from the Emerging Markets 426
    Questions 428
    Internet Exercises 429
    Chapter 17 Multinational Capital budgeting and Cross-border acquisitions 430
    Complexities of Budgeting for a Foreign Project 431
    Project versus Parent Valuation 432
    Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia 433
    Project Financing 446
    Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions 448
    GlObal FinanCe in PraCtiCe Statoil of Norway’s Acquisition of Esso of Sweden 453
    Summary Points 453
    Mini-Case Elan and royalty Pharma 454
    Questions 458
    Problems 459
    Internet Exercises 462Answers 463
    ContentsCurrencies of the World 465

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