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  • 財務管理專業英語(第3版) 劉媛媛 致用.專業英語繫列教材
    該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 機械工業出版社
    【作者】 劉媛媛 
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    商品名稱:   財務管理專業英語(第3版)
    作者:   劉媛媛
    市場價:   30.00
    ISBN號:   9787111474999
    版次:   3-1
    出版日期:   2014-09
    出版社:   機械工業出版社




    TOPIC 1Introduction to Financial Management (1)
    財務管理概述 (1)
    新聞視聽News in Media 1
    名人名言Wisdom 1
    微型案例Mini Case 2
    概覽Overview 2
    正文Text 2
    1.1 Financial Management and Financial Manager 2
    1.2 Financial Management Decision 3
    1.3 Risk-Return Tradeoff 6
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 6
    即時問答Quick Quiz 7
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 7
    漢譯英Translation 7
    知識擴展More Knowledge 8
    相關*Useful Websites 10
    TOPIC 2Introduction to Financial Management (2)
    財務管理概述 (2)
    新聞視聽News in Media 11
    名人名言Wisdom 11
    微型案例Mini Case 12
    概覽Overview 12
    正文Text 12
    2.1 Types of Business Organization 12
    2.2 Corporate Structure of the Company 14
    2.3 Objectives of Financial Management 16
    2.4 Separation of Ownership and Control 18
    2.5 Agency Relationships 18
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 20
    即時問答Quick Quiz 21
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 22
    漢譯英Translation 22
    知識擴展More Knowledge 22
    相關*Useful Websites 28
    TOPIC 3Interpreting Financial Statements詮釋財務報表
    新聞視聽News in Media 29
    名人名言Wisdom 29
    微型案例Mini Case 29
    概覽Overview 30
    正文Text 30
    3.1 Basics of Annual Reports and Financial Statements 30
    3.2 Balance Sheet 32
    3.3 Income Statement 35
    3.4 Statement of Retained Earnings 37
    3.5 Statement of Cash Flow 38
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 41
    即時問答Quick Quiz 42
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 43
    漢譯英Translation 43
    知識擴展More Knowledge 43
    相關*Useful Websites 45
    TOPIC 4Financial Ratio Analysis財務比率分析
    新聞視聽News in Media 46
    名人名言Wisdom 46
    微型案例Mini Case 46
    概覽Overview 47
    正文Text 47
    4.1 Financial Ratio Analysis 47
    4.2 Liquidity Ratios 49
    4.3 Debt Management Ratios 51
    4.4 Asset Management Ratios 53
    4.5 Profitability Ratios 56
    4.6 Market Value Ratios 59
    4.7 Uses and Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis 60
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 61
    即時問答Quick Quiz 62
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 63
    漢譯英Translation 63
    知識擴展More Knowledge 63
    相關*Useful Websites 64
    TOPIC 5 Time Value of Money and Valuation貨幣時間
    新聞視聽News in Media 65
    名人名言Wisdom 65
    微型案例Mini Case 66
    概覽Overview 67
    正文Text 67
    5.1 Central Concepts in Financial Management 67
    5.2 Simple vs. Compound Interest Rates and Future vs. Present Value 68
    5.3 Annuity 69
    5.4 Valuation Fundamentals 73
    5.5 Bond Valuation 76
    5.6 Common Stock Valuation 79
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 83
    即時問答Quick Quiz 84
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 85
    漢譯英Translation 85
    知識擴展More Knowledge 85
    相關*Useful Websites 86
    TOPIC 6Risk and Return風險與收益
    新聞視聽News in Media 87
    名人名言Wisdom 87
    微型案例Mini Case 88
    概覽Overview 88
    正文Text 89
    6.1 Introduction to Risk and Return 89
    6.2 Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) 92
    6.3 Portfolio Theory 96
    6.4 Beta and Capital Asset Pricing Model 99
    6.5 Arbitrage Pricing Theory 101
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 102
    即時問答Quick Quiz 103
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 104
    漢譯英Translation 104
    知識擴展More Knowledge 104
    相關*Useful Websites 106
    TOPIC 7Capital Budgeting資本預算
    新聞視聽News in Media 107
    名人名言Wisdom 107
    微型案例Mini Case 107
    概覽Overview 108
    正文Text 108
    7.1 Capital Investment decisions 108
    7.2 Guidelines for Estimating Project Cash Flows 110
    7.3 Investment Rules 111
    7.4 Business Practice 113
    7.5 Analyzing Project Risk 114
    7.6 Project Selection with Resource
    Constrains 116
    7.7 Qualitative Factors and the Selection of Projects 117
    7.8 The Post-Audit 118
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 119
    即時問答Quick Quiz 119
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 119
    漢譯英Translation 120
    知識擴展More Knowledge 120
    相關*Useful Websites 120
    TOPIC 8Capital Market and Raising Funds資本市場與資金籌集
    新聞視聽News in Media 121
    名人名言Wisdom 121
    微型案例Mini Case 121
    概覽Overview 122
    正文Text 122
    8.1 Financial Markets 122
    8.2 Investment Banks 125
    8.3 The Decision to Go Public 126
    8.4 Cost of Capital Concept 128
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 130
    即時問答Quick Quiz 131
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 131
    漢譯英Translation 131
    知識擴展More Knowledge 132
    相關*Useful Websites 134
    TOPIC 9Capital Structure資本結構
    新聞視聽News in Media 135
    名人名言Wisdom 135
    微型案例Mini Case 135
    概覽Overview 136
    正文Text 136
    9.1 The Choices: Types of Financing 136
    9.2 The Financing Mix 140
    9.3 Understanding Financial Risk 141
    9.4 Capital Structure and the Value of a Firm 141
    9.5 Checklist for Capital Structure Decisions 146
    核心詞彙Core Words and Expressions 148
    即時問答Quick Quiz 149
    思考與探索Thinking and Exploration 150
    漢譯英Translation 150
    知識擴展More Knowledge 150
    相關*Useful Websites 152
    TOPIC 10Dividend Policy股利政策
    新聞視聽News in Media 153
    名人名言Wisdom 153
    微型案例Mini Case 154
    概覽Overview 155
    正文Text 155
    10.1 Dividends

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